
Life and a Journey

Jason Sky thrown to the world of DxD with his to golden finger pushing him to be the best. he will make friends and enemies along the way.Fall In love and go adventure the multiverse should he master his magic his fate is in he's hands I a merely a writer who will right his story for beginning to the end. this will be my first story sorry if I make mistakes in doing so I want to make a story of someone that's not chain by fate or plot. this is a story of freedom what most of us Desire in life and I will write it with that in mind. he will travel the multiverse gain wives not a Pokémon harem type of fic ill make it around 30 or 50 around there. how you injoy.

Raylen2222_Hunt · Anime & Comics
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19 Chs

16. Land of Shadow 2

{Scathach pov}

Well I don't know how to say this the gal of this man....saying those words but I got to say it was impressive.

I watch at a distance as the army of Shadow beast and the man's Shadow army an him charge to battle.

I watch as he wielded the spear with Mastery

Watching him dance around those beast killing them with precision not missing a beat.

Magic cast by him was fast and did not waste effort.

While his army was dealing with the small fry giving him room to move around but I bet he wouldn't need them to. as he throws a spear at a Shadow beast and another one comes form's back to his hand hmmmm. Most be a duplicate or somewhere along the lines of it makes a new one each time it's thrown

But I wouldn't know the limit of such thing unless I see the Runes on it closely.

Watch for a couple of days as the battle continues to rage on. The man not stopping his movements always not wavering even when he battle against most of the Ultimate class and Satan class beast he move getting openings and I know it would be hard since I battle them and they remember and learn from each battle since they always come back and the reason they don't invade my lands are because I had put runes so they wouldn't and a bit of Magecraft.

And I watch it all I don't need to eat since I'm Immortal.....but I would love to taste food once again.

Anyway it's been 17 days and the battle still rages on I can tell the man is getting better in combat since the start I could tell he lack battle experience and since the start he has been learning and adapting to the never ending army of beast the same could be said for his Shadow army.

'His even better than my favorite student Cú Chulain' Scathach thought as the battle continues and slowly the army of Shadow beast started to dwindle since the Land of Shadows needs to regain its power after this long battle.


I stood their not knowing how long the battle was I stood upon the carcasses of the Shadow Beast army tired but not exhausted.

I only ever fought Ophis not an army so my mind was exhausted Multitasking and Dividing my mind on other threats as I was get some air I felt another survive so I Spin my {Draupnir} and did a stabbing motion right to the one coming behind me. And I heard it Pierce the beast and I pull it back and lean on {Draupnir} for support

My muscles were aching and I am tired I don't know how long I fought I felt like I had tunnel vision.

My eyes where heavy so I got down the mountain of corpses and start walking back to camp and dismissing my Shadow army since it was siphoning my Magic

I didn't know it was hard keeping my

{Shadow Magic} that I learn using a bit of my

{Creation Magic} to create grimoires of them and learning some in Asgard since not alot of them us Shadow which I find stupid since they could do alot.

Haah I can feel Scathach just a distance away watching me fight i don't know what shes thinking but I don't bother, I'm to tired

So I keep walking back to camp.

While thinking and what I have gotten from this which is I got to say those famous lines from the Sparta movie where they hold the line against Persia I think. I got to refine my spearmanship and fix some kinks I had since I had only battle or spared against Ophis even thought she knows how to fight it wasn't really like your fighting a master of their weapon more like I was fighting a experience user but not at the Sametime.

Since I know she just throws Magic around to overpower her opponent and that of Great-Red which I found out to be a women.

Sign this world is the same and not at the sametime so many differences that I have to understand sign to tired man. As I was about to reach my camp my body shut down I could still see but my body wasn't responding and soon I fell unconscious.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~{Scathach pov}

Was impress while looking at the man who invaded my hometown still be able to walk and try to return to his camp.

I watch as he struggles to even stand but he had his spear to support him I he kept on going.

But as soon as he was close he started to stand and wobble and soon fall unconscious I was going to leave him but my curiosity got the better of me so I approach him while also looking at his spear I wanted to kill this man for invading my home which I was going to do when I felt an aura around him which I check and saw a mark or a tattoo of a Serpent Dragon in Obsidian looping and biting its tail.

I knew that symbol very well the Dragon God of infinitely and nothingness....I remember when I challenge that being to a battle and I barely lived even though she didn't have experience with weaponry she overpowers with Magic an an infinite of it.

Now if I know when a Dragon marks a mate it means marriage to them and by killing the partner it would mean I die....but if I did it won't be at my way I know Ophis knows how to break the laws since Dragons are power itself so she can revive and torture should I do it.

And I would be doodling the world if Ophis goes to Outrage mode.

I'll see what Ophis sees in this man and I'll judge why that being is mated to this man.

As for his spear even if I try to kill him I would die which I want but I have a feeling it's not the death I wish.

I saw so many runes engraved at it some I don't know but I can tell if I harm this man I will die or if I take his spear I die since it's bonded to his soul I can't even take it.

Which I wouldn't really take it or kill him since I also feel a very powerful blessing on him which with all the God's combine would be impossible to reach this blessing.

An who ever bless this man I surely bet this being is watching.

Haah what trouble.....but I have a feeling should I stay with this man I would experience something besides death.

Maybe just maybe he could relight the flames in my very soul back to a burning volcano the drive I lost living so long.

But first I need to tend to his wounds.
