
The enchanted cave

The level of noise is overwhelming. Everyone is yelling, and when I look back at Quinn, he isn't there anymore. I look behind me, and I see him around the corner of the stairs. He disappears from my view. I try to stand up, but Xavier pushes me back down. I try again, but he keeps a firm hold of my shoulders. 

"What happened?" He demands, and all talk at once. He purses his lips and narrows his eyes at them, and they fall silent. 

"Explain," he addresses Adam. He explains Quinn's outburst at seeing my face. Xavier doesn't know it yet, and I can feel him pull on my shoulders, but I don't budge. I cover my face with my hands. I don't think I can lie now. They won't believe it, not with Quinn exploding like that. 

Xavier's hands leave my shoulders, and I hear him move in front of me, it's more to the side. He grabs my left hand and pulls it away. Luckily, the bruise is on the other cheek. I glance at him with my exposed eye, and he smiles kindly at me. 

I sigh and sit up straight, and lower my other hand. I'm still going with the lie, I can't imagine what will happen if I tell the truth. The thing is, I can defend myself well, but Asswipe caught me by surprise, and my head banging against the door shook me. 

"Nadja," Xavier mumbles, "what happened?" 

I look at him full-on, and his eyes grow big. His lips set in an angry line. I didn't know his lips could look that thin. 

"Luke dropped me during practice," I whisper. There is no footage of the practices, so they can never see proof. Foxy is behind Xavier and Adam, and he smiles slightly at me. He still thinks it's the right thing to tell. 

"Twice," I add in another whisper. Xavier gently grabs my face and turns it to see it better. "Did you ice it?" He then asks me. I nod, and he nods in satisfaction. The others feel a little more at ease as everyone sits back down. Xavier is still next to me, and he rubs my back soothingly. 

"Quinn?" That is all he asks next, and Tyler gets up, as does Vere. 

"We'll find him," Tyler tells us, and leaves, followed by Vere. 

"Dinner not ruined?" I ask after clearing my throat. The nerves are still present, but they are less prominent. Foxy smiles encouragingly at me. "No, we were ready to serve," Xavier says as he stands up straight, and walks towards the kitchen.

"Tyler, Vere, and Quinn can eat when they get back. It might take a while. Quinn is fast, and he roamed this property thoroughly, so who knows where he went." Xavier says as he brings in the food from the kitchen. Kaiden helps Xavier put the food on the table, and both sit down after. I'm starving, I realize, as my stomach makes its presence known by grumbling loudly. All look at me, some amused and others shocked by the loudness.

I shrug my shoulders and laugh. One by one, the guys join me, and the mood shifts and feels a little less daunting. I exhale in relief when my head is down while I take a bite of the food that Xavier and Tyler made. It's delicious, and I'm exceedingly happy, eating a home-cooked meal. In no time, every plate is empty, and the mood relaxes and is a little sleepy. Adam and Jay clean the table and the kitchen. Kaiden helps them, but Xavier stays with me. He grabs my hand and plays with my fingers, quietly crooning epiphany. I close my eyes and sink into his voice and the feeling of his hands on mine.

When the others come back to the table, we exchange it for the living room. "You guys want to watch a movie?" I ask. I want to relax and just be with them. Sure, three are missing, and I'm wondering where Quinn went. 

"What do you want to watch?" Adam asks me, sitting beside me and laying his arm over my shoulders. He looks at me with a soft smile, waiting for my answer. I shrug my shoulders, "I don't care, but nothing heavy please." He nods and turns his attention to the TV and Netflix. He picks a random movie, and I let my head fall on his shoulder. I tilt my head so my mouth is closest to his ear.

"Hey, what I wanted to ask you, but never got the chance to. You and Lindsy?" I whisper. His head turns to me and he slowly shakes his head. Internally that makes me happy. I didn't expect to feel this but I do. I let it ruminate in my brain and turn my attention to the TV. Adam turns back to the TV too after kissing my head.

I have seen this one, but I don't tell them that. This way I can pretend to watch. My mind is on Quinn. Where did he go? Is he cold? It's chilly outside this late in November. Why did he explode like that? Does he have feelings? For me? And my mind whirls and whirls around those thoughts. For two hours, I can't think of anything else. 

Just as the movie ends, Tyler and Vere return, but unfortunately, they are alone. No Quinn. I sit up straight when they sit down, looking dejected.

"No luck?" I ask, looking from Vere to Tyler. Both sigh and shake their heads.

"We went everywhere we could think of. But we couldn't find him. And the darkness outside isn't helping," Tyler grumbles. 

I nod and get up. I walk away, and just before I disappear from their view, I turn around.

"I'll look, I know this property the best. You guys go up to bed. Don't worry. I'll find him." I walk away and leave through the door to the backyard. 

