
Life and a Journey

Jason Sky thrown to the world of DxD with his to golden finger pushing him to be the best. he will make friends and enemies along the way.Fall In love and go adventure the multiverse should he master his magic his fate is in he's hands I a merely a writer who will right his story for beginning to the end. this will be my first story sorry if I make mistakes in doing so I want to make a story of someone that's not chain by fate or plot. this is a story of freedom what most of us Desire in life and I will write it with that in mind. he will travel the multiverse gain wives not a Pokémon harem type of fic ill make it around 30 or 50 around there. how you injoy.

Raylen2222_Hunt · Komik
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19 Chs

15. land of shadows.

Me and Ophis laying back at our campsite.

I looked around and just enjoy the scenery for a bit.

Ophis went to our dimension while I go the Land of Shadows.

I did asked her the location since i did hear from Odin that it was separating from the world and the dimension Gab.

No clue what the meant but I bet it is serious.

Anyway I teleport to Ireland somewhere aroun Dublin can't really tell since I was never in Ireland...huh damn I forgot to asked Odin to let me have [Fenrir] as a pet and companion damn it...I'll request it next time i see him i guess and maybe that'll help him on Ragnorök can't have my efforts wasted if Lady Frigga or Baldur die.

Now back to my goal I search for the stupid entrance for the Land of Shadows.....for like hours and i was going to go back to Asgard to asked Odin to tell me the exact location. until I found a cave with some magic and darkness covering it hmmmm this looks promising I stood before it and all i saw darkness.

'Well the fortune fairs the bold they say' I thought so I walk towards it being swallowed by the darkness.

The next thing that meets my eye was just darkness barely any light and the place looks creepy with rock,trees,lakes and etc looking like just construct of just darkness and shadows.

I felt the shadow beast? I think move around here some lingering souls here and their but I felt a strong soul close to a divine one 20 miles away so I just climb atop the shadow tree? and located where I felt it took a couple of second but I found the a castle like the ones from those vampire lords used and whatnot some lights here and there maybe to light up the place because I know this place needs some damnlight.

I also felt what Odin meant about the Land of Shadows leaving earth and the Dimensional Gab it seems someone cut the connections to this place and only hand the cave as the entrance for what purpose no clue ill check it out later.

Anyway Man it was must suck for her living here and wanting die...i know most would if anyone was at her place and had a long life.

But oh well I got down from the tree and land while looking for a nice camp ground not before encountering those stupid beast I even got even jump scared by one like the [Nun] I just shove my {Draupnir} towards their chest and slam the bottom to explode the ugly guys. Man the Nun scared the shit out of me that I jump out of my coach and punch the stupid TV good memories....hmmm I felt she got a bit closer must me scooting me out oh well don't really care.

Anyway I got my tent and other useful things.

I was originally planning to learn from The Immortal Witch but I decided against it since I know if I did she will want me to battle her to the death I'm fine killing Evil lads but not someone who has lost the light they seek.

I know some being with Immortality will loss their mind or grow discouraged of the world thinking they experience it all but when you end them they would want to escape it.

That's the feeling I got from feeling her soul. It just needed someone to light the fires that has turn into embers.

We all have our passion I believe hers would be combat.....oh well not my problem anyway back to the campsite I encrave some Primordial Runes to keep the beast away from here and some barrier Magic that will Trigger should someone or something have any evil or killing Intent to harm me which won't happen really if they did well can't be hurt since my skin is tough as Dragon scales.

Man I miss Ophis I know I can just enter my dimension and I can see her but I hate being alone that's my worst fears being alone.

Well I'll just sleep.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~{Scathach pov}

How long will I live and suffer this life.

When I wish to rest I can't for I am ever bond to the Land of Shadows leaving is impossible since the entrance is gone...

It was my typical day for me practice my spearmanship so I won't get rusty, read some old ancient grimoire and looking outside my castle dreaming of the day I will pass on....that's when I felt the entrance open an someone came in my domain so I got out my castle and got close enough to see some features of the visitor.

A young man who had shoulder length hair colour in silver that even shine....his well built like those annoying and loud Asgurdians but not as hairy.....Anyway I watch as he took the tent somewhere maybe a Dimensional storage space but I don't remember it looking like that?

I saw him put Primordial Runes around his camp which I got to say is fine work.....but needs improvement and some barrier Magic around that had Intent base and killing Intent to trigger something as defense...seeing this and thinking how much power I would need to pierce the barrier I would have to spend 50 of my reserves but not before finding out what would be the defensive mechanism for the barrier.

I watch as he woke up and took a golden spear like The Old Perverted God Odin but the appearance is different.....hmmmm when I looked at him and felt around I felt all of the shadow beast approaching his camp those boy have a death wish.


You know I was thinking when your being watch closely and your about to sleep I just felt how to say this being stalk yes that like your being watch for a distance from some and he/she finds you interesting and Bammmmm I have someone watching me 24/7 so yeah I only got like 5 hours of sleep since I felt the Primordial Runes I put well the hidden ones to Attract the beast to me I mean all of them and I felt like close to a million approaching and their strength was close from low class, mid class, ultimate class and some Satan class.

Now that's an army I got out my tent and Summon {Draupnir} to me and I felt she Hmmm in happiness being Summon.

I smiled and ran to the location I was before and climb a tree watching as a huge cloud of smoke was approaching.

'Let's do this {Draupnir}' I thought to my weapon which hmm in agreement to I ran towards at low speeds.....and I arrive seeing this line up against me I smiled even wider.

I Summon Shadows army towards like me like the Shadow Monarch. But more in spara gear.

"This is were we hold them,this is were we fighting" out loud


"This is were they die" I continued I pointed my spear at the incoming beast


"And this shield will rise"

"Remember this day men for it will be yours for all time"


"Give them nothing but take everything from them" I looked at the beasts coming close my smile getting wider by the second.

"Charge!!!" I yelled out loud and soon the shadow army charge towards the beast.

I always want to say those lines hah...I join my Shadow men and aim my Spear.....


[Cliff hanger!!!!!]