
First year

Liam soon went out of the bank and greeted his grandparents who were coming back with a big red eye white owl for Liam. Assuring that everything is good with the bank, Liam went back home with his grandparents. Informing them that he has succeeded in obtaining the Albert House Heir ring.

After reaching Home, Liam took out all his all the eyes and started analyzing them using home Laptop version while Hope in his soul started scanning all the books and journals he has collected from the vault through Magic, while Liam worked on the laptop a book at a time flew in the air and turned page by page.

Liam after 5 days completed analyzing all the eggs and decided to incorporated their DNA into his. Using the black mass of the wand he directly consumed the eggs (1 dragon, 1 phoenix and 1 horned serpent) and the blood of Veela. While researching further on Thestral. The black mass sucked all of them and consumed their ability while reconstructing them within Liam's physical body. Liam had immense strength thanks to phoenix and dragon while gaining awareness of the upcoming danger with the ability of horned serpent and Thunderbird while also gained modified invisibility due to Horned serpent and Thestral DNA hybrid making it so that if he turns invisible then he would only be visible to people when 2 conditions are fulfilled

Only those people can see him who has seen someone dying and fully accepted, understood and internalized the concept

When a very strong Disillusionment Charms is placed on him.

The DNA of all 4 (dragon, phoenix, Horned serpent, and Thestral) could flight making his body lighter and also possible to grow wings without wings at an easier magic consumption rate.

Phoenix DNA also unlocked immortality withing the body making him incapable of dying with anything only be temporarily stopped. Mixing with DNA of the dragon and the nanotech his regeneration skill also upgraded making it virtually impossible to deeply hurt him as nanotech will give him a very quick recovery.

He buried the body of baby Thestral on a hill that was filled with sunflowers.

The books and Journals Liam found in the vaults added up to about 6 thousand or so, many written in ancient writing which would take him time to read ever with the help of Hope as the language is more ancient then he has learned.

Completing everything after the merger of DNA he didn't unlock the sequence of Veela blood as he didn't want too much attention during his first year.

Liam left one phoenix egg untouched as he wanted to use it as his carrier. The phoenix was born soon on 21st August after the egg was taken out from the bank.

Liam showed the egg and later the phoenix to both his grandparents who were both very happy for him.

Liam not wanting much attention on him, using the excuss of phoenix being too young left it at home after forming a blood contract with it.

Using the rest of the days, Liam practiced all the basic spells which were in 1st and 2nd books as he already had practical knowledge from reading various books thus easily mastered them within a week.

Soon the day of him going to Hogwarts came, he along with his family went to the stations founded an empty compartment putting all his stuff in went out and hugged his grandparents again and said goodbyes.

Coming back to the compartment, Liam took the seat near the window and went to sleep after putting a blanket onto him. Soon his compartment rooms open and 3 girls came in Liam simply ignored them and kept on sleeping who also ignored him thinking that he is sleeping after some time, Hope awake him and inform him that the stop is near. Hearing this Liam removed the blanket ignoring the graze of 3 girls folded the blanket and went out of his compartment. His nanotech changed the shape of his clothes into the school clothes of a long robe.

The train soon came to the stop, Liam was among one of the first who got off. The station was long with a half Gaint standing and screaming for first-years to come toward him soon. Liam along with another student too went into him.

Soon similar to his memories, students traveled on boats to the Castle, which looks comparatively big then he had through. Soon they arrived and met Minerva McGonagall, the Head of Gryffindor and his future professor of transfiguration.

Liam, as planned, picked Ravenclaw as his house. In school he chose to use his secondary name of Auditore instead of Albert or others as all of them would draw the attention of people which he wanted to ignore.

Liam chose Ravenclaw due to 3 reasons 1. privacy of having a separate room. 2. The library of Ravenclaw and 3. because it's easier for him to blend in.

Liam school life went smoothly he got full marks in everything and established a good relationship with all the professors including Snape, and even gifted especially made cat food to Argus Filch for his cat Mrs. Norris. Liam didn't speak to anyone throughout the term, only helped people who asked him or something and directly ignored everyone who tried to get close to him.

Liam knowing everything regarding 1st year went on to use the library of Ravenclaw to the fullest and completed all analyzing all the books within it with the first 2 months.

Due to his tendance of being alone and lost in his thought, people didn't pay much attention to him which gave him all the opportunity needed to use Rooms of requirements to the fullest after a month of completely acting as a drone, everyone left him alone even the professor who thought he is simply lost in his studies. Thus lead to him beginning reading the books in the rooms of requirements, which covered areas he hasn't studied like Healing which he completely ignored earlier as he thought he didn't need it due to having regeneration ability of phoenix.

Liam let all of his magic flew by slowly increasing it bit by bit. With the help of magic, Hope quickly scanned through tens and hundreds of books. Before this in fear of making his presence known, Liam only extended a normal amount of magic which could be found in average kids.

With the growth of magic core, the Liam limit to expend his magic also increased. Throughout the first year, Liam used this method to read through all of the books available by the end of 1st year.

With ending the year with perfect O+ grade in everything, Liam went back to England.

After going back, he begged his grandfather to do his bidding and get him a trial in the Scotland Quidditch team.

His grandfather first refused but after seeing him fly and with constant bagging gave in.. Using his title as Prince of Wales Contacted the coach of Scotland Quidditch team into giving Liam and chance too as he was looking for the seeker position.

Liam with the sole intention of adding World Quidditch champion to himself used nepotism route to get the chance for taking part in auditions. Meanwhile, He sent commands to Hope at the palace to start self upgrading its software over and over again changing the code to making the processing faster and gaining ability to analyze more deeply, Liam did this due to last semester Hope to take a complete year to scan all the books which delayed his plans. Thus making him wanting to upgrade Hope.

Along with Liam, 23 other old boys were giving tryouts too.

Liam with his normal calmness sat and waited for his turn, taking an ordinary broom Liam auditioned. Again getting the perfect score in all the tests leading him to become number 1 seeker while a person named Charles taking no 2. He performed well as he used Byakugan to locate ball very easily and then used Hope to calculate the shortest easiest way to catch it.

Throughout the summer break, Liam stayed with the team practicing, having a perfect score in all the test and out performing everyone in everything gained the permission to return to attend his 2nd year. As usual, Liam paid no attention to anything and ignored everyone following the things he did last year and slept through the train ride and then just eating and going to the room on the first day.

Dear all

Which Kind of Devil fruit would you like the MC to have in one piece?



Kazrucreators' thoughts