I look for an hour. All over my property, except the forest. It's too dense, so it's dark. Darker than here, the moon is out, helping to see. I stop and debate with myself. He didn't go into the forest, did he? Has he found the cave? The chill bites my face and it must be red. I can't feel my fingers but decide to take a look at the cave. 

I use the flashlight from my phone to help me see between the trees. All fir, so it's always green. After 30 minutes, I'm almost at the back. I need to leave the path to my right to get to the cave. After 10 minutes, I'm in front of it, and to my intense relief, Quinn comes walking out. His head down, his shoulders slumping his frame, and he looks defeated. 

When my feet enter his vision, he stops and whips his head up. Eyes locking, regret in his, and curiosity in mine. 

"So, I've finally found you." He shrinks more at the tone and I melt a little. I didn't mean for it to come out like that. Full of accusation and anger. I have no right to be angry. He is right, Luke didn't drop me. I'm just not going to tell him that. 

"Quinn," my voice soft, "you can talk to me. I'm not mad. Nothing bad happened, Luke just dropped me. No big deal. It'll heal." Emotions run through his eyes, and I think a can see disbelief flash multiple times. 

"I'm sorry," and he hangs his head and his shoulder shake. Is he crying? And when I see a tear roll down, I decrease the space between us and wind my arms around him. 

His arms tighten around me, and he lets it all go, crying on my shoulder. I stroke his back, and I can feel how cold he is. He is not wearing a coat. 

"Did you explore the cave thoroughly?" I ask him, as I try to warm him by opening my coat and giving him some of my body heat. 

"No, not really." He shrugs, "I was mad and didn't see much, wrapped up in my mind." 

I take his hand and pull him with me towards the entrance of the cave. "I want to show you something," I say as I look back at him. 

We walk in together, he grabs my hand tighter, like he is afraid to lose me. I squeeze his fingers and lead him deeper into the cave. At some point, I plan to install some lights. It's the best place to be on a night like this, with this chill. 

Arriving at my destination, he looks on in wonder, letting go of my hand and stepping forwards. 

"A hot spring?" He asks as he looks back at me. 

I nod happily as I divest myself of my clothes. His eyes grow big, and he devours every naked part of me that I reveal. The cold stare he had for me, in the beginning, is completely gone. I haven't seen it for a while, ever since that night he won the game questions. 

"I've been wondering for a while now.  So tell me, why were you so cold and distant in the beginning?" I descend into the spring and sit down on the natural bench nature created. It's deep enough only my head is above the water, and the warmth seeps into my skin and bones. He must be cold. 

"Join me?" I ask as he just stands there, staring with those heated eyes. He stares for a few heartbeats more and then slowly lifts the shirt over his head. I'm awarded the glorious view of Quinn bare-chested. 

Abs defined, and the V indention disappears into his pants. Saliva floods my mouth at the view, and when I look up, he has his eyebrow raised. I shrug, "are you going to answer me or just stare?"

He doesn't say anything but unbutton his pants before dropping them. Boxers follow, and I get a short glance at him naked before he sinks into the water. Across is a second nature bench, and he sits down. 

Another staring contest, but now I don't break it and keep his gaze. I wonder what is going through his mind as he stares at me. The fire in his eyes burns me alive, and I feel hotter than the water. Sure we have had sex before, but the energy around us now feels different. First, we're alone. It's just us. It feels nice, but I want an answer. Why was he cold? What changed? 

He wets his lips and draws my eyes down. Shit, I lost. I look up, and he has a smirk on his face. He lowers himself further into the water. I can only see his eyes. And they move towards me, and I hold my breath. I'm not sure I can resist him. But I want an answer first. He stops before me and stares, but his eyes are harder to read. When his hand touches my knee, I jump. I didn't see it coming, trapped in his burning eyes. Like melted chocolate. 

A second hand on my other knee and they skim over my thighs. As they grab my waist, he pulls me towards him, and I sink further down, right up against him. I sigh softly as his arms encircle me. I'm straddling him, but his strength keeps us above the water. He lays his cheek against mine and tightens his arms more. 

"I didn't want to give in to the draw you have over me. I don't do long term. I do want to find my soulmate someday, just not yet. And you have a power over me no one ever had, and it scared me. It still does, but I was tired of resisting, especially after our first kiss." he mumbles next to my ear, 

My hands wander over his back as I mull over his words. The draw was instant, just as it was for me. He is scared, I'm scared. We're in the same boat and I mentally laugh. 

