
Life of a God in the Multiverse

This is an Autobiography of a God, from the moment he died, up to the point he reins supreme over the entire Multiverse. Follow Soren as he tells us about his life, and how sightseeing in the different worlds would cause him troubles befitting a God. Disclaimer!: I do NOT own any franchise that I may use in this Fan Fiction, and it is purely for entertainment, and mental relief for fantasy. All work goes to their proper creators... Please support the Official release! Disclaimer 2: The cover image is not my picture, it's just a representation of what I assume the main character Soren would look like, I will take it down if you show proof that you own the picture and wish me to take it down

God_King_Soren · Anime & Comics
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71 Chs

Chapter 53: Wolf Tech

As Soren spoke, a single tear came down from the corner of his eye though he unknowingly shed that tear, and with it, Soren's resolve to save this world was now in action, but first he would save Nikita.

'Ava… Is there a way that you can lock onto Nikita's Chakra signature?': soren

<{Sorry, Soren… But it's not as easy as you think… If it were someone with an extreme amount of Chakra like Black Zetsu or the System User, I could indeed lock onto the signature, but not only are there thousands of people who hold a small part of Uzumaki heritage, but upon scanning her the first time, I found that her innate skills are concealing, so if she doesn't want to be found, even I can't find her unless she was in a 200 meter distance from you}>

Upon hearing that it wouldn't be so easy to pick up Nikita's trail, Soren seemed a bit depressed, as he had never had someone he took an interest in and considered a lover taken from him, nor have they left him behind, so such a feeling was taking its toll on his mind as he left the building while completely ignoring the surrounding, as many passersby looked at Soren and knew that something wasn't right in his head, while the more keen women could tell that Soren was heartbroken.

[Aww… Poor thing… She must have really left a mark in him]: random lady

Soren ignored all the comments as he began walking through the nice part of town that was on the verge of the slums where the building that Nikita took up as temporary housing. As Soren got deeper into town, the buildings began looking better and bigger, as small houses became big houses and small businesses, and as he went further in, things just got bigger and bigger until he was in the inner city where buildings seemed to shoot up into the clouds, as the glass of the buildings seemed to reflect everyone who walked passed, including Soren who had decided to look up as he noticed his new scenery.

'Where the hell am I': soren

As Soren looked around for any sign of direction, he noticed that the huge building he was standing outside of, had a huge sign board out front with the company logo and a name written on it.

[Wolf Tech...]: soren

The sign had an insignia of a wolf head that seemed eerily similar to Nikita's special trunks with a wolf head and a ninja star behind it, and while Soren thought that it was all just a coincidence, there was also the thought of this being the place that Nikita's family uses as a front to cover up the large sums of money they receive from missions.

[Well… It doesn't hurt to look around… And if I need, I'll just kill everyone here]: soren

Soren then turned to the rotating glass doors as he watched someone in a suit walk out. Soren then began walking up to the doors as he began pushing on the glass as the door turned, letting Soren enter a high class building for the first time since coming back to this world. Soren noticed that the floors seemed to be made of a type of marble, as the fresh wax began making the floors sparkle, while the cooling air was brushing past Soren's face, showing that the air conditioning units were also replicated in this world, making it more obvious towards just who implemented the idea to the people of this world.

[Umm… May I help you?]: ???

When Soren heard this soft and feminine voice, he turned to see the speaker, and what he saw was a very young woman with black hair tied up in a bun wearing an office suit as she sat behind the receptionist desk, looking towards Soren with her cold dark red eyes. When Soren saw this stare, he knew that something was fishy with this woman, and the smell wasn't coming from between her legs, making Soren's interest in who runs this place more prominent, as he began walking up to the counter for answers, and weather he liked these answers would decide if this building and the people inside would survive today. (A/N: I couldn't help myself in placing that joke in… Don't hate me, it's only a joke)

[Ahh… Yes… Is the owner of this business here today?]: soren

When Soren spoke, the woman began looking over Soren's current attire with a cold emotionless glare, before looking back at his obsidian black eyes, and spoke in a soft and cold voice that would kill any man who looked at her with a lewd gaze.

