
Legacy: Lord Alba

There was one person who resigned himself to death, No matter what he would do I knew he would die. So he made an Array, One where he would be immortal, There he lived countless Eons, He made countless Investigations, But even so he could not save himself from death, During his voyage he made several Discoveries that revolutionized the real world and would break the balance in the universe, making it return to the Golden Age an era in which countless Geniuses were Born. A New World Was Created A world in which all the beings in the universe wanted to live. "Congratulations Ninth concubine, It's a Boy. The third prince is born" "If that's so, then I'll give you Alexander my son Alexander Alba." ***Novel formerly known as "The Third Prince."*** IF YOU LIKE THE NOVEL, DON'T FORGET! Add it to your library, you could be the first to read a new chapter! Editor: Asce1993, Leafking900 BEST WEEK IN THE POWER RANKING!! ----WEEK OF 14 January 2019, TOP 47---- Patreon : https://www.patreon.com/fattyiscute SPONSORS: Tom Major! (Find out how you can be one in the Auxiliary Chapters!) 7 chapters per week. Contact: fattyiscutewebnovel@gmail.com

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254 Chs

Please don't make bad jokes

Only then did Nathaniel see his brother's eyes filled with contempt.

This was the first time they faced each other in spite of being brothers, Nathaniel always thought he was better than his brothers when he saw them as rubbish.

Since he was a child he was taught that he was superior to others like many other noble houses, but now he was being looked down on by someone who did not put his eyes in his eyes. This was laughable.

He could only say in anger: "How dare you..."

"How dare I what? Let's complete the sentence if I'm not mistaken you were going to say: Humiliate, No...", Alexander said indifferently.

"Shut up" To be treated like this, He had never been treated with such indifference before, Wherever He was treated with great kindness after all He was the direct disciple of the Sea Palace, even in the meetings between powers He was treated very well but now in His homeland He was humiliated, As He could not be angry about it.

This was the same as returning home from work only to be insulted by your mother-in-law!

So you heard an angry scream: "Little beast! Apologize to your brother!"

Alexander saw where the scream came from and was not surprised, Since the owner of the scream was his "Father", Seeing his "Father" as stupid he said: "Since when can trash talk? it seems that the grandparents did not give you a strong enough beating to show you your place".

"You!", seeing that his own Son treated him like this, he could not help but exclaim.

"Hahaha, I'm sure you're thinking "How dare he treat me like this?, I'm his father" How laughable", Alexander began with a smile but at the end he showed a cold face and said: "Lewis, You're a piece of trash, I've never seen you at any time like my father, For me you're just a stupid, Imbecile, Delayed, Mind retarded, So simple, Now learn your place and stop talking."

That's how he focused his eyes again on Nathaniel and said: "As for you, you are the son of that bitch who made life difficult for my mother on more than one occasion, So calling you my brother is something I would never do, What if I called you a bastard, Anyway you were already expelled from the family, That would be the right name for you".

Only when the public was speechless.

The prince in a few prayers insulted three important figures of the kingdom.

He called his father retarded.

Third concubine, bitch.

And his brother, The Bastard of the Family.

At this time, both father and son were mute with anger, they could not believe that they were so treated in public.

Nathaniel wanted to go and kill Alexander, but he knew very well that he was not his partner. So he just gritted his teeth and saw it with hatred.

As for Lewis, He was furious, This beast called the woman he loved bitch, Something he could not allow, But what could he do?

Previously this beast had shown a force far superior to his, So he could only try to kill that beast with his eyes but did not dare to do anything, Because even without the strength of the beast, He was the favorite grandson of his parents and if he touched him the consequences would be tremendous.

So this beast had the qualities to be arrogant, Background and strong.

Thus in the mind of father and son came an idea: "For the vengeance of a knight ten years is not too late".

Lewis could not trust himself, but he was sure that his son Nathaniel would one day overcome this beast and cleanse the honor he lost today.

While Nathaniel's thoughts were not so different from his father's ideas, right now he just wanted to be stronger so that he could crush his son of a bitch.

While those two were in their thoughts, a woman was staring coldly at Alexander. She could not believe what was happening, but seeing the situation she did not dare to speak.

Seeing the reaction of the other side, Alexander could not help but admire these people, They swallowed this humiliation and suffered in silence but at the same time, they mocked because they knew that the only reason they did it was that they thought they could get revenge in the future.

That thought is not wrong, but it is not right either.

Nathaniel could be talented but his talent has a limit and that was the Elemental Realm.

After reaching that realm things were different and there were many factors involved in advancing it.

If not, why were there so many quasi-mortal countries?

In addition, its cultivation in this region would be very slow, Perhaps it will reach the Elemental Realm when it turns thirty for that time Alexander can be in the Profound Realm or greater.

So the hopes of revenge were nil, Alexander surpasses them in everything and they didn't even realize it.

But Alexander was too lazy to explain everything to them.

Alexander no longer pushed the situation and said to the guard: "What do you expect takes those old farts to prison, and execute them first thing tomorrow!"

The guard didn't even see the king, Just nodded and along with other guards took the half-dead elders.

After giving the order, Alexander advanced towards the palace followed by Helena and when he passed near Nathaniel whispered: "Bastard, This is not your house, Go Away, By the way, if you see my cousin tell her not to dare show her face in front of me or else her face may change in a way you don't like anymore hehe, Nobody wants to have a disfigured wife".

This made Nathaniel's body and fists clenched until the blood was visible, how could he dare to threaten his future wife?

Alexander did not pay any more attention to it and went on to the palace, He bowed to Nigel who received him with a smile and let him pass.

Inside the palace, Helena said: "Young master, why don't I kill them? My father always said that the best enemies are the dead".

I soon hear a mockery: "Are they qualified to be my enemies? Please don't make bad jokes, Helena."