

In the wide open sea, where the waves are violent and winds are strong, a man stands admiring the view from the top deck of a wooden sailing ship, a man with blue robes and leather leggings...

A man named-

"Caelus! Hey, come e're!"

"Oh come on, I was just... never mind. What is it?" said Caelus, slightly annoyed.

As Caelus approached. the expressions on the faces of the men grew even more excited.

"Why don't you sit down, Cael?"

The person who called him was the captain of the ship, whose name was Corvus.

"You looked pitiful standing all by yourself." Corvus said.

"...and you look like crap." added Pyete.

Pyete on the other hand, was one of the ship crew, and was also friends with Corvus and Caelus, along with a woman named Ava, who was also one of the crew.

" You look even worse. " Caelus replied as he sat down beside Corvus.

Corvus and the others laughed.

"Oh, that's true, alright." Ava said.

"Shut up... " Pyete replied to Ava.

"Make me."

As the two were arguing, Corvus turned to Caelus.

"So what are you gonna do when we arrive at the docks?" Corvus asked.

Before Caelus could answer his question, Pyete replied first, all of a sudden.

"I'm definitely going to that famous tavern because, oh boy! The women there are what I call a real sight!" said Pyete.

"You're just going to embarrass yourself there, Pyete..." Ava replied.

"Ah, leave him be." Corvus said to Ava.

"So what'll you be doing. Cael?" asked Corvus.

"I'm just gonna pick up what my old grandfather left as an inheritance." answered Caelus.

After some time had passed, Pyete tried to convince Caelus to join him in his bounty hunt in the city to catch a criminal, and that they could share the reward, but Caelus declined his offer.