
Life and a Journey

Jason Sky thrown to the world of DxD with his to golden finger pushing him to be the best. he will make friends and enemies along the way.Fall In love and go adventure the multiverse should he master his magic his fate is in he's hands I a merely a writer who will right his story for beginning to the end. this will be my first story sorry if I make mistakes in doing so I want to make a story of someone that's not chain by fate or plot. this is a story of freedom what most of us Desire in life and I will write it with that in mind. he will travel the multiverse gain wives not a Pokémon harem type of fic ill make it around 30 or 50 around there. how you injoy.

Raylen2222_Hunt · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
19 Chs

6.Traveling outside Kouh

As I woke up from the bed a looking at Ophis sleeping soundly next to me I gave her a tiny kiss on her forehead an slowly got out of bed

Heading to the washroom to get my self clean I took a quick shower and did my leak. And washing my hands after and heading down stairs to get breakfast started getting myself eggs and rice making fried rice with some leftover beef stew for myself.

Finishing up on cooking u heard footsteps upstairs and saw Ophis coming down.

"Come let's eat breakfast we have a long way ahead of us Ophis"i said while pulling the chair and giving her a quick kiss on the cheek

"Umm Thank you" she replied while picking the utensils stuffing our mouth with food we talk about our plan.

"So Ophis do you know how to get to the Norse gods or maybe Odin since I don't want to just go in and get attack?"I asked her while eating since I don't want to make a bad impression on that perverted God-King

"Umm yes we need to go to Iceland to get access to the bifrost gate" she replied telling me so plane hmmm I'll make maybe a jet with my {Creation Magic} adding maybe a invisibility or cloak device.

"So what can you tell me about that place?"

i ask her she look at me "Noisy,loud,annoying drunken buffoons only good at fighting or using runes"she replied with annoy look maybe she had to many incounters with them to make her have that impression.

"Anything else?" I asked her she gave me a thinking look and nodded.

"Odin perverted but not strong as me or Baka-Red" she replied hah man maybe a bit more clue what they do I know runes but else.

Whatever it's an adventure can't spoil the fun I guess getting ready to leave wearing my blue jeans and a t-shirt only barely covering my biceps that hand a Serpent dragon colour obsidian looping my right arm towards my back and chest.

Now you be asking me this how did I get this straight answer well Ophis mark me as her mate with soul bound and all and I got this awesome tattoo.

So she can feel what I feel and I can to with her. And she choose a gender finally it happen a week ago when I was just reading my book when suddenly she bite me out of nowhere that scare the shit out of me man.

I ask why she did it only reply I got was

"Your my mate" by her and no more

Confused the hell out me when I started to feel what she felt vice versa should feel when I was getting down and she came to.the rescue.

I really appreciate her for that.

Now onto the adventure now you be asking why am I going the Norse easy answer well their chill like no other plus I like Odin from the show that I'll even revive Frigga Odins wife maybe it will help with his perversion and the Valkyrie.

Using the {Resurrection Stone} I made with {CreationMagic}.

As I was getting on board the knew jet I plant outside the dimensional just outside Kouh town getting the navigation for the place we need to land using my smart phone.

Me and Ophis sat down side by side while the jet goes auto pilot mode.

Also I figured what time at the plot we are its Ries Gremory and her peerage against Riser Phoenix peerage I felt their power awhile ago by sneaking around Kouh Academy using {Deaths cloak} From Harry Potter just upgrade it a bit to Conceal me from an detection or Magic or not and the sound,smell part to I got to so I won't be seen now looking at her

Ries Gremory had her long red hair almost touch the floor with that big boobs and the prideful attitude but she is in did beautiful but I am not stealing her or anything like that should she break of Issie maybe but not now.

As for her other peerage Akeno himejima just like Ries her body her figure was close or maybe surpass Ries by a mile but like Ries I won't involve myself with her but should she loss interest and I meet her in person and go on a date maybe.

Koneko Toujou the nekomato abondon by her elder sister because of the the crime she committed SS-Kuroka stray devil all I got to say is she's cute and I would love to hug her

Maybe I'll help her and her elder sister I don't know why but maybe it was my past my younger sister I was always taking all the pain way hiding it behind my mask of a smile.

That's if I meet Kuroka.

Kiba youto the one of the surviving holy sword projects I don't remember the other one who survive maybe I'll rescue her I think she is somewhere around the one of tye churches hidden labs.

And let me tell you he is handsome but I get the feeling this guy like males more that female...wait now that I think about it he barely shows any feeling to the girls the like him only to Issie is he gay or a transform male who used to be a girl?.. urg my head hurts I'll check later maybe one of those labs will tell me.

Now for a our Protagonist of the series the Oppoi Dragon Issie Hyoudou weirder of the boosted gear. All I have to say is his average at best I can barely feel any Mana from him but I did feel a blessing from that BooB goddess I believe when I look at his soul it hidden but not hidden enough.

I saw Ddraig and...I'll tell you now this Ddraig is a female and I think she notice my gaze all I did my did a quiet motion but I did see her widen her eyes maybe it has with my mate mark with Ophis. But all she did was nod and I gave her a smile and a thank you.

Now for the strongest in this room

Grayfia lucifuge she was beautiful no beyond that my heart skipped a beat when I saw her but I knew she's married and I'm not into Ntr but I notice Ries just calls her Grayfia nothing more interesting maybe I'll investigate this later if she's single ill try my best but if she's not ill just let it go maybe I'll travel to a parallel world an try my chance their.

The meeting just happened like the original show Ries challenge Riser to a rating game somewhere along the lines Riser said something that made me laugh and I hit a vase next to me and it broke startling them.

"Who's their show yourself!!!" Ries yelled were I stood while I saw Grayfia getting ready to blast me but I was faster I took away my cloakas it sink in my skin I just laugh myself.

"Sorry,sorry I couldn't resist laughing at this flame chicken"i replied back holding my laugh back all of them were alert getting for a confrontation

"Who are you?!,what are you doing here this are devil Territory" ries demanded charging her Magic ready to blast me which I wish she did so I can teach this prideful girl. But Ddraig save her

{Don't you act like that Gremory you will kill us all should you try attacking the mate of Ophis the Dragon God of infinitely and nothingness} Ddraig basically yelled out appearing on the Issie left hand

This got everyone out of their stupor and Ries to shake in fear and Grayfia look at me worried on what I will do.

I look at Ries Gremory and my sky blue eyes where glowing Magic obeyed my command making them more fearful and Grayfia ready to fight but as soon as it appeared it vanish the I look at issie more precisely his gauntlet

"So you can tell I'm her mate Red dragon"i said to Ddraig watching as the gem shine more.

{Yes I can tell you are oozing Dragon aura around you, even though you are human} Ddraig reply back.

While the other are just listening to our conversation wide eye hearing it.

{So why are you here if I may ask?} Ddraig asked me I looked at the gauntlet thinking she quite polite

I did a thinking pose

"I wanted to see the Devils who claim Kouh their territory thats all and felt a strong Devil that's all" i reply back still looking at the glowing gem

"Well it was fun but it was nice knowing you all now bye" I said I disappeared in Particles not waiting for a response.

That was event full but I did gain in site most of them were high class somewhere close to Ultimate only on the lower level.

As I closed my eyes to rest putting a barriers to make sure nothing happens while me and Ophis sleep.


[This is the longest I have written man so tiring]