
Let Me Make You a Star

Lee Hyun, the man once known as the 'Midas of music'. He got thrown out of his agency and his wife betrayed him. He lost everything and there was no hope left for him, but life gave him another chance to redeem himself. He found himself in 2010. The time when the entertainment industry has just started to get popular all over the world. With his knowledge of the future and his composing skills, Lee Hyun decided to make a mark in the entertainment industry. This time, he would become the 'God of Entertainment'. *On hiatus, due to exams. * * * *This novel is based in Korea. So, the names of the characters would be in Korean. If you like K-pop, then you would like this novel. If you can, please share it. Join the server: https://discord.gg/F9xfJWv Contact me on discord: Killerbee#4748 Note: This novel is also posted on scribble hub and Royal road. Release schedule: 2-3 chapters per day

Killerbee · Realistis
Peringkat tidak cukup
132 Chs

Chapter 78. Jihun VS Minyuk (4)

Chapter 78. Jihun VS Minyuk (4)

"There are so many articles about Minyuk oppa!!"

In the practice studio, Soyun screamed early in the morning as she looked at the countless articles spread out on her laptop.

Harin, who was drinking coffee, looked at her with a glare and reprimanded her. She didn't like the fact that Soyun was shouting so early in the morning.

"Don't shout so early in the morning. Moreover, you are getting excited by those articles for days now. Don't you get bored reading them?"

Harin asked while yawning.

She was practicing her basics last night, so she only got 5 hours of sleep. She was still sleepy and tired because of that.

"I know, but many articles are mentioning our agency and President's name. Maybe, one of them would even mention something like 'Mango Entertainment is also planning a girl group'."


Soyun said with a serious expression on her face and Harin wasn't able to help herself from laughing out loud.