Following the change done by the mirror, players started freaking out and running around searching for ways to get out of the game. Kai Stood in the same place with an expressionless face and just observed the surrounding.
Kai: Hope, send a message to Klaus to use this moment to leave town and go to all high experience places.
Hope: Done. All the hidden classes have been unlocked. All the knowledge and skill are transferring directly to the master's mind.
Kai: Okay good.
Hope: Skill will be embedded into muscle and Host can directly activate them to practice.
Kai: Okay, level up to the required level needed to fight the boss and then show me the way to the boss.
As he was walking out of the town he was suddenly stopped by Kirito who invited him to form a party with him. But Kai rejected him stating that he is not interested in fighting and will open a shop somewhere.
Kirito feeling sad left after adding to the friend list.
Kai smiled and started slowly walking along the path while playing with a very heavy sword for practice. Soon he arrived in a dungeon inside which many paths were going around but with the help of Hope, he directly went to maximum monster spawning area practice all his skills then went to fight the boss, as he was going to fight the boss he saw a large crowd of people coming his way among which was Kirito.
When Kirito saw Kai alone standing in front of the boss gate he had a bad feeling so he tried to call out his name but he saw Kai smiling then entering the dungeon. People around him too have long noticed the boy and screamed at him to stop but regardless Kai just entered.
Kai knew that Illfang the kobold lord was the final boss of this floor along with his three minions. Not caring a thing kai straight forth throw his sword and impelled one of the minions to the ground while punching the other into the remaining third, while running and sliding below Illfang dodging his the large ax which is trying to cut him in half he quickly recovers his sword and strikes back at the Illfang, striking again and again while practicing many different types of attacks, With each attack both Kai and Illfang start losing health, Kai inhales a heath potion and start fighting again. Ordering Hope to summon another heavy sword to practice double hand sword style fighting which Kirito gets later. He first pushes the one minion Running toward him while chopping off the arm of Illfang. Iffang roars and pulls out nōdachi used for close combat like katana. Seeing this Kai too, impelled both his sword into the last minion and take out his katana given to him by Hope. He and Illfang once again start fighting in close quarters ignoring all damages try different techniques and attacks, with the help of Hope drinking health portion every time his health goes into the red. After trying some techniques kai pushes Illfang with all his strength and puts away his katana and pick his both his swords he has impelled the minion who has long disappeared. Putting one of the swords away Kai impels Illfang into the ground killing him instantly.
As he was picking the loot offered by boss death 'Coat of midnight' the gate of the boss room opened and people came rushing in and looked at the player sole standing there. Among the crowd, Kirito came out running and said: Kai, Are you okay? Why didn't you waited for others and barged into the room on your own?
Kai: Well I told you I want to open a shop right?
Kirito: Yes, what does this have to do with that?
Kai: There was no good place on the first floor to open the shop so I decided to go to 2nd floor, You guys would have just slowed he down so I came on my own
Hearing his response someone from the crowd come forth and started screaming: Look at this beta scum criticizing us, Now little shit pay us compensation for taking the boss alone and making every one of us waste our time.
Kai moved his head a bit then swang his sword cutting one of the arms of the player.
Kai: Well Kirito, I will meet you later, I have to hurry up or all the good locations will be taken again
Before Kirito or anyone else can reply Kai has pushed open the door and went on the second floor. A large announcement ran out throughout the Aincrad.
<<<Play Kai has cleared the first floor alone>>>
<<<Play Kai has cleared the first floor alone>>>
<<<Play Kai has cleared the first floor alone>>>
Kai smiled and started moving toward the village on the second floor.
Now it was time to practice other fields of the blacksmith, Painter among others. Kai with the help of money provided by Hope which was in control of the entire Cardinal system bought a large shop and started forging various kinds of weapons using knowledge already learned by the system. Using modern knowledge with ancient knowledge acquired by the system Kai started experimenting. Meanwhile on the outside Klaus leading the guild 'Hope' cleared the remaining 9 floors and achieved gained the title of the strongest. They also started requiring players to act secondly creating 9 command units to deal with various things. Asuna one of Kai's favorite characters too enrolled into Hope believing it to live up to its name and climbed to no 3 within no 2 division.
By the time floor 26th was cleared, Kai completed his experiments and gained mastery over the class group of blacksmith painter, fisherman among others.
Kai decided to explore a bit and explored floors while practicing remaining sword skill and whatnot. after exploring everything He got tired and decided to join the guild who along with the rest of the front line has reached flood 28th. So he went to send a message to Klaus regarding his coming and Joining the guild. Klaus informed him of a meeting which is to take place to discuss floor boss plans.
Kai wearing a simple jacket and having an ordinary sword arrived on the 28th floor and went into the meeting were various clans including Knight of the blood among others. Kai simply went near a wall and rested Soon Klaus accompanied by 3 people which included Asuna arrives in the room seeing Kai resting on the wall. Klaus nodded his head and started the meeting. Declaring that the leader of Hope will alone take on flood 28th boss. Everyone Along with his companion is startled by the announcement and various leaders started debating that Hope being the strongest clan should not turn arrogant. Klaus refuted the argument and said Hope's leader will be the one fighting the boss alone and prove to everyone what it means to be powerful. Various leaders got enraged and asked the companions of Klaus to come to talk to them when Klaus is dead to which his companion replied that Klaus is not the leader but just a division head which got everyone confused.
With Angre and arrogance, many guilds left leaving some small guild, knight of the blood and Hope members and Kirito behind.
Klaus went forth and bowed to Kai: Welcome back master.
The companions of his too: Well come back master.
