
Legendary Multiversal Cafe

Tenshi is a kind and gentle boy who had an accident which lead to his death. Faced with a new life, he only wishes to live happily without regrets. Turns out he received a system as compensation for his unjust death. The Multiversal Cafe System! This isn't the same type of story as my last two fics... If you're looking for something like that, then I'm sorry you'll be disappointed. This will be very relaxing and heartwarming... sometimes emotional and happy, sometimes a bit sad and bittersweet. I'll try my best to make it cause you to react with genuine and raw emotions. So! If you want to read something that will warm your cold heart and feel like a nice coffee in the middle of winter by a fire, then you should like it! Tenshi is very kind and gentle, he avoids conflict and isn't usually violent! So please don't freak out if he doesn't kill everyone he comes across.

AgentMonke · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
147 Chs

Wano (Insert Wano Music Here)

A few minutes later

A new Ronin appeared on the streets with reddish-brown hair. It was messy on the side with a long braid falling down, framing his face. He wore a red kimono and some trinkets, pressing on the hilt of a long Katana.

He had ethereal wings floating off his back with a flaming Halo over his head.

He walked around the Flower Capital, catching a paper from the sky. He saw 'Luffytaro' arrested and his lips twitched.

Already? He just got here!

Tenshi continued walking around before finding Sanji's Soba stand. He walked over and ordered a bowl of Soba, Sanji looked at him and frowned, "You're familiar…" Tenshi retorted seriously, "Impossible-gozaru." Sanji was convinced, "I guess not!" Robin on the side, smiling and waved, "Tenshi-kun~"

Sanji froze and jumped, "Bastard! It's you!" Tenshi replied, "Impossible-gozaru.." as he walked over, sitting next to Robin and eating. He smiled, "Hey! This isn't bad!" before adding "Gozaru!" Franky looked at him with twitching lips, noticeably he had glowing lines on his body.

Usopp leaned over and said "You got any other things, Tenshi?" Tenshi flipped his palm and showed him a Tough Beetle, saying "Newest in Kakariko tech! The Beetle will shoot off your arm and grab things from far away, able to be controlled by the bracelet. It can also drop bombs and cut ropes! Only 1500 Rupees!"

Usopp's lips twitched, Franky said quickly "Buy! Buy Buy!" Usopp opened his wallet and a fly flew out. Franky groaned and pulled out his wallet, grinning "How much in Wano money?" Tenshi grinned, revealing sharp canines as he replied "30,000 Gold Taels." while licking his lips greedily.

Robin commented, "You've changed, Tenshi-kun." then she sighed. Tenshi's lips twitched, "Nonsense! I'm the same I've always been! Very kind!" Franky pointed at his nose, shouting "Yeah right! First time we met you gave a whole bunch of Adam Wood for free! Then I had to start paying! Haha! Kind, my shiny metal ass!"

Usopp lamented, "Those were the days… So joyful, so happy… Sogeking was around too…" Franky and Robin's lips twitched, he still was around! We're looking at him!

Tenshi asked quickly "Where is he?! If Sogeking wants the Tough Beetle, he can have it for free!" Usopp jumped in shock and excused himself to go to the bathroom.

Tenshi turned to Robin and Franky, complaining "I haven't changed! I just gained a… business sense…" as he slurped on the Soba noodles. Franky scoffed, "You mean awakened your greedy nature! Bastard! You and Nami are birds of a feather!" Tenshi frowned, retorting "I'm not a bird!"

Robin covered her mouth and laughed softly. Sanji looked over and sneered, "Bird bastard…" adding, "Oho? Did you die? Hopefully!" Tenshi shivered and grinded his teeth, "You really piss me off, crap cook!" Sanji exploded "WHAT DID YOU CALL ME, SISSY BIRD?!"

Tenshi exploded, "You wanna showdown right here?! I can find Ivankov!" Sanji raised a knife and grinned, "Oh why? Fancy a Gender change?!" Tenshi and Sanji chuckled evilly as Usopp returned, no. It wasn't Usopp!

