

Synopsis After returning from country V, Riana decided to return to her country home in city X. Riana happens to be the only child in an ancient family that practice BUDARISM. In this family known as the wick's family,powerful people exist and this power is transfer from one person to another by just skipping a generation after another. Ones it is the generation in which the special being is been picked,the power naturally gifted to the chosen one from birth. Riana is the special child that is blessed and gifted with the power,but then she knew nothing about it when she was young. She found out that as she was growing and turned 27,she wasn't aging any and her grandma who was the chosen one in her own time,explain to her,how and why it is so. She left home hundred years ago because of the way she was been maltreated back then by her own relatives because she wasn't a male child and her father left all his property in his will for both her and her mother. Her mother saw this and told her to go to country V and stay with her Grandma,that she would come to pick her up after two years. But then Riana disagreed and said that, "it is either I stay or you come with me", But then again her mother disagree and told her that she needed to stay in her husband house and take care of his property. And then again she agreed and left city H, and fled to country V. And now after hundred years, she decided to return to find out why her momma didn't keep her promise...... Stay tune and read with me the LEGENDARY RIANA. .

Joy_B1 · Fantasi
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14 Chs

You Will Find Me

On the other side,still shock and amazed,Riana mouth kept opening and closing looking for what to say bit found none. Then suddenly,a question popped up in her head,and she immediately asked out of curiosity; "who are you?"you don't have to know who I am,hurry and make haste when there is still time,I believe you do not have much of the time left since you....",the old woman had to stop her from spilling any further information. Riana looked at her with a suspicious and dumbfounded Expression and said; "I do not understand what you just said ,can you please come again", "go for you have spent much time with me,you will find me when you need me earnestly ",the woman replied.Just when Riana was about to ask her were she would meet her again for certain questions and answers,the woman replied which caused Riana to wonder if the woman had read her thoughts again in just few hours.She stood up,bade her farewell and set to go, not without looking back to check on the old woman who seems to be seated in the same position without any plans of leaving. Riana chose not to worry about her,since she looked pretty much fine and OK to take care of her self.She left,after walking some meters away from her,she was surprised to see that the woman was no longer there,but then she thought that she must have used the shortest route. On getting to the playground,Riana quickly went to were she had left her bags,and luckily for her her things were still intact.She took her things outside the play ground,she flap down a a taxi and told him to drop her off in the city hotel.The taxi driver drop her off at her destination and without wasting much time,she paid him and he drove off.Stood in front of the hotel more like an inn,taking in the sight of the building which painting and work of art where top notch,she nodded her head like she was admiring the beauty of the building that stood before her.Coming back to her senses,Riana look up and saw a middle age man standing in front of her. "Good madam,am sure that you must be really tired,there is one more room left and perfect for you" the man who seems to be one of the workers said.She directed her to were she could pay in and afterwards took her to the room. Riana thanked the man,and gave him one of her beautiful smile which the man almost lost control of himself to kiss those plumb and full lips.Without letting the man think too much about it,Riana entered the room and shot the close.Riana is in doubtfully beautiful,beauty speaks for her not the other way round,where you would have to convince people that you are beautiful and good looking. Making her self feel comfortable in the simple bedroom that she considered perfect for her. Riana quickly rush to go have her bath,after soaking herself in the warm water prepared,she came out,her face as red as a tomato or rather a flushed face,due to the heat of the water and the water droppings made her look hot.Riana wore a lossed dress but still it compliments her looks and her hair was let loose. Riana walked down the stairs to go get herself something to eat,although she would have sent a waitress to get it bit she wanted to look around and mingle with other individuals. Walking down the steps,different eyes locked unto her,because at that moment Ryan was walking like a bride walking down the aisle. TBC