

Authors note : wanna read something like 'shadow slave'. Here you go. Dan an ordinary boy Living in a sealed zone wants to explore the world. He don't have any ambitions like becoming the strongest or defying the heaven. He just wants to become strong enough to escape this man made prison and travel to different places. And do the most important thing. Taste the most delicious food the world has to offer. A simple enough dream right. But some times, it is harder to achieve something simple.. than something complex. Thanks to a legacy from another world he may be able to achieve that. Dan : oi dumb legacy you want me to find that stone which is somewhere in this world right. Fine by me. Legacy : you are right weak human. And to achieve that I will help you to become unstoppable. Now those two will start their journey filled with comedy, action, mischief and most importantly food.

SomehowHUMAN · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
20 Chs

CHAPTER-17. Clothes that fits you perfectly are Best.

Meanwhile, inside the headquarters of the Peacekeepers, silence prevailed after Dan left. Sir Alex, who had been standing still all this time, started talking,

"My lady, aren't you going to make that guy your underling?" asked Sir Alex in a respectful tone.

Elena, listening to Sir Alex's question, smiled a little and said, "I initially thought it would be easy. But, after what happened today, I should change my approach. I want you to verify his talent. We will get plenty of chances on the expedition. Let's see how much he learns in 12 days."

"But I have to say, my lady, talented or not, that guy Dan is a very passionate man about food. I once ate something similar in "Palace Belnata," one of the best restaurants on Main Land. But even that was not as good as this Ice cream he made today." Praised sir Alex.

"Kora also liked the ice cream. I want to eat more. Puny Guy is weak but makes delicious things," answered the buff guy. It is clear that the guy named Kora is a simpleton but an honest guy.

"He sure deserves praise for that. If he turns out to be a talent, then we will get a great warrior and the 'best chef' part is just a bonus," replied Elena.

At this moment Jack came and reported, "My lady Dan went to the Dumpster pit to throw the body away, but in the last moment he stopped and buried the body instead.

Elena smirked a little and said, "Pointless emotions. There's no need to monitor him closely anymore. Just keep tabs if he goes out of settlement."

Evening, Basar inn.

Dan sat on his bed in his room. In front of him is a scroll with weird symbols. He drew out a drop of blood from his thumb and dropped it on the scroll. The scroll shimmered as if trying to become alive, then turned into particles of light and entered Dan's body.

The script vanished inside him, and now he can feel himself getting stronger. But, at the same time, nausea and pain all over the body made him dizzy.

"Dan, do you want me to put you to sleep? It looks like you are in a lot of pain," said Legacy.

Dan ordered Legacy to do so, and Dan passed out on the bed. After some time, Dan regained his consciousness. Remembering what happened, he asked Legacy about his condition.

"Well everything went smoothly. The initial phase is complete. Now you just have to wait for the 2nd Transformation to complete." Answered Legacy.

" Great. Now I just have to keep stimulating those particles in my body to complete the Transformation." Dan said in a pleased tone.

" Stats" Dan said in his mind and a Dark blue panel appeared before him.

[] STATS []

HEALTH : 39/57 | STAMINA : 22/27







Dan, opened the stats panel in excitement. But soon his excitement turned to disappointment.

"Hey Legacy! The stats are not that different from before. What is going on?" asked Dan in a confused tone.

"I am observing that, those particles that entered your body went directly toward your bones. They completely merged with your bones. Your bones are going through a Transformation at the Cellular level. In my estimation, this process will continue for at least six months." Legacy answered.

"Six months. I don't have that kind of time. The expedition is in 12 days." Dan said.

" Hahhah! You should be thankful to me. I have a perfect solution for that." Legacy said and started explaining Dan's condition.

Legacy started explaining, "The metamorphosis you are going through thanks to those "Radioactive Electrons" will make your body strong. But they are just moving in a pre-designed pattern.

What I mean is that the 2nd Transformation script is like a dress that fits everybody. It will cover your body but will not fit you perfectly.

What I will do is repeat the same process, but redesign the Metamorphosis in a way, that will fit your body perfectly. A Metamorphosis that is made specifically for you."

" Wow. So, is that what you meant by going even further beyond limits? Then let's start the transformation." Dan said in a excited tone.

" I already have. I am now patterning the Metamorphosis in a way that will fit you perfectly. Even better is that with my help, the transformation will be completed early. What would have taken six months now will only take three days." Legacy said in a prideful tone.

"Amazing. I am guessing you can do the same for other transformations." Asked Dan.

"I can, but you need the scripts to initiate the process, and then I will redesign it for you. So you have to collect the transformation scripts first." Legacy answered.

"Don't worry; I already have a plan for that. I don't have the luxury to wait until the end of the expedition to get those scripts. I have to get those before the expedition."

" Oh! I understand what you mean. We are going to rob the Robber. I can't wait for that." Replied Legacy in a pleased tone.

"That's right. No need to hurry. We will take things slowly and steadily. For now can you take a look at this martial arts technique." Replied Dan.

Legacy started analysing the Dagger technique Dan obtained from the Peacekeepers. After a few seconds he said," This Dagger technique is good. But, there are still a lot of flaws. I can fill in those flaws if you want."

"Good enough. Elena and sir Alex will try to gauge my power after 12 days. I atleast need to make myself familiar with this technique." Replied Dan.

"Aren't you supposed to be not "showing off" your talent?" Asked Legacy.

"Of course, I will learn this technique to my fullest capability to increase my survival chances. But, They will see what I will show them." Replied Dan.

Dan was planning to go on this expedition because, as Legacy said, it would be a great opportunity to get strong. And he will even receive those scripts. But when he got to know Lord Morita's story from Basar, he understood that the mystery doesn't end here.

The other side is a place he always wanted to go. But he will not be going there unprepared.

Dan started practising martial arts in his room. But after breaking a lot of things, he decided to call it a day.

Everyday is going to be very busy starting tomorrow.