
Life as a Glitch in a Dating Sim

Not only have I been waiting for this god d*mned game to load for the past 5 hours, I spent nearly a month digging into its code trying to make it not crash long enough to get it running. I can't believe I took on this job for my self proclaimed "Friend" who would have beat the crap out of me if I said no. *Ding* "Finally! F*ck!" I exclaim. "Now just to click-" I start to say as I move the mouse over the start button before it throws up another error. "Son of a b*tch! I'm going to throw you in a f*ck*ng microwave! No, you don't even deserve that you piece of cr*p! Out the d*mn window with your b*tch *ss broken code!" I shout moving to launch it out my window and just as I'm pitching the computer out the window I slip and follow it to the street below. As I fall time seems to almost stand still as the ground slowly grows in my vision. I notice lights approach from my right as I notice a passing truck... "Well... Shit... At least my porn dies with me..." Is the last thing I say as I, my laptop, and the truck collide. I feel surrounded in darkness... Until a nightmare inducing sound sends shivers down my spine letting me know I'm actually in hell. The intro music of the game that lead to my untimely demise... And it's start screen. ************** Disclaimer: Any similarities between current or historical events, people, religions, cultures, ethnicities, popular media, etc... Are all purely coincidental. I am creating a story, and will not censor myself. So if you are easily offended or "triggered" I would advise you find a story that suits your sensibilities and thank you for your time and wish you the best. There is a world of content out there and I hope you find what is best for you. I reiterate, this is an 18+ rated adult experience story and will include references and/or graphical descriptions of sex, drugs, violence, r*pe, the LGBTQIA+ community, discrimination, etc... If you see all of these warning signs and continue anyways... I salute your bravery.

Lemon_Square · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
13 Chs

Prologue I

Location: Apartment Block C, New Palisade Grove, Western Kansas, United States of Merica.

Date: 22-7-2023, 10:43 pm.

"Fuck John!" I shout

I can't believe that bastard is making me fix this glitchy mess of a game. I didn't major in video game programming to fix other people's mistakes!

I've been at it for a damned month, and I finally think I've got it, and after 5 hours it's finally loaded up. I wouldn't even be doing this shit if my "friend" John didn't threaten to beat the shit out of me. Why does he even care about this crappy game?


"Finally! Fuck!" I exclaim.

"Now just to click-" I start to say as I move the mouse over the start button before it throws up another error.

"Son of a bitch! I'm going to throw you in a fucking microwave! No, you don't even deserve that you piece of crap! Out the damn window with your bitch ass broken code!" I shout moving to launch it out my window and just as I'm pitching the computer out the window I slip and follow it to the street below.

As I fall time seems to almost stand still as the ground slowly grows in my vision.

I see lights approaching from my left as a passing truck slowly fills my peripheral vision...

"Well... Shit... At least my porn collection dies with me..." Is the last thing I say as I, my laptop, and the truck collide simultaneously.

I feel shrouded in darkness... Until a nightmare-inducing sound sends shivers down my spine letting me know I'm actually in hell.

The intro music of the game that led to my untimely demise... And its start screen.

The pale blue light washes over me as the supposedly peaceful music sends me into a tailspin as the lights reveal the name of the game.

[Super Duper Dating Sim For Giga-Chad Pro-Gamers]

"Of course, John probably only chose it because it said giga-chad." I sigh before saying, "Who even thinks that'd be a good name for a game? Did the toddlers in their development room run out of vocabulary?"

I wait for what feels like years hoping this is just a hallucination and I'll just be hit by the truck already...

But it doesn't and I resign myself to clicking the start button on this screen...

"And of course, nothing happens... So what? Will I just-" I started to complain before the screen lurches forward and it transitions into a character designer... From hell...

I can customize literally everything about this avatar... Horns, tails, wings, nails, even my junk... Hell, I could even make myself a bombshell babe. Except... THE DAMNED THING CRASHES AND RESETS MY AVATAR EVERY 5 OR 6 CHANGES!!!

What in god's name did I do to deserve this unholy punishment, whatever I did I'm sorry just make it stop!

I cry at the unfairness of it all, trying to find a workaround for what seems like ages. When I finally settle upon using the randomize character button and making minor tweaks to the avatar.

Even still that took me hundreds if not thousands of clicks before I found a suitable body type.