
Legacy: Lord Alba

There was one person who resigned himself to death, No matter what he would do I knew he would die. So he made an Array, One where he would be immortal, There he lived countless Eons, He made countless Investigations, But even so he could not save himself from death, During his voyage he made several Discoveries that revolutionized the real world and would break the balance in the universe, making it return to the Golden Age an era in which countless Geniuses were Born. A New World Was Created A world in which all the beings in the universe wanted to live. "Congratulations Ninth concubine, It's a Boy. The third prince is born" "If that's so, then I'll give you Alexander my son Alexander Alba." ***Novel formerly known as "The Third Prince."*** IF YOU LIKE THE NOVEL, DON'T FORGET! Add it to your library, you could be the first to read a new chapter! Editor: Asce1993, Leafking900 BEST WEEK IN THE POWER RANKING!! ----WEEK OF 14 January 2019, TOP 47---- Patreon : https://www.patreon.com/fattyiscute SPONSORS: Tom Major! (Find out how you can be one in the Auxiliary Chapters!) 7 chapters per week. Contact: fattyiscutewebnovel@gmail.com

Fatty_is_cute · Fantasi
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254 Chs

We're finally here!

In the World of Ten Thousand Races, within the Prik range.

There is a blond middle-aged man who was sitting in a lotus position he seems in deep thought. The man was recalling his encounter with Alexander, he continues to rewind his memories for several times, he recalled the consciousness battle he had with Alexander after the piece of consciousness merge back with him.

At first, he was in a tranquil state all of sudden he frowned, little by little the memories he studied, his expression went from astonishment to state of shock.

He could not help but to stare at the sky and ponder.

(I can't believe such a being was born in the lower realm, his cultivation may be shallow but his understanding of the heavens far surpasses even someone like me, oh my daughter you were indeed destined to surpass your old man).

(Incredible, I want to test that monster, the world as we know will soon change. You can say that due to the arrogance of our ancestor we might be in danger)


On the Auphera continent, Kingdom like the one Alexander resided can only be considered as small and insignificant. Far from that place, a Kingdom called Republic Uri which its vastness far surpassed them, there it was not ruled by royal family but council formed by representatives of the sects that has been elected.

Throughout the history, there were several royalties had rebelled and destroyed their protector who they had served. Many times this had happened, so the sect sent limited potential elders from their sect to avoid problems should they declined.

These countries are not that uncommon within the continent. Generally, the countries are governed by sovereign monarchy and aristocracy, this generally in Kingdom, Empire, and Dynasty.

In these countries, the noble title power and because of that commoner was treated less respect almost to the level of slaves.

There is also a constitutional monarchy, where there are only royal families and not nobles. Within the land, the family member is well-known politics which have more influence than their King or Emperor, which caused the King and Emperor to lose their political stability.

Because of that, no one had taken seriously the title bestowed by the royal family.

Lastly, there are republics and states which are govern by specifically by local families and the sects ruled with equality, with no royal family or powerhouses backing them.

The representative of the republics for Presidency term of office is around 16 years before the next vote will be chosen.

There are other places that are being governed under "Theocracy" the most influential. They are devotee who worshipped the saints in the legends who have ascended to the higher world, this place is governed by the churches.

This kind of teaching does not harmonized with aristocracy monarchy. As there are also demons ascended in this continent they also have worshipper devotee and which sometimes churches took advantage of it, some noble are accused of blasphemy and servant of demons. This happens to those who had opposed them.

The Uri Republic is governed by 4 Families and 4 Sects, they are Drayton Family, Cordner Family, Carew Family, Jordan Family, Sun sect, Star Cult, Bamboo Valley, and Artemis Temple.

Near the border of Uri Republic, there is a city called Starry Hedge. This is the land of merchants, naturally many kinds of shops and varieties can be found here.

The City's gate is guarded by soldiers, suddenly rumbling sounds reverberated through their ears. From the view of the top gate, the guards can saw a carriage with sizable size that can at least accommodate 40 people inside.

Slowly it approaches toward the gate, as the rumbling sound reverberated to the point it was ear-splitting. The carriage was pulled by more than 32 wild beasts of level 2. Slowly as the carriage come to full-view the soldier had their focus on it. They saw a symbol of Ridge a bright grey star on the front view of the carriage. This represents and belonged to one of the four ruling families of the republic, The Carew family.

The Carew family was well-known for their transportation business. Despite the fact that they have another source of income, their main business is the transportation service.

Due to their credible reputation, in the past, there was the number of bandits who had assaulted the convoys of the Carew family but all of them had the same end annihilation. Because of that, they have many clients and merchants acquire for their services.

Even with the reputable secure service, there are some daring bandits who assaulted their convoys. There was a famous saying in the republic, "If you want to win popularity, you must use everything Carew"

Many believe a conspiracy is everywhere, some said the Carew convoy didn't annihilate the bandits but rather paid them the bandit to make set up and change their name to raise their fame. This was one of the most popular rumor but there were no authentication of the said rumor was real.

Once they saw the Carew emblem, the guards didn't dare to stop the carriage. On a normal occasion, any carriage or people trying to get into the city would be stopped for inspection.

The other reason they didn't dare to stop the carriage was that the city's lord was from the Carew family.

Because of this, the carriage arrived into the city without obstruction.

After the carriage set foot in the city, they went to a small square and stopped. Which the coachman when down from his post to open the door of the passenger.

He greeted the passenger by "Thank you for your patronage with Carew, we hope to be a service for your next trip"

With that, the passengers slowly went out of the carriage one at a time. Lastly, an elder went out of the carriage and walked toward the coachman and said: "Good sir, can you tell me if there are sects or family recruiting soon?"

Listening to the elder's question the coachman's eyes shows a little contemn. Seeing contemn in his eye the elder didn't lose his composure and smile as if in understand and took a gold coin from his pocket and threw it at the coachman.

"Dear customer, as far as this one knows, very soon the sun sect starts recruiting disciples in Sunlake City, around three months from now.

Hearing this the elder's eyes shined in hope. He thanked the coachman for the information and turned to his group which consists of 3 ten years old children, 3 middle-aged women, 2 middle-aged men, and another elderly man.

This group was Francis Keer and his family. They had traveled for three years without obstruction and finally arrived in the Uri Republic.

The year is almost over, a few more days and 2019 starts! Are you ready?

Edited by Leafking900

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