
Life as a Glitch in a Dating Sim

Not only have I been waiting for this god d*mned game to load for the past 5 hours, I spent nearly a month digging into its code trying to make it not crash long enough to get it running. I can't believe I took on this job for my self proclaimed "Friend" who would have beat the crap out of me if I said no. *Ding* "Finally! F*ck!" I exclaim. "Now just to click-" I start to say as I move the mouse over the start button before it throws up another error. "Son of a b*tch! I'm going to throw you in a f*ck*ng microwave! No, you don't even deserve that you piece of cr*p! Out the d*mn window with your b*tch *ss broken code!" I shout moving to launch it out my window and just as I'm pitching the computer out the window I slip and follow it to the street below. As I fall time seems to almost stand still as the ground slowly grows in my vision. I notice lights approach from my right as I notice a passing truck... "Well... Shit... At least my porn dies with me..." Is the last thing I say as I, my laptop, and the truck collide. I feel surrounded in darkness... Until a nightmare inducing sound sends shivers down my spine letting me know I'm actually in hell. The intro music of the game that lead to my untimely demise... And it's start screen. ************** Disclaimer: Any similarities between current or historical events, people, religions, cultures, ethnicities, popular media, etc... Are all purely coincidental. I am creating a story, and will not censor myself. So if you are easily offended or "triggered" I would advise you find a story that suits your sensibilities and thank you for your time and wish you the best. There is a world of content out there and I hope you find what is best for you. I reiterate, this is an 18+ rated adult experience story and will include references and/or graphical descriptions of sex, drugs, violence, r*pe, the LGBTQIA+ community, discrimination, etc... If you see all of these warning signs and continue anyways... I salute your bravery.

Lemon_Square · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
13 Chs

Prologue II

I settled on a pale-skinned young kid, around 17 or 18? He was on the thin side and lacked any muscular definition, but he had strikingly sharp facial features and pointed ears that just added to the youthful looks of his face, almost like that of an elf or imp, as well as platinum blonde hair. I chose to be younger to remove the decades of wear and exhaustion I received working in a videogame development company straight out of college for two years. Burnout is no joke in that industry.

I was a bit of an Enclaves and Explorers ttrpg nerd in my past life so I chose some tweaks similar to my go-to infernal-blooded character. Silver Moonshade, a bit of a loner ranger/rogue multiclass character.

I gave him wings and a tail that could easily be folded up and hidden along with two nubs of horns that could be hidden by a hat, but I hoped would grow with age if I even can in this new world. Adding to the incubus look I was going for.

I used my last two changes to give my new body entrancing silver eyes and a respectable Johnson to complete the package of a young and emerging sex demon, before selecting confirm on my character screen.

[Please Confirm Character Name]

[Silver Moonshade] Don't fix what ain't broken, I guess.

I then receive an unexpected prompt.

[Due to the presence of several Demon Race features at creation it is recommended the player chooses between starting either in 'The Zone' or one of the several 'Demon Clan' held territories. Other starts are classified as unbeatable, extreme masochist overkill difficulty.]

[Click to know more.]

>The Zone- A neutral melting pot of all races where they can meet to discuss trade, peace, war, and other facets of life. A metropolis that while not always welcoming to all races, will always tolerate the presence for the benefits they can bring. And the only place on Aqua where all races can be found working cooperatively. Even if the zone will be nothing more than a meeting place for the mighty and powerful to conduct business. Those born and raised there know it as a home unlike any other, and rarely choose to leave as a more tolerant and accepting land for the majority of races has yet to be founded.

>Demon Clan Territories- Lands captured by one or more of the seven demon clans in battles both recent and historic. While rarely organized into a cohesive and definably nation-state like other races. Demon lead territories espouse individualism, personal strength, responsibility, and a might makes right mentality. Fostering a rowdy but typically easy-to-understand populace driven by their desires and convictions. With leaders rising and falling like the tides at a beach as a Demon King has not been sired in over a millennia to unite all the clans.

'Hmmm... I think I'll choose... 'The Zone'... While the Demon Clan Territories seem like a good fit, I don't think I'm going to be very strong right off the bat and at least in 'The Zone' there seems to be some semblance of law and order.' I think clicking my preferred option.