

Authors note : wanna read something like 'shadow slave'. Here you go. Dan an ordinary boy Living in a sealed zone wants to explore the world. He don't have any ambitions like becoming the strongest or defying the heaven. He just wants to become strong enough to escape this man made prison and travel to different places. And do the most important thing. Taste the most delicious food the world has to offer. A simple enough dream right. But some times, it is harder to achieve something simple.. than something complex. Thanks to a legacy from another world he may be able to achieve that. Dan : oi dumb legacy you want me to find that stone which is somewhere in this world right. Fine by me. Legacy : you are right weak human. And to achieve that I will help you to become unstoppable. Now those two will start their journey filled with comedy, action, mischief and most importantly food.

SomehowHUMAN · Fantasi
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20 Chs

CHAPTER-16. As they say Dead man tells no Tale

Dan is going to absorb someone's memories for the first time in his life. He is feeling a little sorry for this poor guy. But the greed for the Tors Lotus is filling him with happiness. Some unexplainable emotions are rising.

Dan put his hands on the head of the poor guy. A silvery substance came out of his hand and invaded the poor guy's head. Thank God that the poor guy was dead; if not, he would have Died another time. After a few seconds, the ejected nanobots came out of the corpse and re-entered Dan's body.

And Dan felt as if a lot of unfamiliar at the same time familiar memories merged with his mind. Going through the memories he gasped in amazement. Turns out this poor guy is not just a mob character. His eyes shined. Just what kind of under the table game he was dragged into?

Dan was going to throw him here at first, but has now decided otherwise. He made a small pit under a nearby black tree and buried the corpse. A middle aged woman was watching him through her window the whole time. She was watching how Dan was burying a corpse.

Dan knew that lady was watching but didn't say anything. If anything he wanted someone to notice what he was doing. After the burial, He raised a tablet in that place and wrote "Poor Guy" on it.

"His name was Cauli, by the way." said legacy in Dan's mind. But, Dan rejected Legacy's Idea and said,

"You know his name was Cauli. I know his name was Cauli. But, the world don't know that I know that his name was Cauli."Dan said after giving a final bow towards the tombstone.

"No one mentioned his name, so we were calling him "the Poor Guy" this whole time. So his name was Cauli. *Sigh*Poor Cauli, Flowers ruined his life. " Lamented Dan in his mind.

"Stop it. I feel like we are insulting him. Anyway, I have sorted out all the important information." Interjected Legacy.

"Let's return to the inn. We have a plan to follow." Dan ordered in a mysterious tone.

"First of all, Cauli had saved a lot of fortune, you know from 'that' business. I know the location of his hidden stash. It is in the forest. What are your orders?" Asked Legacy to Dan.

"It is the hunting time for dread spawns. I have no interest in becoming their food. Send some nanobots to retrieve that money." Ordered Dan.

"Second, I have pinpointed the location of Tors Lotus pond. It is south of the 7th settlement. It seems Elena plans to get the flowers in the middle of their expedition." Analysed Legacy.

"If that is the case, send Nanobots to that place. Collect all the flowers and relocate them to somewhere else. I will collect those During the Expedition. How long is the relocation going to take?" Questioned Dan.

"According to Cauli's memories there are several hidden water bodies near that pond we can relocate the flowers there. In my estimation, it will take six and a half days to relocate everything. But are you sure about that. The peacekeepers will not like the fact that someone ate their food right under their nose." Legacy suggested.

"And why we should care about that. It's not like those peacekeepers are a bunch of saints. They killed this guy to keep this whole matter secret. Life here is a fragile thing. It doesn't matter if you are strong or weak. good or bad. The only thing that matters is that you live to tell the tales. At least by doing this, I will do a little justice for this poor guy." Replied Dan to Legacy.

Dan continued, "What an amazing discovery this guy made. A pond full of Tors Lotus. He was racking up a fortune selling those flowers. But, the richest person in the whole settlement and those Peacekeepers disposed this guy so they can usurp everything for themselves. By stealing Those flowers and ransacking those places I will get a little revenge for this guy."

