

Authors note : wanna read something like 'shadow slave'. Here you go. Dan an ordinary boy Living in a sealed zone wants to explore the world. He don't have any ambitions like becoming the strongest or defying the heaven. He just wants to become strong enough to escape this man made prison and travel to different places. And do the most important thing. Taste the most delicious food the world has to offer. A simple enough dream right. But some times, it is harder to achieve something simple.. than something complex. Thanks to a legacy from another world he may be able to achieve that. Dan : oi dumb legacy you want me to find that stone which is somewhere in this world right. Fine by me. Legacy : you are right weak human. And to achieve that I will help you to become unstoppable. Now those two will start their journey filled with comedy, action, mischief and most importantly food.

SomehowHUMAN · Fantasi
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20 Chs


Legacy: Skills will be created after you make noticeable progress in something. The more you practice, the stronger they will grow.

There was not much to understand in the Skills panel. So Dan left that panel to check the next panel.

The Abilities panel was the thing he was looking forward to most. Opening the Abilities panel, he was gobsmacked. Understanding Dan's confusion Legacy explained.

Legacy: Abilities are divided into two categories. Passive Ability and Active Ability.

Passive Abilities are sustained through Nanobots. Even now, they are in effect. They are also the reason your hands are healed.

Active Abilities require energy to be used. Depending on how much energy they use, there are three types.

White Ability, Grey Ability and Black Ability. A description of each Ability is present on the panel.

Dan Knew Legacy is amazing but not to this extent. He just foolishly kept looking at the panel.




⁰ INTERNAL REGENERATION ( Able to heal Internal wounds and kill invaders )

⁰ EXTERNAL REGENERATION ( Able to Heal Any kind of Physical Damage )

⁰ HEIGHTENED LEARNING ( Your body can remember things easily and adapt faster )

⁰ PHOTOGRAPHIC MEMORY ( You can remember everything you saw perfectly )

⁰ ENHANCED AWARENESS ( You can sense your surroundings better )

⁰ ENHANCED PHYSICAL CONTROL ( You have insane amount of control on your body )



[ WHITE ABILITIES ] ( Uses miniscule amount of energy )

⁰ 3D MAPPING (You can create a 3D map in your mind using multi-frequency waves )

⁰ MATTER ANALYSIS ( Helps you analysis the physical composition of anything you touch )

⁰ MEMORY ABSORPTION ( Can absorb memories of others. It is dangerous for the target )

⁰ MULTI FREQUENCY WAVES ( Sends frequency of different wavelengths to attack, defence and scout )

⁰ MULTI SIGNATURE SCAN ( Searches for life, energy signatures etc. )

⁰ NANOBOTS EJECTION ( Can eject NANOBOTS out of body and control them remotely )

⁰ PARTIAL BODY CONTROL ( Can control Host's body partially )

⁰ TELEPATHY ( Able to converse with Host and other inteligent beings )

[ GREY ABILITIES ] ( Energy consumption depends on how heavily and how long the Ability is used )

⁰ AI MODE ( Can control Host's Body perfectly )

⁰ CAMOUFLAGE ( Completely mask presence including smell and heat signature )

⁰ DRUG CREATION ( Can create Drugs in body )

⁰ ENERGY DISCHARGE ( Can Discharge Different kinds of energy )

⁰ FULL BODY ARMOUR ( Covers Host's whole body in a NANOBOTS Armour )

⁰ GRAVITY CONTROL ( Can control gravitational force )

⁰ PHYSICAL AUGMENTATION ( Host Can use NANOBOTS to enhance Himself )

⁰ REMOTE MIND CONTROL ( Can control a person remotely by injecting NANOBOTS in him. Very Dangerous for the target )

⁰ SHAPE SHIFTING ( Changing Host's height, weight, face, even smell is possible )

⁰ TELEKINESIS ( Controlling things by non-physical means is possible )

⁰ TELEPORTATION ( Can teleport between a limited range )

[ BLACK ABILITIES ] ( Huge Amounts of energy is used every use )

⁰ LONG-DISTANCE TELEPORTATION ( Teleporting anywhere is possible )

⁰ SPACE CAPSULE ( Creates a sub-space in a specific range )

⁰ SPACE CONTROL ( Controlling space to some extent is possible )

⁰ TIME CAPSULE ( Creates a Timeless zone )

⁰ TIME CONTROL ( Controlling time to some extent is possible )

⁰ FATE VISION ( Can predict a fated event )

Dan, still in a daze, asked Legacy, "Is there something you can't do?"

Legacy laughed loudly in Dan's mind and said, "Now you understand how amazing I am you mortal, praise me, praise me more!"

"Hah hah hah!" Legacy's male robotic voice sounded even more deep and manly and maniacally.

Dan ignored the legacy and studied the Abilities. His mind is occupied with questions.

Dan: I don't understand. Why do you have so many Abilities? Some of them are very dangerous. (Dan asked in confusion.)

Legacy: There are two reasons for that.

First, we came to an unknown planet with little to no information. This mission was very dangerous, and that's why I was equipped with all the possible power to make this mission a success.

Second, I have the secondary mission of gathering as much data as possible on this planet. (Explained Legacy)

Dan: Considering how weak they are physically, it is understandable. Next, you said you require energy to use Active Abilities. What kind of energy are we talking about?

Legacy: I was wondering when you were going to ask that question.

The energy I require is none other than Navaratna. To be more specific, Nav-crystals are solidified, pure energy. An ultimate power source.

It was very scarce on my planet. But on yours, it is present abundantly. That is also the reason a crystal as heavy as 12 kg even forms here.

My energy reserves can't recharge themselves on my planet, but here, I can sense my energy reserve is recharging. It is slow, but it is definitely happening. That's not the only thing.

I can sense 58 Nav-crystals in this sealed zone. They are of different sizes, and the biggest one of them is 600 g. If I can absorb those, I can easily refill all my energy.

Dan almost chocked on his food. He coughed and drank some water and asked,

Dan: what? Can you pinpoint their location? There's still some time for The Darkest Hour; should we go and search for them? (Dan asked in shock.)

Legacy: I can pinpoint their location. There are nine crystals in the seventh settlement alone. (Legacy said with a smile.)

Dan: Then we should go and search for them. I at least need to know what I am searching for. (Dan said after eating a spoonful of stew.)

Legacy: You should check the other two options first. I have a surprise for you. (Legacy said with a mysterious smile.)

Dan closed the ability panel; he can study it more later. He concentrated on the inventory option, and it opened.

* Boom *

Rumblings filled Dan's mind as he saw the inventory panel. Inside the inventory were different kinds of things like clothes, food, and medicine. Different kinds of material, including expensive materials like gold, diamonds, and gems, are also present.

Among them, one thing stood out the most. a silver-colored suit. It was the suit Jay Danates wore that day.

Dan: How did you carry all these things here? (Dan happily asked the question.)

Legacy: Inventory, an independent sub-space linked to me. So I brought it here.

This Marus forest is a subspace, but it is dependent on its main reality. But my inventory is a completely independent space, not linked to any reality.

That's why there is no concept of time or space here. Things stored in inventory will never get old or go bad.

Dan is now really curious Now. Things that other worlders use, he can't wait to see them?

Dan just got some ridiculous Abilities. It will give him a lot of advantage. But I will try to keep the battles enjoyable and funny.

Those Abilities are gonna be useful in a lot of situation.

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