
Legend of the fated mates.

Werewolves, packs, fated mates, the moon goddess, the Alphas & their moon gifted Luna's, Omegas, Lycans and rogues, just to some up the most famous, well known and popular shifters of the "other" world. A world beyond our wildest dreams and imagination, a world where anything can happen, above and beyond, a world full of unending possibilities and unending fantasy! But besides those famous moon howlers, there are more living creatures out there! But they are sometimes being forgotten since they are living beyond the shadows of the famous wolves. Creatures who are much alike as their famous howling neighbors.... They are also shifters. Shifting between their human form and their true form, having also mates and feel the same way about them just as the wolves! But what if fate brings two people together. Two very different people coming from two very different worlds, not to say from extreme opposites! This is a tale about one of those "forgotten ones", a tale of love, passion, sacrifice, hope but also of fighting for your right of place in the world and for your hearts desires but above all, about the discovery of one's true nature that transcends all boundaries! A tale of two sisters, humans & two shifters, a grizzly and a lion pulled together by fate!

MarjoryBloom84 · perkotaan
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18 Chs

10. Just leave me!

Lionel came back with the elevator and stepped inside his office only to find a crying Grissom sitting by himself on the sofa.

"Griss! What happened, where is Ava?" He asked, shocked to see his friend so emotional.

"She....she p...passed out, she panicked waking up in...my arms and ran away!" He whispered with a tear-stricken face.

"Oh sorry man! God! Damn that bastar Lucas!...do you know where she went?" Lionel asked him while taking a seat next to him.

"I think....i think she went to her apartment, Bet...Betty is free from school by now" he muttered while rubbing in his eyes.

"Okay I'll call her, just give me a second please." Lionel says while dialing Betty's number.

After 3 times Betty finally answered her phone.

"Hello, who's this?" She asked.

"Hi Betty, i am your sister boss, well one of them anyways, i am Lionel, please can you tell me if your sister Ava is with you or not?" He asked her, praying that she indeed was with him.

"Why do you want to know?" Was her reply after some seconds of silence.

"Betty, just tell me if she is safe please i am dying here of worriedness please i need to know, i need to know if my girl is safe!" Grissom muttered trough the phone who was on speaker now so he could listen in.

Then it was silent again but this time longer than before....making both men nervous, especially Grissom.

"She is safe with me but she does not want to speak to you right now, i am sorry! She will contact you herself whenever she is read, have a good day sir!" Betty says softly and then cuts the call.

"Aaaarrgghh!!" Grissom growled loud while smashing the glass of the table in anger as Bruno came to the surface.

Lionel who understood what was going on just watched him that he would not hurt himself.

"Where is that bastard? We need to be sure that this time he stays behind bars where he belongs!" He says menacing.

"I already spoke with the police Grissom! They have told me that he was out on baile, payed by the girls uncle! It turns out they are business partners and long time friends of each other so naturally he came to the rescue after Lucas had called his buddy to come resque him from jail! But i have made it already clear to the police that he needs to be locked up again do now the detective that was busy with the case is talking with a judge to see what we can do" Lionel says to Grissom who was now standing still while listening to his explanation.

"So their uncle is behind that piece of shit? Damn! Okay well don't you think we should tell the girls? They need to know i think?" Grissom says while scratching the back of his neck harshly.

"Yeah maybe, or they already know, but yeah let's go to them after we are done here and then we will try to see if they are willing to talk to us, ok?"

"Okay yeah, good idea! I want my little one back! I miss her!" Grissom muttered as he stared outside the window.

Some hours went by and the men tried to come up with a new deal with another potential cliënt but it wasn't easy since they had to start from scratch again since Lucas had it all messed up!

Meanwhile at Betty's and Ava's apartement, the new one they gotten from Grissom and his parents!

"Sis, you need to eat! You can't stay hungry all day!" Betty pleased with Ava who refused to come out of her room and eat.

Betty sighed. She tried her best but Ava was stubborn and upset and wouldn't talk or listen to her to Betty's annoyance!

"Can you at least tell me what is going on? Why are you nut at work? You know your two handsome bosses are very worried about you, they even called me to see if you were here safe!" She tells Ava trough a closed door but the only respons she hears is some sniffing noises and then silence.