Sogeking appeared, singing "I was born on the island of Snipers…" Tenshi turned around, cheering "SOGEKINGGU!" Sogeking raised a finger, "I never miss my mark…" Tenshi cheered, "Lulu lala luuuu~!"

Franky covered his face, Robin covered her mouth, and Sanji's lips twitched.

Tenshi cheered until a trio came, slapping a Soba bowl out of a little girl's hands. The little girl started crying and everyone looked at the guys, who sneered, "Business is boomin', eh?"

Sanji frowned grimly, Tenshi pressed against his hilt and handed his bowl to the little girl, saying "Here you go, Otoko." O-Toko laughed uncontrollably, "I'm not a boy! Hhahaha!" Tenshi snorted, "I know." as Sanji kicked one of the guys, Tenshi tilted his sword and slashed out, the sword covered in flames as it slashed across one of their chests.

He turned around and slammed out the back of his fist, covered in a white plated armor. Another guy took the backhand to the chin and shot through Flower Capital, smashing through a row of buildings, leaving a tail of destruction as he went flying into the Shogun's Palace.

Tenshi snorted flames from his nose, holding a flaming sword with the word 'Judgment' going down from the guard on the blade itself, wreathed in magma-like flames.

Sanji stuffed the guy on the ground with the Soba he knocked over as Robin gasped, "Tenshi-kun is so strong!" Franky's lips twitched, "I'd be surprised if he wasn't. This guy has so much technology, he might even be better than Vegapunk." Usopp returned and rubbed his chin, "I don't think so. I mean, have you seen what Vegapunk brought out?"

Franky waved, "Yeah, but did you see how cool the Guardians look???" Usopp nodded, "That's true." Robin's lips twitched and Tenshi sheathed the blade, saying "Gozaru." Sanji looked at the destruction and complained "Look what you did!"

Tenshi's lips twitched, "That wasn't me." Sanji shouted angrily, "I literally watched you do it!" Tenshi shook his head, "Impossible-Gozaru." O-Toko slurped the noodles and laughed, "I'm terrified! Hahaha!"

Tenshi waved his hand and pinched a flaming flower in his hand, smiling "Here you go." Otoko held the flower and looked at him before shouting "MY PRINCE!" as she fainted on the spot.

Tenshi was dumbfounded and Robin gasped, "Oh my." Usopp, Franky, and Sanji waved, "Idiot. Birdbrain. Bastard. Greedy. Jerk. Fake Prince." Tenshi turned and shouted "I GET IT!" then cleared his throat, adding "Well, anyway. I saved you all, that'll be 200 Rupees each."

Robin pointed at herself, "Even me?" Tenshi nodded, "Even Otoko!" Franky said "Ruthless!" Usopp fell to his knees, "Even Nami wouldn't stoop so low!" Sanji sneered, "A classic scumbag bird. Just like the ones in Alabasta."

Tenshi's lips twitched and turned to Otoko, muttering "Can't even make money around here…" as he poured Water from the Cafe into her mouth. Otoko jumped up and laughed, "Ha? I almost forgot! Waah!"

She ran off, waving "Watch the Procession, okay?! The Oiran will be passing through!" Usopp asked, "Oiran?" Robin explained, "The Oiran is the best Geisha. Her name is Komurasaki." as she looked at Tenshi, who pursed his lips, "Sure."

Franky asked, "Is she not?" Tenshi replied with a wave of his hand, "Yes and No. Her real name is Hiyori Kozuki, Momonosuke's Sister. But she didn't go through time, so she's all grown up. Very beautiful." as he gave a thumbs up.

Sanji swooned, "REALLY~!?" Robin was whisked away by her Master to get ready for a feast at the Palace. Tenshi stood with the group as Usopp coughed, "So, I heard Sogeking passed by?" Tenshi tossed him the Beetle, "Give this to him when you see him…"

He chuckled, "Tell him, he owes me 1500 Rupees!" Usopp paled but kept the Beetle, muttering "I'll just sick Nami on you, we'll see what happens then… Heh heh~!"