
Liar Lila

Lila's ordinary and non-emotional life was well until a party three weeks ago had her handed a DUI, an ex-boyfriend, and a secret she feels she has to hide about him. Ex-boyfriend Elliot doesn't know what he did on that Saturday night. Lila doesn't plan on letting him know. So lie after lie after lie. Lila lies her way out of, and consequently into a lot of trouble, all in the mean time finding out maybe giving people chances isn't as bad as she thought.

ambersymss · Masa Muda
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9 Chs

C09: Daniel - 3

Mum and dad hadn't been home yet today. Not like they usually are. I proud myself on being like my father. He's a smart man. Keeps to himself. Remains polite, but opinionated. I look like mum though. Which isn't a bad thing considering my dad's a bit puddy.

I walked into the kitchen and chucked the stove on. Daniel said he'd be over in 10. I figured I'd make myself some lunch.

10 minutes passed and I was sitting on the couch with my feet up, eating my scrambled eggs and baked beans. The doorbell rang.

"It's open!" I shouted, and soon heard the door open, close, and footsteps grow closer.

"You shouldn't leave the door unlocked when you're home alone Lila." I eyed Daniel off as he sat himself on the single couch next to the sofa. He put a plastic bag on the coffee table, leant back and rubbed his eyes. I put more beans in my mouth.

"Don't be concerned for my wellbeing, you're only my fake boyfriend." He sighed. I finished up the last of my dinner and put the plate in the kitchen, before coming back to the lounge and sitting down, watching Daniel pull a book and pen out of the plastic bag.

"Rules," he looked up at me, "not one's to avoid contact, rather maintain it."

I was confused. "Why? Can't we just say we're dating to people? Walk around school holding hands?"

Daniel groaned. "Lila, to pull this off we need to be seen. Not just in school, but out of it. Not at times that are going to be coincidental, but times noone would expect to see us- we'll be on a date on Thursday night at the local tavern and unexpectedly a couple of students, or students parents will spot us- or going swimming at the beach on a Sunday afternoon and-"

"Okay I get it-" I stopped him. I hated when people spoke so much. "Spontaneous." He nodded.

"Rather than planning, it won't be planned. Relationships aren't planned Lila. You should know that."

"Me and Elliot have dated for three months and not even gone on a date in public Daniel, and then he attacked me. I don't know how relationships work."

He stared at me for a few seconds. Then his eyes dropped. He nodded.

"Okay Alright. We can do this."

By the time we wrapped up it was already 7PM. We had discussed kissing, hugging, hands, and that neither of us are bothered by those sorts of actions. That we can commit them randomly, without permission, infront of whoever. That was rule 1. The rest of them followed as such;

2. If one of us thinks up a date idea, we'll do it. We won't plan it. We'll just enjoy ourselves, and best case scenario someone else sees.

3. Noone else knows about this arrangement. It will be kept between ourselves. We must convince everyone we're dating, in a natural way.

4. We can't be getting close to other people in the time we are dating.

5. Keep Elliot away from Lila.

6. Rely on each other.

7. Respect each other's privacy.

8. Do our best to contain any feelings we may have for eachother.

The last one won't be a problem. But something else came to mind. "Daniel," he paused, discontinuing packing the rest of his items in the plastic bag. "I know I asked this of you, and i'm thankful, but... why did you agree? If you don't want anything to do with it?"

He stared at me. Thinking. "You don't need to worry about that. Just accept that I agreed." Rule no.7. Respect each other's privacy. I nodded, and soon showed him out the door. As he drove off, another car drove into the driveway.

Mum and dad were back.