
Life of a God in the Multiverse

This is an Autobiography of a God, from the moment he died, up to the point he reins supreme over the entire Multiverse. Follow Soren as he tells us about his life, and how sightseeing in the different worlds would cause him troubles befitting a God. Disclaimer!: I do NOT own any franchise that I may use in this Fan Fiction, and it is purely for entertainment, and mental relief for fantasy. All work goes to their proper creators... Please support the Official release! Disclaimer 2: The cover image is not my picture, it's just a representation of what I assume the main character Soren would look like, I will take it down if you show proof that you own the picture and wish me to take it down

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Chapter 54: Back in Time

When Nikita heard Soren's words, she was a bit confused, as even if she knew that he wasn't telling her everything, there can't be much more that would give Soren the confidence to go up against a small army armed with guns and ammunition.

[Then tell me… What is it that you haven't told me yet?]: nikita

[Before I tell you, I want you to know that I want you to be my wife… I also want you to know that you will be my 5th wife… If you can agree to that, I'll tell you anything you wish to know]: soren

Upon hearing this, Nikita was shocked, as well as a little disgusted towards the fact that Soren already has a wife, and not only was it just one, but four, making everything that happened the night prior make more sense as to how good Soren was in bed. As Soren was waiting for an answer, he was soon smacked in the face, as his long hair was disheveled by Nikita's smack, while he turned his head as the smack was making contact with his face so that Nikita wouldn't break her hand due to the force, and upon looking back at her red face the was full of frustration and embarrassment, he listened as she spoke.

[You have 4 women wrapped around your finger, and now you are trying to add me to the list!?... Is this some game to you?... Are you trying to go around and sleep with every single girl you see and add them to a list of wives?... Do you even care about your current wives?]: nikita

Nikita had valid statements, as well as a valid question, but it was a question that needed no time to think up an answer, as it was obvious.

[I do love my wives… And I love the family that accompanies them… They are my heart and soul, and if I were to ever lose even one of them, I would destroy the entire world… But that doesn't mean I'm not greedy, or lustful… I have vowed to myself that I will take who I want, and live my life to the fullest, or die trying… I only made love with you for a single reason… It was not just to ensnare you in desire, nor was it to add you to my list, but it was because I took a liking to you that blossomed into love… If I truly didn't love you, I would have let you leave me alone, and I would have gone about my business… So I ask you… Will you be one of my wives?]: soren

(A/N: Quick break… I noticed that in the last chapter I made Soren seem like a bitch for being heartbroken over someone he met not even 12 hours prior, but it's all for a reason… Remember, Soren my be in his 40's, but due to having the ability to travel to all these fantasy worlds, he has yet to properly age mentally, and he's still in the mindset of an 18 year old boy who has an addiction to Anime and fantasy in general, while also not having proper romantical senses, he gets attached quickly, but this will break as his harem gets bigger, and more and more girls he wants to add reject him… Also, don't think that Nikita will reject him here, as I want to add an OC to the Harem… Now let's get back to your scheduled program)

Nikita was in a dilemma, as she didn't know what to do. Yes, it was common for people here to have more and one wife, but to have four already, and actively hunt for more was quite uncommon. Nikita looked deeply into Soren's eyes as she seemed to see a reflection of his vast and endless power, as it sent a wave of comfort and assurance washing over her body, as she couldn't help but open her mouth slightly as she uttered two words that would tie two beings into an eternal relationship.

[I-I do…]: nikita

Soren heard her soft words as a slight blush began to form around her cheeks, as a small smile grew on his face, as he was happy that she agreed to be his.

[Great!... Now I'll tell you briefly about myself… In short, I'm a God… I have powers far beyond what you can comprehend, and that's just a light explanation… So as to my earlier statement… Those fools wouldn't even cut a single hair on my head, let alone capture or kill me]: soren

When Nikita heard Soren's story, she felt that it was that, just a story, a story that parents tell their kids to give them something to hope and dream about, and right now she thought about walking away and acting as if she never accepted Soren's offer in the first place, but when Soren noticed this look Nikita was giving, he let out a slight sigh as he then began to rise off the ground as he began floating in the air.