[Mr. Wolf is in a conference right now… If you would please leave your name and contact info, I will relay it later]: receptionist

When Soren heard this, he knew that this was a tactic to get rid of him, and she would never even make an effort to send his contact info to the boss, and it's not like she was a bad lier, but Soren had seen it all too many times before when he first got out of high school and began applying for jobs.

[No thank you… I would like to wait until he is through with his meeting]: soren

Soren decided to play hard ball as well, as he turned and began heading towards the nearest waiting bench in the welcoming lobby, but before he could make more than 6 steps, the receptionist spoke in a bit more of an annoyed tone.

[I would like to ask you to please leave… Mr. Wolf is in an important meeting, and doesn't have time for idiots like you who happen to waltz in here looking for him]: receptionist

As Soren listened to the woman's tone, a smile appeared on his face as he turned around to see her, and simply have a taunt, as he tried outing this receptionist's true abilities.

[And if I don't leave?... Are you gonna call security?]: soren

When Soren said this, the woman began fuming as she got up from her seat and began walking out from behind her desk, letting Soren see what was below the desk, as a short mini skirt was present, and strapped around her left leg were 2 kunai, while around her right leg, a single pistol capable of fitting in the palm of a man's hand, while it was the perfect size for a woman, and when she became visible to Soren, she spoke with a cold and devilish smile.

[No… There's no need for security when it's only one man… I'll just take out the trash, here and now]: receptionist

Soren's smile grew as the woman took the 2 kunai from her left legs pocket and held one in each hand as she then rushed Soren and began swiping at his neck, hoping to slice Soren's head off, but Soren just leaned back form each attack, while he simply had he hands in his pocket the entire time, and to further make the woman mad, he was critiquing her stance as well as her style.

[Have you ever held a knife before?... You're doing it all wrong!... Use less movement in your strikes so you become less predictable… Keep your breath in check so you don't exhaust too quickly!... You're utter garbage! No wonder they got you manning the front desk… Like you said, the trash gets taken out first… I can do this all day with my eyes closed!]: soren

Soren began hurling insult after insult making the woman flail around even more as her attacks became erratic and no longer carried the sloppy form she had before, but now it was like a baby was randomly swinging a sword around in hopes of hitting something. Soren even went as far as to close his eyes, while his smile was still ever present on his face, making the woman angry, as her face became as red as a tomato, and soon, the commotion was noticed, as the main lobby began filling with guards waiting to attack upon receiving the orders, but before anyone could act, the sound of an elevator was heard, as an elderly voice was heard, stopping the "fight" between Soren and the receptionist.

[What the hell's going on here!?... Why is everyone gathered here, and Akio, why are you harassing the visitors?]: ???

Soren and the woman named Akio looked towards the elderly voice, and while Akio quickly took a knee as she bowed her head towards the figure, Soren didn't know who he was, nor did he care, as he was an insignificant fly in his eyes. Soren was looking at an elderly man with slicked back white hair, with a few wrinkles over his forehead, while he also had piercing red eyes, similar to Akio, showing that they are from the same family, and he wore an all black suit with a red tie, as he stared Soren down, while Soren stared back at him.

'Oh?... He can resist my aura?... He seemed to be fighting Akio just a minute ago… Is he perhaps a member of another clan?... No, that can't be… We all had agreements that we would stay out of the shell businesses we run': ???

While the old man was thinking, Soren was also thinking about the current situation.

'Did this old man just try to pressure me?... Hahaha! I felt nothing, not even the slightest bit of pressure… Hahaha!... Also, he seems like the head honcho around here, so he must be Mr. Wolf': soren

Soren was holding in his laughter, while the old man decided to speak first, drawing Soren's attention.