As they say, Dead Man tells NO Tale. But sometimes Dead man don't have to say anything. And a Alive Man Don't need to hear Anything.

"What a reasonable speech; If I hadn't known you better, I would have thought that you were a messiah." Legacy said sarcastically.

"Don't sweat the small stuff, and tell me what else did you find?" Asked Dan.

"Remember when I said I have a theory regarding your power system? It seems I could do something similar. People from your planet go through 3 Transformation, 2 Enhancement , and 1 Evolution to go beyond their human limits. But with my help, you can go even further than that." Explained Legacy.

" And how exactly are you going to do that?" Asked Dan.

" You don't have to worry about that. Just get home and start the 2nd Transformation process. You will understand everything soon." Said Legacy.

When Dan reached home, it was already evening. Basar was waiting for him anxiously. When he saw Dan, he sighed in relief. Dan didn't keep Basar waiting and explained everything that happened in the Peacekeepers' headquarters. Of course, he didn't tell him anything about Legacy.

"So, are you sure you want to go on this expedition? If you want, I can ask Morita for help," Basar said in a worried tone.

"No. I am the one who decided to go on this expedition. I only need to cook, and the Peacekeepers will take care of the dangerous work. They even have an Evoker accompanying them, so this is going to be like a vacation." Dan tried to persuade Basar.

*Haahh!* Basar sighed and said, "Okay, you can go. But be careful and do not fight."

"Don't worry, I am not going to put myself in unnecessary danger. More importantly, do you know if Lord Morita has any children?" asked Dan about his uncertainty.

Basar was a little taken aback by this sudden question, but he still answered it. "Well, Morita does have a daughter, but he seems to have a complicated relationship with his family."

Basar explained, "Morita was a genius. Thanks to his tremendous talent, some othersiders decided to take him in. Morita was the only human that was allowed to leave this hell and go to the other side.He came back after 25 years as an evoker.

I heard from Morita that people call that place the Main Land, And the Marus Forest, we live in a sealed zone. The main land is vast and without boundaries. There was no apparent ruler on the Main land. But there are these "Noble Houses" that control everything. Morita was accepted into one of such houses. And a very powerful one at that. The Noble House of Morgini.

Morita outshined everyone in House Morgini and became an evoker in just 8 years. Looking at his tremendous talents, he was given a high position in their family, and the House Master even married one of his daughters to him. But then something happened, and he came back to Marus Forest nine years ago. and since then he has been living alone.

During his stay on the other side, he had a daughter. I don't know her name, but she should be around your age. "

"It seems that you are not going to be the first native to leave this place. Why don't you showcase your talent, you could also leave this place that way. And I won't have to use up my energy." Suggested Legacy.

"That is an interesting idea, but we terribly lack information on the other side. I think we should raid.. cough.. cough.. visit Lord Morita's place one of these days. I need more information about the other side. These Noble Houses and everything about them is giving me a bad Vibe. We should Keep our cards hidden for Now." Dan Explained.

" That's not the only thing, Elena is most likely Lord Morita's Daughter. If what Basar said turns out to be true, she is also grand daughter of House Morgini's House Master. And she came to this place from the Main Land. That means..

As Legacy was talking in a excited tone, Dan cut him off mid sentence..

"That Means, she will most likely return to the Main Land, after the expedition. At that time we can ride her train and leave this place for free and without any consequences." Dan completed the line with a smirk.

"But there is a problem though, if you are not going to show off your talent, How are you going to make Elena take you away from here for free?"Asked Legacy in a confused tone.

" Don't worry my friend. At that time I will launch an "Charm Offensive" and secure a spot on her train." Said Dan with a sweet wishper.

Legacy: ,O_o"'

Basar put the food in a bag to deliver and warned Dan one more time. After that, Basar left for the central hall. Now Dan is free. And it looks like the Spy who was tailing him also left.

Tonight is going to be a busy one.