
Life and a Journey

Jason Sky thrown to the world of DxD with his to golden finger pushing him to be the best. he will make friends and enemies along the way.Fall In love and go adventure the multiverse should he master his magic his fate is in he's hands I a merely a writer who will right his story for beginning to the end. this will be my first story sorry if I make mistakes in doing so I want to make a story of someone that's not chain by fate or plot. this is a story of freedom what most of us Desire in life and I will write it with that in mind. he will travel the multiverse gain wives not a Pokémon harem type of fic ill make it around 30 or 50 around there. how you injoy.

Raylen2222_Hunt · Komik
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19 Chs

14. thoughts part 2

This will be the same thing Povs of other people.


[Odins pov]

I was busy like always managing my pantheon ruling with an Iron fist.

My once beloved Frigga was with me helping me an advising me.....while I war against different factions calming territories for my own my useless Son Thor doing what he does alway was....

But that was Centuries ago how I miss my beloved Wife finding out she was kill was the most painful thing to ever happen to me in my long life.....and not knowing the Culprit even more so....that's why I released my fury on the one who kill her even though she was controlled I needed something to ease my pain....so I did I tortured put many runes to make sure she live.....but after I just release her and banished the Valkyrie to Midgard I knew she found solace with a mortal man giving birth to a beautiful Valkyrie even if I was a tyrannical king I care about my people so I made sure she and her mother where safe...enough of that.

It was your everyday I was keeping my Faction afloat keeping an eye on everything when I heard someone demand passage to my home...so I gathered my forces and located the one who said those words finding them at a clearing...a man around 18 to 20 I believe and a little girl? But when I look at her closer I felt the power she held and the dragonic aura she exude I knew she was Ophis..

But wasn't she a old man before...then I spotted to laying Valkyries close to the man....I can tell they where alive by their breathing no wounds or lingering Magic on them so they fainted....

I listen to boys words asking passage to learn Primordial Runes and other thing my people are know for....the gal of the boy but....when he brought out a stone in rainbow colors and said abilities my greed and the others I brought skyrocket.....but my words was my mistake when he took his glasses away power exuded from him I felt like the world was on my shoulders and add 20 more the rest faint or are trying to stand....space,time,Gravity and death was exuding from his very being....thankful he was aiming to kill because I knew I was going to die.

He let my people go and me for tomorrow when we all had level headed.

I went to to Mimir for counseling and told me he never heard of such a stone...I just hope it is true because I truly miss my wife.

So he made a deal I would let him learn from my people and he gave me the stone with 4 chances to bring anyone I desire but I only wish to bring my Wife back and maybe Baldur.

So I used it I watch as particles form my wife Frigga like the day I met her.

I watch as her eye lids flutter open....I couldn't hold it anymore and I ran towards her holding her tightly crying.

After an hour of tearful reunion I asked who killed her so I can have my revenge and finding out my own adopted son Loki was the case I search for him but he escape getting word of what was happening.

And our guest were doing as what they thought out to do so I didn't bother with them with my factions problem I also did bring back Baldur and found out he died because of Loki...that son of mine.....haah where did I go wrong with him always going about Ragnorök..

The day my guest left I gave the boy no man Jason the stone back to him I didn't want to temp fate ill save those 2 chances I have left later on.

And knowing he was the Mate of the Dragon God was surprising but a welcome one at least the man can make sure Ophis doesn't rampage around so I said goodbye and told then to visit since he made friends here I even gave him an emblem to signified Asgards friendship because I know he deserves it.


[Michael's pov]

Heaven is In disarray as always when father past I did ever thing I could to keep the system functional reading all my fathers notes and guides to make sure I was doing everything right.

With all the bugs for the {Sacred Gears} going around and some angels finding loopholes it was getting to much. That included the cold War going on with the Devil faction and Fallen faction we can't keep on going like this or we will face Extinction since we can't even reproduce our numbers.

That's when I heard unbelievable news that someone possess a stone capable of reviving Dead gods but knowing who it was more shocking this Jason Sky mate to the Dragon God of infinitely and Nothingness and said to have the strength as her and it was coming from the Norse who experience it. Was shocking and worrying that's why I called the other Archangels for a meeting maybe just maybe it will bring father back.

I hope it really does.


The world was also receiving the knews of someone possessing an item capable of reviving the dead and forgotten gods which shock many some where planning and what to do with this knews and the one who carries it not knowing this being Jason Sky would erase them should they try.....

Some tried finding out anything on said being that's traveling the world with the second strongest being Ophis.


Somewhere around America the wielder of the Sacred Gear {Divine Dividing} was heard the knews going around from her adopted father Azzazel and was excited and left in search hoping maybe it can bring back her mother.


That included the Devils they started planning on how to get this person reincarnated to their faction and used such item not knowing he has the power to erase all of them should be angry.


Hades the God of the Underworld was doing the same thing searching finding the person who could help him revive the God of the Bible since his been having problems and maybe help revive his dead Wife Persephone back to him

Since she died back at the Great War when he wasn't home...but knowing a person that had the same strength as Ophis he didn't do what his brothers would always like demand such item so he sent one of his trusted Grim Reapers Pluto to get this Jason Sky to visit the Underworld for a business meeting.


Somewhere atop Indias mountain a lone boy was watching everything with his eyes seeing the glimpse of the future and it turning to new future ones by the very presence of the Man name Jason Sky and his very action changing everything and he caught a glimpse of him fighting the invaders with people he didn't know and winning.

"Interesting Jason Sky I wonder what will you will do next will you truly bring peace or destruction in our world.....I will wait and see even though I can't see your future very well I know you will do great things" the boys said out aloud while looking at the distance.

The God of Destruction Shiva was smiling having someone to repell the invading Gods to their world.

An ally who will bring forth peace! Or Destruction should he be provoke or someone endanger his love ones.
