
Realizing Mistakes and Correcting them

The group stood and watched as Hiyori walked by with a procession.

Tenshi explained on the side, "You see those three guys. They were all cheated out of their money by Hiyori. All their money was swindled away, but they weren't good guys. One guy burned down houses, the other sold coffins, and the last one owned the land the houses were on."

Sanji, Usopp, and Franky were disgusted.

Tenshi nodded and pointed at Hiyori, adding "Also, in the near future, she sleeps with Zoro." The three froze and Sanji exploded "IT SHOULD'VE BEEN ME! NOT HIM!" Tenshi laughed and everyone started looking at them.

Tenshi waved at everyone looking at him, saying "If you have time, please visit Hibari's a few blocks from here, everyone. Great prices, excellent scenery, guaranteed! Even watching a procession cannot be done with coffee!"

Usopp waved, "What a greedy business owner!" Franky nodded, "A real scum!" Tenshi waved and muttered, "You want free stuff right? Start advertising." Usopp and Franky changed in an instant, advertising "Visit Hibari's and you'll live forever!"

Tenshi nodded and sneered at Sanji, who was glaring at him. Then Sanji paused and frowned, "Why did you kidnap my sister, by the way?" Tenshi replied, "She's a talent for Technological things, why wouldn't I kidnap her? I also kidnapped Pudding- Bah! I hired both of them!"

Sanji frowned and asked, "Is that why her eye is Vertical now?" Tenshi nodded and smiled, "These are the Employee benefits! Want a job?" Sanji sneered at him, "You'd like that wouldn't you?" Tenshi nodded, "I would! Although you're not as good as me, you're not bad." as he smiled with closed eyes.

Sanji froze and started grinding his teeth.

Tenshi stood up and dusted his hands before saying "Anyway, I'm off. See you guys later." as he hummed, crossing the profession, right in front of Hiyori.

Everyone paused and the guards charged at him, "How dare you!?" Tenshi looked at them and furrowed his brows, "Can't you see…" he disappeared behind the guards as he clicked his sword back into its sheath, "I'm walking here!"

The Guards fell to the ground unconscious.

Tenshi snorted flames and walked over, looting their bodies. He pulled out a bunch of Taels before putting them in a bag and nodding as he continued walking away, humming to himself.

He looked up at Hiyori as he passed by before continuing on his way, much more selective in his Forceful Employment now.

Tenshi sighed to himself, looking up at the sky as he scratched his stubble.

Mom, I've grown!

He hummed to himself as he walked away, disappearing on the spot.

A long while later

Tenshi was looking down into Udon prison at night, thinking to himself. Maybe he was getting a bit greedy lately. But he didn't really think so. He was a businessman, right? Tenshi sighed to himself as he squatted on the edge of Udon Prison, it shouldn't be that bad right?

Recently, he had been moving away from the Cafe and focusing on expanding over and over and over again… He hasn't even talked with his employees in a while… Tenshi frowned sadly, he went astray again? This time it wasn't even because of someone else…

It was all him…

Maybe it was all him, the whole time?

Tenshi sighed sadly before hearing a beep.

He turned his head to the side looking at an Achievement screen.

[Embrace your True Personality- Completed]

[Reflection is the key to growth! Realizing mistakes and correcting your ways is healthy. As the time passes, you may change, you may differ from what you were at the beginning, however you must have the self-control to correct yourself!]

[Greed Mode- Unlocked!]

[Famine Bringer- Devoured]

[Golden Touch- Unlocked]

[Ultimate Cleansing (Eternal)]

Tenshi was stunned and jumped back, taking off his clothes quickly as he groaned.

Black smoke emitted from his body, his skin started turning whiter, smoother, and softer. His hair exploded from his body before regrowing out, completely brown. The flaming Halo emitted black smoke before burning a beautiful bright golden purplish-red.

His eyes sparkled brighter than the night sky and he seemed to regress in age, returning back to 18 years old. His bones crackled and he let out a breath full of black smoke.

Tenshi pressed on the ground and breathed out heavily, looking at the screen.

[Greed Mode- Unleash all your Greed and explode in power! Your strength will multiply by 10 but you will be extremely Greedy for the duration.]

[Golden Touch- Your hands are Gold for those in need. Simply reaching out can change a person's entire life. The kindness of the angels personified. Can enrich the land, heal injuries, remove impurities, and soothe people with only a touch. (Can Remove Devil Fruit Weaknesses)]

Tenshi pulled up the Kimono and asked gently, "Can it heal SMILE laughter?"


Tenshi let out a breath and turned back to the Achievements List.

[Embrace your True Personality- Completed]

[Avoid the Worst Timeline- Completed]

[Avoid becoming a Fallen Angel- Completed]

Tenshi flew away from Udon, smiling gently as he looked for Ebisu town, collecting the Rewards on the way.


[Merge Token x10]

[Weather Wand]

[Mysterium- 1 Ton]

Tenshi continued flying as he looked at the descriptions.

[Merge Token- Merge one thing with another forcefully without losing any properties]

[Weather Wand- Allows the User to Create and Control the Weather]

[Mysterium- A Metal as hard as Adamantium, conducts electricity but not heat. Resonates with Magic, but also had Anti-Magic properties]

Tenshi continued flying while flipping his palm, looking at a bar of Mysterium. It was shaped in an inverted Pyramid, though, it could be said to be a Pyramid as well.

He touched his sword with the Mysterium and slapped a Merge Token on it. More Mysterium appeared and flooded into the sword before disappearing.

Tenshi took out the sword and it seemed to burp. He pursed his lips in amusement, looking at the black feathered pattern of the Hamon. But the rest of the blade was a sparkling white-silver color.

The word 'Judgment' was carved into the blade itself on the flat by the guard.

He had reforged it himself according to the new accumulated forging methods.

Tenshi sheathed the katana as he continued flying through the night.