
Ms. bing

Li Jun said nothing as he walked into his foyer, only nodding his head to Ms. Bing when she greeted him home. He climbed upstairs to the third floor, the bag containing the earring still gripped in his hand. Once he made it to his room, he settled it beside the pearl necklace that Lin loves to admire so much.

This way, he will not forget it.

He'll have a chance to give it to her once she peeks at the necklace again.

Lin was in a rush to get out of her room, she didn't want to get caught lazying around. Her instincts and fears told her she should attempt busying herself.

But in the midst of her rush, she also left without putting away the letter, leaving it on top of her bed for Ms. Bing to see and possibly confiscate.

She scurried passed the main hallway leading up to the maidservant's hall - all the way to the alternate stairs. She looked up, all she wanted was to go hide in the attic and reminiscent the nights Shin and her shared alone tangled up together. Maybe lay down in the same bed and close her eyes, dreaming of Shin beside her.

She sighed and put on a brave face. Maybe, no one is going to look for her for a few minutes.

A few minutes is not going to hurt anyone.

Bravely, she climbs up the stairs, it's already in the afternoon, and she has no business being upstairs but she's going to do it anyway. Little did she knew that Ms. Bing was also there.

She paused mid-step once she picked up a movement. By the sound of the step, Lin could tell it was the gait of a heavy-set woman and she knew who's the heaviest in the mansion.

Ms. Bing! Lin determined instantly and decided being caught was not worth it. She turned around quietly and hurriedly, hoping Ms. Bing would not catch her but the old woman has sharp hearing.

"Lin….is that you I hear?" Ms. Bing said crouching down.

Lin stopped at the sound of her name and debated whether she should answer or not. If Ms. Bing don't see her face, there's no way she could get in trouble.

"Lin, is that you?"

She didn't answer.

"Lin, I know it's you. What're you doing hiding here?" She scolded.

Lin squeezed her fists and cursed biting her tongue. How the heck does that woman always know?

She turned over her shoulder. "Yes, it's me."

"What're you doing in the stairs, girl?"

Lin racked her brain for a quick reason, and it needs to be something good to avoid Ms. Bing's suspicion.

"U-uummm, I was going to check and see if Mr. Lim needed anything. I saw him come home early so I thought I'd check."

"Sounds like you weren't busy."

Lin waited for more scolding but to her surprise, Ms. Bing was relieved to see her.

"I'm glad. Because I need you to take this up to him."

That pique her curiosity, climbing up to meet Ms. Bing in the middle of the stairs. Once she did, she saw her carrying a case. Lin doesn't know what's inside, but she pretended eager to do the chore. Whatever shady stuff hidden inside the case; she wasn't interested. She just wants to get out of her face.

"Here, take this to Mr. Lim." Ms. Bing said as she handed the case over to her.

Lin picked it up from her hand, taking note of the shape and heaviness of the item. "Okay."

"And don't you dare look what's inside." Warned Ms. Bing lifting her fat finger.