Betty feels that something must be really wrong but as Ava is closing her out then she can't do much to help her. But then suddenly she gets an idea....

"Hello, Mr. Lionel, please do you know what is wrong with Ava, why did she leave work?" She asked after dialling his number.

"Hi Betty, yeah uhm about that! It is good of you to call and ask since we were already planning to come see you and talk about that! Anyways, that man Lucas, who raped your sister came to our office today and unfortubatly we didn't know he was here since he used his middle name and they saw each other so your sister became really upset and run away from Grissom after she had fainted, but listen up Betty, the reason why he was Sheree was because your uncle paid his Baile so you guys have to be careful, okay, because I don't know yet but i have a feeling that maybe somewhere in the noice station there also must be domebody that had helped him since that Lucas boy is not done nice good citizen!" He tells Betty who listens in shock.

"So uncle did that?! While he probably knows what that bastard did to mys sister!!.....that EVIL man!!" She whispered the last part.

"Yeah he is! Well how is Ava doing now, how does she feel!" He asked her worried.

"Uhm ...well she locked herself into her bedroom and doesn't want to come out, not even for food so not good" Betty explained.

"Okay, well i have an idea but i am not sure it will work but we can try can we!"

"Sure, tell me?"

"Well I'll will come with Grissom, maybe Bruno could convince her!" He says a little hopeful.

"Oh okay, yeah sure we can try and see, when will you be here?" She asked.

" Uhm in half an hour, will that be okay for you?"

"Yeah, yes sure! I'll see you and Mr. Grissom soon!" And then she cuts the call.

"Griss!! Let's go!" He yelled trough the open door to her boss and friend.

"What is it? Is she okay?" Grissol asked with a pounding heart.

"Chill out my dear friend before you get a heart attack!...we are going to visit them so get your coat and we will finish this up tomorrow so we can spend some time with the sister ok?"

"Yes thank you!" Grissom says as he puts his jacket on while walking already to the elevator.

Some minutes later as both men sit inside Lionel's car in the eau to the girls apartement they are both silent.

Lionel thinks of how he himself would react in this kind of situation when it would have been his mate while Grissom isntrying to ignore thebhuffing and puffing of Bruno ik his mind who is very impatiently running around in his head.

Some time later Lionel parked his car in front of the apartment building and the men git out and walk towards the entrance.

"So you know what to do! But please don't freak her out even more okay so don't lose your cool, the BOTH of you!" Lionel asked while the are inside the elevator going up.

"Yes i know, i know Grissom mumbled while thinking of what to say to hid upset little mate.

When they finally arrived they knock and Betty opened the door after checking if it was really them.

"Hello Betty, good to see you again!" Grissol says and then Lionel greets her, shaking her hand when he suddenly feels a spark the moment he shakes her hand, maling him gasp in suprise upon the strange feeling.

He looks at Betty but she doesn't seem to have felt it so he shakes the odd drong off and follows her and Gridsok to the living room and sits down in a chair.

"Do you guys want something to drink?" Betty asked the both of them.

"No not for ne, i just want to see her!" Grissom growled while Lionel also shakes his head in a no gesture.

"She is in the room with her name on it, she hasn't talked sir came out yet so I'd say good luck!" Betty said honestly.

"Thanks, I'll go see her now then!" Grissom says and Jiggs out of the room up the stairs following her scent and that is strongly present, making his inner bear more and more active!

Finally standing in front of the door with Ava's bane on it he sat down knocks.

"Little one? Please, can i see you? Please I'm so so sorry! Please i know when should have had better security but.....but....."

"Just leave me, Griss!" He was cut off by Ava.

"Li....little one?!" He whispered with a painstricken face.

Bruno fought heard and then without a further warning git out with a loud thud hitting the walls and the flood as his body morphed into a big sized Bruno.

Bruno who whimpered softly of the loss feeling of his mate started scratching her bedroom door with his paws as to try to get it open himself.

Meanwhile Ava sat on the itherside with her back against the door with her face hidden in her arms and pulled up knees.

Suddenly she heard lots of noises, then a silence and then something pressed against her door with full force and scratching sounds.....

Shocked and curious and at the same time she opened the door a little bit to peel outside only to come face to face with a huge grizzly bear sitting in the ground in front of her crying his eyes out...