
Legend Of Legends: The Bandit King

Divyat like most people born into his era was ordinary, he was destined for nothing more than mediocrity. yet he wished for so much more than what his life could offer him. With an unattributed spirit root, there was only so much he could achieve on the road of cultivation, yet it was a road he was more than willing to walk on, crawling every inch of the way to get the power he craved, even if his end seemed predetermined and limited. Then one day tragedy struck, the sect and the family that he loves and loved him back in return was attacked and awash in flames before the dawning of a new day. In his bid for survival Divyat ended up accidentally Killing a nature spirit, one responsible for the balance of winter and wind, absorbing it's power and becoming a new avatar of nature, a mortal deity in and out of itself with power over elements. But a boon as good as this, is not worth anything without your loved ones to share it with, so instead Divyat will use it to get his revenge and should anyone get in his way, he will freeze them to cinders, because when a man's heart has gotten cold enough; even the world itself will burn from it. Cover is not mine and was taken off the internet.

Anone · Eastern
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187 Chs

043: Gathering Of Apprentice Lords

Fang Bin was not exactly sure how to approach this situation in front of her, Divyat has definitely gone overboard and right now it was affecting her ability to control the entire situation. There were ten Apprentice Bandit Lords within her fortress right now. The remaining 5 had already been eliminated, their fortresses gone, with only jagged cliffs hanging in the location they once stood. And it wasn't from a massive battle even though an entire day had passed and they were well into the evening of the second, it was because Divyat had taken things to the next level and removed every competition with startling efficiency and speed, hitting hard and fast and giving nobody any time to react to his assaults.

Of the ten apprentice bandit lords here, every single one of them had their competition taken out, the ensuing result was them having full and total control of their clusters. But it left every single one of them with unease as they weren't exactly sure what Divyat was playing at. So when Fang Bin reached out to the fortresses east and west of her's or rather Divyat's, the word spread now all of the remaining clusters were gathered within their fortress with the gates open to enable for a swift retreat should fang Bin have any intention of betraying them.

But if there were any thoughts of betrayal, it was from Fang Bin wondering if perhaps, she should just explain Divyat's plot to all of the people gathered here, quite a few of them were more powerful than she was, and she desperately wanted to keep her Bandit Queen sigil. If they could band together to completely remove Divyat from the playing field, then with a shred of a doubt they would be able to focus amongst themselves and she would be able to find a way to survive to the top three and gain the power and prestige she so desperately needed.

But as they all explained how Divyat came into the fortresses and took out their competition, she felt a shiver of fear snake up and down her spine, he could even be watching at this moment. Besides, the most major problem that was on the ground was invariably the fact that Divyat was now holding a Sigil that should invariably put him back in his Apprentice Bandit King Position, all he had to do was keep evading them and picking them off one by one, and he would still get to the top three leaders. And should he find out of her betrayal, it was her bloody neck on the line….. This human was way more efficient than she thought.

"We have to band together and end him! A temporary truce between us all while we hunt for that fucking human is the only way to go!"

A naga with his hood flared out called out, complaining bitterly while his thin arms waved every way. Fang Bin didn't like him, after all he was her weakling of a cousin who was as opportunistic and backstabbing as they come, he only ever cared about his bloody hide.

"Aren't I right, Cousin? You're the only Apprentice Bandit Queen now! You should lead the rest of us in hunting him down, especially since he was your problem to begin with!" the Naga said, causing the gaze of the rest of the Lords to turn in her direction. Fang bin huffed in annoyance as she said to him.

"First of all you sleazy little coward! I can't believe you are apportioning blame. He is a human. So I guess that makes him everybody else's problem you pathetic son of a bitch, also unlike the rest of you who he cherry picked to come into our fucking positions, I actually had to fight the bastard, and I lost, more than once! Even in his escape after we ambushed him, Divyat was able to put me in a tough spot, with all the help he almost killed me. It was his fleeing due to exhaustion that helped me get this bloody sigil, so no, I'm in no position to lead anyone of you as that would make me a bigger target than I already am, he's saving me for the last I tell you, and I don't want to make my end should It come at his hands any more painful than it needs to be. So rather than put me in the front, I say we all take the field and look for that bastard, it's better than waiting here for him to pick us off one by on-"

Fang Bin hadn't even finished speaking when one of the remaining lords vanished, and not just him, the rest of his entourage went poof too. Fang Bin held her mouth open in shock, not at all sure what was happening, until the Ashura huffed in annoyance. So far, she had been the only person who hadn't spoken a single word during this entire meeting. And Fang Bin knew she was stronger than everyone here, herself included, and frankly speaking she gave off the same feeling as Divyat. He was cold madness and she was subdued fire. Fang Bin has always been really proud of her perceptiveness, and she knew throughout this farce of a meeting the Ashura has been hungering for violence, and it was expected, after all; that is what they were known for.

"I'm tired of this joke, I didn't come here to discuss about how to defeat a man that would probably be the only person in all of existence to match me in power and talent. No! What I'm here is actually quite simple, and it should be the solution you all are searching for." Fang Bin felt a pit in her stomach as she slowly stood up and slithered to the side acting nonchalant as she put space between her and the Ashura.

"And what is it this solution that you speak of Lady Kiramei." Fang Bin asked as the Ashura stood up.

"It's quite easy really, I become an Apprentice Bandit Queen, and all of you should just…..Die!"

things are a little bit off for me today. I just lost an aunt, and she was really young. thanks for reading and God bless you all

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