
Legend Of Legends: The Bandit King

Divyat like most people born into his era was ordinary, he was destined for nothing more than mediocrity. yet he wished for so much more than what his life could offer him. With an unattributed spirit root, there was only so much he could achieve on the road of cultivation, yet it was a road he was more than willing to walk on, crawling every inch of the way to get the power he craved, even if his end seemed predetermined and limited. Then one day tragedy struck, the sect and the family that he loves and loved him back in return was attacked and awash in flames before the dawning of a new day. In his bid for survival Divyat ended up accidentally Killing a nature spirit, one responsible for the balance of winter and wind, absorbing it's power and becoming a new avatar of nature, a mortal deity in and out of itself with power over elements. But a boon as good as this, is not worth anything without your loved ones to share it with, so instead Divyat will use it to get his revenge and should anyone get in his way, he will freeze them to cinders, because when a man's heart has gotten cold enough; even the world itself will burn from it. Cover is not mine and was taken off the internet.

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187 Chs

042: Chaos From A Night Hunter

Divyat took a deep breath as the sun finally set, the warm embers from the heat seemed to soothe yet at the same time irritate Divyat as a part of him wished the sun was a little bit colder. He dropped down from the ramparts, his form disappearing as they melded into the shadows of the land. He picked up speed as he ran towards the next fortress, there were outcroppings of rock in the earth that grew enough to serve as cover for Divyat as he slowly took his time yet swiftly moved through the terrain. When he had drew sufficiently closer to the next fortress, he stopped and crouched down, immediately knocking an arrow as he took stock of demi-humans patrolling the top of the ramparts as guards.

They were avians, specifically Owl demons of some sort. But it didn't, matter what sort, as long as they were avian demons, they had incredibly powerful eyesight. Neither way there were three of them on the ramparts, there were other demons further spaced, but these three were the biggest threat Divyat had to infiltrating the fortress, and if he wasn't going to bring them down, he had to make sure he took them all out fast enough that no one would notice. He pulled back on the strings of his bow, an arrow already knocked as he pulled it back to the extreme limit, his breathing steady as a target came into his sight, his qi seemed to flash forward like a whip within his body as the arrow flew out like it was shot out of a cannon.

[Heart Seeker: One Breath Spike]

The head of the first guard exploded into a shower of gore and blood mist. The other two did not notice immediately, giving Divyat enough time to shoot the second arrow, this time it took the next target in the neck, boring a hole clean through and freezing the body in the process. Both bodies hit the ground at the same time with the second even going over the rampart to get his body dashed on the rocks below, which was what was required to draw the attention of the final owl guard, but once again Divyat was ready and acted immediately. One breath spike took the heart of the final owl, and from there it was an extreme race to get to the base of the wall as Divyat ran at the same time tied a knot around the shaft of a special metal arrow.

As he drew closer to the wall, he aimed his arrow and let it loose, letting it whistle silently in the wind before it slammed hard into the wall of the rampart. Divyat tugged hard on the rope twice before he started running up the wall, using the rope to pull himself up as quickly as possible. This was even easier for him to do than shooting a bow, both he and Nivgyat had built their tree house utilizing similar methods., so getting up the wall was way easier than he would have envisioned.

He got over the wall in no time, quickly crouching down and looking left and right to make sure no one else had eyes on him. He quickly disposed of the two remaining bodies and came to the edge of the rampart overlooking the interior of the fortress. Almost immediately, Divyat could recognize the people who were in charge. There were four massive crowds gathered down there, each focusing on a particular central character. Divyat counted a Tiger Man, a Rakshasa, a Red skinned Oni, though he wasn't so sure what was the difference between a Yaksha and a Rakshasa. However, it was the final person that gave him pause, a very beautiful young woman that for all intents and purposes looked human.

Except of course for the red tattoos on her body, her red eyes and the aura of bloodlust and death hanging around her. Divyat knew without a doubt that she was the most powerful here, even from his perch on the rampart he could feel the vigorousness of her qi, telling she was either in the mid or late Qi condensation stage. Normally going after her would have been the best bet, the weaker the clusters the easier it would be for Fang Bin to handle whatever comes her way, but be that as it may Divyat was not sure he could get her with just a single strike, so he would focus on the four others she has to deal with. After that he could either go back the same way he just came and head for the cluster on the west, or just move ahead reaping Bandit leaders from the east, going round until he returns back to his starting point, or stopping just before dawn.

Divyat pulled out four arrows, in truth he would need a distraction to be able to take out his three targets, as quickly and

as efficiently as possible. He had a plan for that as his gaze landed on the form of a half spectral woman floating about…. He had no idea how or what a banshee was doing here, while they had intelligence, they were mostly seen as wild monsters or demon beasts of a different sort. Nevertheless, the dying screams of a banshee was all the distraction he needed, but after he took out his first target. His arrow flew true to stab halfway through the skull of the tiger demi-human.

The sudden attack was enough to draw all of their attention as his camp fell into confusion, the next arrow took the Yaksha in the throat, and the third found its way into the head of the banshee [One Heart Spike] making sure the blow was fatal as the body rapidly froze and she fell to the ground, breaking into a million pieces whilst releasing a wild scream that forced everyone to hunker down in pain, even Divyat who winced loudly but still fired his fourth and final arrow, taking out the Rakshasa, leaving only the red lady….a woman he knew without a doubt was an Ashura.

He fired an arrow attached to the same rope he used to scale the wall across the fortress, creating a zip line that he promptly used his bow to zip on. As he flew over the crowd below, their eyes met and for an inexplicable moment the entire world seemed to fall silent. He felt a kind of kinship to her as in that moment she felt like the anti-thesis to his ice and cold. Where he was wind and water she was fire and earth, and just like him, a beast in the body of a mortal, but very much still what Divyat could and should fear….as Ashura…. A powerful demon from hell.

He crashed into the other balcony, pulling out an arrow that he promptly stabbed into the face of an Avian, before running and jumping off the ramparts, barely escaping the powerful fireball, or rather ball of magma that was sent in his direction. It exploded in a conflagration of flames behind him as he fell to the ground, evading straight for the next cluster as he used the terrain and his instincts to mask his presence. By the time the Ashura got on top of the ramparts to look for him, every trace of Divyat was gone with the night. But they will hear of his presence no doubt, this is a night where his chaos would reign supreme.