"I tried to stay away, but seeing Yoongi and Namjoon ravish you. It severely crumbled my resolve. I wanted to do all those things. In the end, I said 'fuck it' and gave in." He kisses just behind my ear and I moan softly in his ear and tighten my arms. He is trying to distract me, and I'm sorry to say it's working. Do I find it an adequate answer? Or do I need more? I don't know, and him slowly trailing his tongue over my skin isn't helping.

When his tongue glides over my lower lip, I moan again and let my tongue dart out, touching his. And that is the key to make him lose his restraint. His lips crash on mine as his hands grab my face. He devours me, greedy. His tongue dominantly plunging into my mouth. I gasp at his dominance, and a shiver runs down my spine. 

My hands wander down and grab his plump ass. I squeeze as I pull him closer. He groans as his lips skim my chin down my throat. His hands lift me out of the water till he can lean forward and lick a nipple. The chill on my heated skin gives me goosebumps, and I shiver in delight. The contrast between the chill in the air and his hot mouth on my breast is firing through me. He alternates between both nubs. I throw my head back in pleasure, moaning so he can hear how he affects me. 

All thoughts about his answer left my brain the moment he kissed me. I can only focus on him and the pleasure he gives. When he has his fill, he lowers me into the water again. And my hand travels over his pectorals down to the prize between his legs. As I close my hand around him, he squeezes my sides and moans low. It's such a sexy sound I want to hear more.

"Do I make you feel good?" I seductively whisper, and he closes his eyes and gulps before nodding. 

"Fuck, your hands feel divine. Delicate yet firm the way you grip me," he moans, and I slowly move my hand up and down, and he grunts. His breath comes in quick succession. His panting speeds up as I speed up, and when he twitches and throbs in my hand, growing a little bigger, I push him to the edge. I indicate he should sit on the edge, out of the water. He does as I told him, and when he is sitting down, I glide forward and lick up his shaft. 

Reaching the tip, I pull him in, and he sighs and moans. I bob my head up and down and increase the speed gradually. My tongue probes and licks and rotates around him, and I feel him shudder. His hands grab my head, and he takes control, slowly thrusting up and down my throat. When he is all in, hitting the back, I swallow. And he moans loud at the feeling, and it empowers me to do it again. 

His cock slides in and out, throbbing, and he grows bigger, and I know he is close. I swallow some more, and with the third, I can feel his release down my throat. The sounds leaving him sound so sexy I moan myself. He pulls back, and his cock leaves with a pop, and I lick my lips looking seductively up at him. 

"That was so good. You're so good at sucking cock. I want to go again and again. But now is your turn," he purrs. He slides back into the water and gathers me to him for an all-consuming kiss that leaves me breathless. He turns around and lifts me out of the water again. And my ass barely made contact with the stone as he spread my legs and dives in. Licking my folds from the bottom to the top. 

"You taste so good. I need more," and he dives in again. Now he flicks my clit, and the pleasure zings up and electrifies my blood. I grab his hair and pull. I just need an anchor. He grunts when I pull, and the vibrations shoot through me.

"I love how you taste, so delicious," he sucks my clit, and an orgasm steals over me. The dam breaks and my juices flow out of me, and he licks it greedily. My chest is heaving with the quick breaths I take. Slowly I come down, and my eyes find his face. He is smirking again.  

I'm getting a little cold and I get back into the water again. He opens his arms, and I glide right into them, tugging him close. I need to feel his skin. Somehow this time, it feels deeper. He distracts me again as he pushes me back to one of the benches and makes me sit down. He plants himself in between them, and I can feel his happy member. He is hard again, and when his lips descend on mine, he pushes himself into me in one stroke. 

We both sigh at the feeling of being connected this intimately. He moves his hips, slowly pulling out before pushing in. Oh god, he is intent on torturing me tonight. When he starts like this, I'm the most exhausted at the end. With this speed, his stamina is admirable. His hands grab my hips possessively, and I feel overwhelmed with the look in his eyes. 

They're full of love, and my heart flutters. I don't intend on sharing this information with him. I doubt he knows he is looking like that. His answer proves that. His eyes swirl with love, and when they connect with my eyes, a second orgasm breaks loose, and I shudder and convulse in his arms. His name flowing from my mouth on a long moan. 

My walls squeezing and gripping his pistoning cock trigger his, and he grows bigger and twitches and throbs his release inside of me. The cave is full of the sound of our ragged breathing, and he hugs me close. His cock is still snug deep inside of me, and it feels like he doesn't want to move. 

"Everything good?" I ask him, and he nods his head but doesn't elaborate. I'm content to just hold him if that is what he needs. We sit like that for fifteen minutes, more or less, before he slightly pulls back before he looks at me. He softly cups my bruised cheek, and his eyes fill with regret again.

"Hey, don't wo-," but he cuts me off.

"Stop it. I know you're lying. So who did it?"