

Authors note : wanna read something like 'shadow slave'. Here you go. Dan an ordinary boy Living in a sealed zone wants to explore the world. He don't have any ambitions like becoming the strongest or defying the heaven. He just wants to become strong enough to escape this man made prison and travel to different places. And do the most important thing. Taste the most delicious food the world has to offer. A simple enough dream right. But some times, it is harder to achieve something simple.. than something complex. Thanks to a legacy from another world he may be able to achieve that. Dan : oi dumb legacy you want me to find that stone which is somewhere in this world right. Fine by me. Legacy : you are right weak human. And to achieve that I will help you to become unstoppable. Now those two will start their journey filled with comedy, action, mischief and most importantly food.

SomehowHUMAN · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
20 Chs


In a vast expanse of forest as black as charcoal, a field of clean grass could be seen. On the bed of grass sat a person in the lotus position. After some time, that person opened his eyes and took a deep, slow breath. Dan is really amazed with his progress.

After the deal with Elena, Dan started training with Legacy. Using the Dagger technique as a base, he learned a multitude of moves and holds. The Dagger technique he obtained from Elena was called "Mirror Direction."

It is a technique that lets the user Attack, Defend, and Parry an opponent's movement in a reverse direction. What is terrifying is that the opponent will feel like he is fighting a mirror. And at some point, your opponent will start to mirror your moves.. rather than you are mirroring his. And when he mirrors the flaws you created.. it's Game Over.

Dan has been practising this technique for the past 3 days. Not only power but immense concentration is needed for this technique. That's why Dan was trying to train his mind as well.

"That girl is really terrifying. She gave you this kind of technique knowing that it would be very hard to master it, but I can't deny the advantages it possesses. A really terrifying technique," said Legacy in Dan's mind.

"It doesn't matter. We will just have to keep a low profile and act like nobodies. And also, We should avoid using Abilities as much as we can. We don't know when we will get our hands on those Nav-crystals, till then you should save as much energy as possible." Dan replied.

"After you completed the 2nd Transformation this morning, your movements and control became sharper." Commented Legacy.

"Yeah. It feels like my power is surging. A really fulfilling feeling. Stats," Dan commanded in his mind and a panel appeared before him.

[] STATS []

HEALTH : 121/126 | STAMINA : 49/68







"Thanks to my Redesign, your powers are double of those at the same level. Still you are no match for a single goon under Elena." Said Legacy.

"All the more reason, I should go for 3rd transformation. It's time to get those scripts." Said Dan.

"I Advise otherwise. First you need to get familiar with this new power. Use the whole day practicing martial arts and meditating. But.. we should get those scripts first." Legacy said in a playful tone.

Dan gazed at the horizon. It is time to return home. Since the last time he fed Hesta, his dish has gained popularity, and there is always at least one person who wants to taste it. He put the dirimas in a bag and started walking towards the settlement. But this time he is not taking a safe route.

Dan surveyed his surroundings carefully. Suddenly, he sensed a presence. He dashed towards a certain tree. When he got near the tree, he abruptly jumped and avoided the claws that hit that spot later. Dan watched as a boulder came out of the ground. Looking closely, it is actually a frog-like creature that looks like an ordinary black rock.

The frog looked at his prey, which is now sitting on a branch. It croaked in anger. This dread spawn has powerful front claws but no hind legs. That's why it can't jump. So it hides in the ground and attacks those who dare approach it.

Looking at the dread spawn beneath him, Dan smiled. He made a gun shape with his fingers, pointed at the frog, and then fired. But... nothing happened. It seems that the frog took it as an insult and started croaking even louder.

But what the frog creature didn't sense was that, when Dan fired, an invisible thing entered his body.

"Show me his details," Dan commanded in his mind and blue panel appeared before him.

[] GRUNROG [3rd STAGE] []

HEALTH : 112/157 STAMINA : 69/88






"HOLY S*IT! It has two of its STATs in 40s. Well, good thing is it's slow and even dumber." Commented Dan looking at the stats.

"Usually Dread spawns below 5th stage have their INTELLIGENCE stat below 10. But They have terrifying power and Life force to make up for that weakness." Replied Legacy.

A Person who completed 4th transformation will have their stats around 50. But, Dread spawns are inherently strong compared Humans. That's why this creature has such high stats despite being a 3rd stage.

Dan cracked his fingers and then jumped onto the ground. He landed in front of the frog. A pair of Daggers appeared in his hands at some point. They are Obsidian-Black Daggers that looked menacing against the silent background.

The frog croaked in anger and started attacking him. Dan took his stance and waited for the attack to land. At the last moment, he also attacked with the same move. Two figures clashed, but Dan got pushed back. The power difference is crystal clear. Still, Dan held his forte.

One move, two moves... the eighth move, and finally, on the ninth move, the Grunrog created a flaw, and Dan didn't miss it. His dagger brushed past the frog's claw and impaled its head. Although it has terrifying defence and strength, if an attack is dealt on a vulnerable place, then it's game over.

Dan watched on the panel as his health, which didn't decrease much when they were fighting, started dropping at a terrifying speed. The Grunrog tried his best to wimper away but failed and died.

Although Dan killed this Grunrog, he was not happy with the results. His proficiency in the martial art is still too low. He wasn't able to mirror the moves with perfect accuracy, and the mistakes he makes are still obvious.

Dan left the body there and started walking towards the settlement. How is he going to explain how he killed a Grunrog? So he left and put the obsidian Daggers in their sheath.

Dan commanded in his mind, "Skills." And a panel appeared before him.

[] SKILLS []



⁰ CHEF [EXPERT] (47%)


"What? Why is it not increasing anymore? The Proficiency increase slowed down after reaching ADEPT Level." Complained Dan in frustration.

"Calm your nerves, you Idiot. You just hit a wall, that's all. Start looking for an opportunity to breakthrough. Don't worry you will get your chance. Concentrate; as now we have a heist to accomplish." Legacy said in amusing tone.

Dan took a deep breath and Calm down. It's only been 3 days he started learning this art. He should not become impatient. He will have plenty of opportunities. He concentrated.

It's time to steal those scripts.