
Life as a human in Dragon Ball

Cliché. Everything about this is so cliché. This is the story about how a 16 year old teenager was ripped from our reality, placed in the Dragon Ball world on Mount Paozu and told to deal with it... atleast I got 3 wishes. Once again, how cliché.

ILikeFerrets · Seni bela diri
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3 Chs

Meeting Son Goku

I figured out what the being meant when he said that I very literally couldn't tell anyone I was Isekai'd. I couldn't speak.

I should've wished for a pencil and notebook.

I found Goku's house but it would be awkward just walking up to him and not being able to say anything.

So, as any semi-competent person would I killed a fish, got it's blood, wrote I'M MUTE as large as I could on some tree bark and bam, easy.

I was nervous knocking on the Son's door, after all considering it was a house, and not a hut, I was somewhere in Z, GT, or Super. Anybody who opened the door was likely capable of kicking my ass, and just writing WITH blood that you were mute on tree bark... Was very suspicious.

Though when Son Goku opened the door he hadn't thought so.

Probably because I wrote on the back of the bark that I needed him to communicate with me but that we couldn't do it in words, causing him a bit of confusion.

Wait, didn't Roshi say in the show anyone with a good grasp of Ki could do that? Or atleast communicate telepathically?

Tapping his head and then mine, he seemed to have gotten the memo, reaching out out me telepathically.

'Hello? This is Goku.'

Instinctively reacting I thought back

'Goku, hi. My name is Terry. I cannot speak do to reasons out of my control. I am looking for a master, someone to teach me martial arts! Will you?'

My name in my old world wasn't Terry, so you may be confused on why I would choose that name to give to Goku. The main reason was because honestly, the name Terry was as scary as a teddy bear. Hopefully the very name would be enough to dismiss me. Besides that I just thought the name was funny.

Goku, returning back to speaking normally started talking. "Well Terry, I'll say I'm not the best person to teach you how to use martial arts, I can feel your energy but it's small and honestly I'm not sure I can teach you."

Though he got more excited as he carried on.

"But I'm having a reunion with my old Master! I don't know how you knew I lived here, but I can convince Master Roshi to train you when I visit in a few weeks! Come back here on the same day in two weeks time and I'll take you."

Well, let it be known that Goku was helpful, but I also now know where I am in the timeline. I've been sent two weeks before Raditz would arrive on Earth.

Goku, very likely would die before I got any training.

That would be sobering, if not for the fact that he's getting revived after training with King Kai, an actual diety.

I'd call him a lucky bastard if I hadn't been Isekai'd into my favorite anime with three wishes.

Actually fuck it, I'm a hypocrite. Lucky bastard.

The next two weeks went by pretty smoothly. I simply experimented with my Ki while hunting for food.

It was surprisingly easy to manipulate given how I wished for talent with Ki, I hadn't expected this much.

I couldn't shoot a Kamehameha - granted I hadn't tried yet. I couldn't even shoot the standard Ki blast used commonly in the series. However I could surround my hand in Ki which made hunting and skinning animals much easier.

The last thing I did in those two weeks was to learn how to fly. It was shockingly easy since I knew from Gohan teaching Videl in Z how to do it. Most of it was simply accessing and controlling your Ki, which I had an understanding of, and superb control of it.

I met Goku and we had taken the Nimbus to Roshi's place. I didn't see Gohan anywhere so I mentally asked him if he had any kids.

"Kids? Yeah actually! I have a son named Gohan and I was gonna bring him today, but Chi-Chi told me not to because you're technically a stranger, no offense.'

After reassuring him in his end that there was none taken I was in shock.

Goku not taking Gohan meant Raditz wouldn't kidnap him. Which meant Gohan wouldn't alert Piccolo of his potential, which meant Gohan wouldn't get much training for the Saiyan attack, that would mean he wouldn't be on Namek and... Oh God. He wouldn't be able to fight Cell.

I may have killed us all