[Y-You're flying!... But how!?]: nikita

[Like I said… I'm a God… I can do whatever I want here, but there's a big problem right now… A being like myself albeit hundreds of thousands of times weaker than me is playing something awful for this world, and I need to stop him… But I don't want to stop him here, but from the past making it so this world would never even exist the way it currently is… And that means that you might never be born, so to erase that possibility, I'm going to take you with me, and seperate your belonging to this world by rewriting your DNA]: soren

As Nikita listened to Soren's every word like it was holy scripture due to the fact that he was a literal God, she spoke in a questioning tone full of amazement.

[You can really do that!?]: nikita

[I'm a God… Of Course I can do that… *in a low tone* I think]: soren

Soren began looking through the progress of his laws and noticed that he could use the law of life, death, and time, together to alter a beings very existence, removing the mark that is placed in a beings soul upon creation that sets them to be a concept in a certain world. Meaning if Soren was to go back in time and kill one of Naruto's ancestors, Naruto would never have been born, and this time period would cease to exist being replaced by a whole new timeline, meaning whole new people, but if Soren were to remove the mark that connects Nikita to this time period, then she is no longer tied to this timeline's present or future, making it possible to go back in time and kill her parents in a time before she was born, and still she would exist outside of the concept of this world's current timeline.

[Alright… Come here, I'll make it so you are unbound by this world's concept of timelines]: soren

Nikita did as Soren asked and came forth as Soren placed one of his hands over her head, as a blinding white light enveloped her, before fading away, and what Nikita saw next, was Soren staring at her with a bright smile.

[All done… Now… Let's go back in time and change this future for the better]: soren

[Soren… How do you know that going back in time will change the future, and how far back are we going?]: nikita

[I know because I hold a low level over the laws of time, so I can go back in time, and if I were to change the past, it will change the future… As for where we're going, I'll be introducing you to your Great Grandfather from way back… His name was Naruto Uzumaki… And his face is actually the 7th face on the side of that mountain over there]: soren

Soren pointed out towards the cliff side and showed Nikita Naruto's face, and upon seeing that Soren knew who the people were on the side of the mountain, she got curious, as archeologists have still been trying to find out just who those people were till this day.

[Soren… I know you're a God, but how do you know that the 7th face is my grandfather?]: nikita

[Well I would be a shitty godfather if I couldn't recognise my godson… Seems like he became the 7th Hokage]: soren

When Nikita heard this, her brain was malfunctioning, as Soren only appeared to be in his early 20's, while archeologists have dated that mountain to be carved out over 900 years ago.

[J-Just how old are you?]: nikita

When Soren heard this, he felt hurt, as her words were filled with venom, as she questioned his age.

[Hey!... I'm older than I look, but I'm still properly in my 40's… 48 to be exact]: soren

Nikita was shocked, as even if Soren was telling the truth about his age, he was still an old man.

[But how is that possible?... It's been proven that the faces on that mountain were carved over 900 years ago… So how could you only be 48 if you met the man carved on that mountain as a child?]: nikita

[Because I'm not bound by time… You see… I still let out some info that I felt would be explained as time passes, as I didn't want to overwhelm you, but there are other worlds out there, and time passes differently in each of them, making vacation extremely hard… I left to explore when Naruto was just a few months old, but when I came back, 900 years had passed, though for me only 20 years or so passed… Can we go now?... I really wanna see my friend, Minato, it's been ages… Also, he's the fourth face carved up there]: soren

Soren then watched as Nikita had another short circuit, as she slightly nodded her head, and without further delay, Soren formed a simple time formation that didn't go unnoticed but a silent observer who also didn't go unnoticed by Soren, as the formation began glowing with a bright light, before the silent observer also got in range of the formation, and disappeared along with Soren and Nikita, as time began to rewind itself at a quick pace while the 3 beings watched as building were quickly dismantled before older buildings appeared and were also dismantled as the materials used also regressed, before soon, building were being made of ancient materials, and a village appeared that was quite advanced, before it also began diminishing as things were dismantled, and more and more things became more primitive, while the faces on the Hokage mountain began clearing up as faces were soon being removed as they turned back into cliff side, and soon, Naruto's face was gone, along with Kakashi, and Tsunade, before time began to slow down, as things seemed to be coming back to normal, leaving the 3 beings who watched this take place a bit in awe, as even Soren hadn't seen this before.