[So who do I owe the pleasure of meeting today?]: wolf

[It's only polite to introduce your name first before asking for someone else's name]: soren

As Soren spoke, many of the guards along with Akio were enraged, as having the one and only Mr. Wolf, a man who owned one of the richest tech businesses by day, and is the leader of one of the strongest ninja clans by night, but the second part was a secret to normal people, while the first was just an obvious, but seeing how Soren evaded all of Akio's attacks earlier, most everyone in the room thought Soren was extraordinary.

[Ohoho… My my, where are my manners… My name is Shikakuja Wolf… I am the C.E.O of Wolf Tech… Now… What's your name]: shikakuja

As Shikakuja spoke, his tone got colder, as his eyes seemed to darken, as he seemed to prepare himself for a fight for supremacy, but that was unknowingly an instant death waiting to happen should Shikakuja try anything.

[My name is Soren… You don't need a last name… As for why I'm here… I just happened to be passing by when I noticed your logo… Then I thought to myself… Where have I seen this before… When it hit me… I seen this symbol on one of my lovers crates, so I came to ask about her current situation]: soren

As Soren spoke, his tone also became cold, as it got to a point of even making some of the guards sweat in anticipation towards what Soren would do next, but that ended when Shikakuja spoke up.

[Oh?... Please tell me who this person's name is… I'll see if I know them]: shikakuja

Shikakuja was inwardly battling himself, as a few names came to mind, but one in particular stood out, making him shiver a bit, as he waited for the name.

[Nikita… And if I am correct to assume her last name is Wolf]: soren

When Soren spoke, the room got quiet, as everyone knew of the infamous Nikita Wolf, a woman who had been on the run for over 5 years, and yet she still eludes them to this day, but the silence suddenly broke when Akio spoke.

[That traitorous bitch isn't a Wolf!... She was brought in by Shikakuja when she was just 2, and he trained her like his very own daughter, yet she stabbed him in the back and disappeared, while sending all the members of the Wolf clan back in body bags!... If you know where she is, then I'll gladly torture you for the information]: akio

Akio's outburst snapped most everyone back to reality, while Shikakuja was still thinking, as he let Akio ramble on, even though what she did was very rude and disrespectful to her family name, as she's not the leader, so she has no right to speak when the leader is present unless she is asked to speak.

[Oh?... Torture? Sounds fun and all, but you all are too weak to even touch a hair on my body, let along scratch my skin]: soren

Soren's truthful taunts were infuriating to everyone present, while Shikakuja was still contemplating his next course of actions upon hearing that Nikita had resurfaced after so long, but before he could speak, he watched as Akio rushed at Soren with her pistol drawn and aimed towards Soren.

[Akio!!!]: shikakuja

The sound of gunshots were soon heard as the glass windows of the main lobby were shattered and smoke bombs were thrown inside, before exploding and creating a cover and started choking out everyone present as they were unable to act in the cloud of smoke and gas, before Soren felt that he was being grasped from behind.

[Who do you think you are to-]: soren

Before Soren could attack the one who thought they could try to "sneak attack" him, he noticed a familiar figure, as a tear resurfaced and a single name was spoken.

[Nikita?]: soren

[Shhh!... Come with me, now!... There are tens of guards who are coming fully armed, and if we don't leave now, we both will die here]: nikita

Soren decided to let Nikita lead the way once again, before he watched the lobby begin clearing out the smoke from a distance, while at least 30 armed guards filled the lobby with rifles as they looked around for Soren and the one who tossed the smoke bombs, while 3 of the guards circles around Shikakuja for his protection.

[Why were you there?]: nikita

Soren was captured by Nikita's words as his attention was brought back to her figure before he simply answered.

[To find info about you]: soren

[You idiot!... Do you know you would have been caught and tortured for any info you had on me!... Is that how you want to die!?... Didn't you read my letter?]: nikita

[Yeah, and to be honest… You're the stupid one]: soren

[Wha-... How dare you call me stupid… I just saved your ass from a painful death!... How am I stupid!?]: nikita

[Well… Did I say I ever needed your help?... You see… Just like you withheld info about yourself from me, I did so about myself as well]: soren