Kirito and rest curious over who the master is looked over and was completely stunned to see a tall 6'1 tall man with a complete set of black hair and expressionless face. Kayaba Akihiko too was a stunt to see the man he feared the most standing in front of him he never knew that the man too has been trapped in the game. Akihiko was one of the very few who have met Kai in the real world. Kai has even provided some answers to creating the game when he was facing a problem. Kai looked at Kirito and smiled and waved his hand a little. Then he looked at Asuna and smiled a little more: Thanks for all your hard work.
Asuna seeing the most handsome man she has seen in life saying something like this completely turned red.
Kirito was at first doubt whether the person standing in front of him was his friend or not but seeing him wave, He went forward to talk: Hey, I didn't know you were such a big short, Why fight the boss alone?
Kai: I hear there are these hot potatoes that are being sold on the 29th floor I don't want to fight over others so I will rush in to be the first in line.
Kirito: Stop joking, How about I go with you? You can eat the sweet potatoes afterward alone if you want
Kai putting a hand on the heart and saying: No No sorry but I can't change. Well anyway can you guys wait outside I need to talk to Knight of the blood leader He requests me to meet him today that's why I'm especially here.
Kirito: Okay I will wait outside.
Klaus nodded and went outside along with other people who have stayed behind
Heathcliff too orders his man to wait outside.
Kai: Do you know why I wanted to meet you?
Heathcliff: Master Lu, I truly didn't know you were present during the game.
Kai: Don't worry about it. Try to control the GM function.
Heathcliff hesitated and decided to call out the command: GM login ID: Heathcliff password xxxxxxx
After getting no response he tried again but nothing happened.
Heathcliff: Master have you done something?
Kai: Yes, I wanted something you created so I joined in but then you went and trapped me so I decided to trap everyone
Heathcliff: Master what do you want?
Kai: Nothing, the game will continue as it's going I like a girl so will be using your came to pursue her Hahaha
Heathcliff: Master any command for me?
Kai: Na continue your game
Heathcliff: Okay master.
Then Kai along with Heathcliff walked out of the meeting room.
Kirito: So what did you two talked about?
Kai: Well he wanted to duel with me when we reach flood 60. To decide who will lead to the party.
Kirito: I have some work so I will be leaving first, see you later.
Kai nodded and turned to his clan members: I will go and clear the floor then meet you in the evening for dinner. Invite them to my House I will cook for them.
Klaus: Yes master.
Kai nodded and started walking but then turned around looked at Asuna: Come along, Leaders usually have guards or something. I have decided to have a cute sword maiden.
Asuna again turned red then ran after Kai
After walking in silence for a while, Kai: Maiden I think you should pull out your sword. Some people are here to kill me.
Asuna got startled for a moment then hurriedly pulled her sword
Kai simply summoned his sword rushed to the center and broke the sword of all three players who were following them: Huh kids? Go back report to you captain I want compensation for this attempt. Bye.
Asuna watched all this happen her mouth open in the shape of O
Kai looked at her smiled and said: I know a good method to close a girl's mouth do you want to see that.
Asuna's face turned red again and she hurriedly closed her mouth.
Kai: Why don't you speak? tell me how's clan treating you?
Asuna: b.. big brother Ryu and others are very corporative and supporting, they spoke a lot about there master every time they drank, I didn't know you were there master.
Kai: Ha they like to brag well anyway I have seen you on the first floor wearing a hoodie, You looked very cute.
Asuna: Thank you. Why does everyone call you master?
Kai: Well I use to teach them all when we were kids so continued to call me master till today. Do you want to eat something?
Kai opened his lunch bag which had 3 burgers in it.
Asuna nodded and picked one of those burgers: This is good. Did you create sauce too? Can you teach me too? I'm also interested in cooking
Kai: Okay okay calm down eat we will talk afterward.
Asuna nodded with a red face and ate the burgers slowly.
Kai after completely eating the burger: Come it's time for me to challenge the boss Asuna nodded and followed him
Kai entered the dungeon alone and looked at the boss who had a body structure of a wolf but was standing on two legs holding 2 swords in his hands.
Kai rushed into the boss and summon two swords in both his arms using one to block the attack of wolf boss while sweeping another toward the face and cutting one of his eyes making the boss loss 1/3 of the health on the 4th health bar, Kai without waiting for the boss to recover again swept his sword and cut one leg of the boss while using another to deflect the sword coming toward him. This is something he learned when he was practicing with other players to deflect by motioning the sword moment in another direction without talking on the force behind them. After deflecting Kai moved a bit backward and throw one of his swords toward the other leg hoping to impale it but the boss wolf moved back a bit and avoided the blade and swept both his swords toward Kai. Kai slid on the ground and attacked its legs once again making it lose the remaining health on the 3rd bar.
Boss wolf moved a little backward creating space and then throwing both its sword toward Kai, Kai rushed and pulled out the sword which was impelled earlier and deflected the sword back to the boss wolf. Boss wolf out of nowhere pulled two short knives and jumped up toward Kai, due to the sudden jump of the boss Kai wasn't able to respond clearly and used his swords to deflect the knives attack. Jumping backward to create some distance but the boss monster didn't let loss so Kai throw both his swords one by one at the monster. Getting some opportunity, Kai too pulled 2 knives drank a heath portion and run toward the monster. Both of them got into a knifing contest, Kai on the losing end due to height difference. With only one bar remaining of health the monster roar and jumped on the kai, Kai giving no opportunity to the monster first jumped into the air avoiding the first knife while deflecting the other with his own and implanted the other Knive into the right eyes of the monster while pulling it downwards with complete strength, leaving no time for the monster to recover he swept his another knife into the monster's chest where he pressured his heart his and scar it down to making the monster loss it last health bar at once.