[This is quite dangerous… This man must be the one that brat was always talking about… He always said that it was his mission to kill a man he had never even met or he would die a gruesome death… If what this guy said is true, then I gotta go inform my past self to push up the plans… Forget trying to persuade that brat, as he'll just get me killed, then Mother will never revive]: ???

As the formation began to dissipate, the silent figure quickly disappeared as Soren silently marked him knowing that it was the one known as Black Zetsu, and then he took Nikita in his arms as he snuck into the village, and entered his home to see that it was quite dusty.

'It should be about 6 years since I left… Meaning Naruto should be starting Ninja school, as well as that system user making his way to assassinate Minato… I better hurry before Minato gets killed': soren

When Nikita was placed down, she had a slight blush appear, as her body began to heat up due to the stimulation she felt after her experiences the night before with Soren, but before she could make her move to bed Soren once more, he quickly left the room in search of something, making her a bit depressed, but upon looking around, she noticed that this place was super dusty, making her go into cleaning mode just for Soren's sake, as she wanted to be a good wife to him. Soren on the other hand entered his bedroom where he kept spare Jonin clothes, as well as a spare headband, and with a simple black lace string, Sorne tied up his hair as he also placed the headband over his forehead and made a portal appearing just a ways outside of the city as he wanted to make a proper entrance in case anyone questions how Soren arrived, as the guards didn't see him enter until now.

[Halt… What's your business here?]: guard

[Name's Soren… I'm a Jonin just coming back from a long vacation… Can I come in?]: soren

Upon seeing Soren wearing the Konoha headband, the guards thought he was one of their ninja, but to make sure, one of the free guards came to check Soren's ID as it would confirm his identity, and luckily Soren remembered to take it out from his inventory, as he let the guard look at it, and soon enough, Soren had access to the village, and quickly went to the Hokage's office to talk to Minato.

[Yo!... Minato… Knock knock]: soren

Soren said outside the door before opening it up as he didn't hear a response, and upon opening the door, Soren immediately acted, as he saw a man in a black uniform wearing a hidden mist headband, as he was holding Minato's mouth shut, and the thing that was most fucked, was that all the Anbu that were supposed to be present were knocked out, and when Soren was noticed by the figure, he quickly backed away, while Minato was let go as he fell to the floor huffing as he began catching his breath.

[Haf*.. S-Soren?... Where you been buddy?]: minato

[Oh, you know… Here and there, but I would be more worried about your assailant… How'd he get a one up on the Yellow Flash?]: soren

At first, the figure thought Soren was just some unseen Jonin who would be cannon fodder, but upon hearing the name Soren, he knew that this was no cannon fodder, and right now, every fiber in his body was telling him to escape, and so was the system inside his head, and just like he was instructed, the figure began fleeing, while Soren decided to let him go and take care of Minato, but Soren made sure to send some skilled Jonin after the figure, but in the end, they returned empty handed.

[Looks like we lost him… Anyway, I wanna ask you something, Minato]: soren

[Oh?... And what would that be, Soren?]: minato

[I wanna take a break and teach the next generation… I wanna be the head teacher of Naruto's class… He's 6 today, so he'll be starting in the Academy next week, right?... Also, if you don't mind, I'd like to take some scrolls from the vault, as I need them for some training of my own]: soren

Minato was a bit shocked to hear that Soren wanted to settle down and teach a bunch of kids, and was even more shocked when he heard that he wanted some scrolls to further train himself.

[I'll appoint you as the teacher, but the scrolls is a decision that must be made by the council, as our jutsu is something that must stay within this village, and even with my trust, I can't have any mishaps that let our jutsu fall into enemy hands… Especially with what just happened here… It seems as though we have a rat, and I need to snuff it out… So I'll let you have access to the scrolls under one circumstance… I need you on a special mission that is of S+ rank]: minato

[I'll do my best… So… How is everyone?]: soren

[They're great!... Naruto is bragging about how he'll become Hokage and do a better job than me, while Kushina keeps egging him on with her fiery attitude… I also have another child coming along]: minato

[That's great!... I can't wait to meet everyone again]: soren

Quick Warning... It might get a little boring, while some of you will say I'm stupid for making Soren do this, but everything I do has a reason. I'm gonna make Soren slow down a bit and teach Naruto and his class for like 3 chapters, while I slowly introduce Chakra to Nikita, and out Donzo for the asshole he is.

God_King_Sorencreators' thoughts