

Authors note : wanna read something like 'shadow slave'. Here you go. Dan an ordinary boy Living in a sealed zone wants to explore the world. He don't have any ambitions like becoming the strongest or defying the heaven. He just wants to become strong enough to escape this man made prison and travel to different places. And do the most important thing. Taste the most delicious food the world has to offer. A simple enough dream right. But some times, it is harder to achieve something simple.. than something complex. Thanks to a legacy from another world he may be able to achieve that. Dan : oi dumb legacy you want me to find that stone which is somewhere in this world right. Fine by me. Legacy : you are right weak human. And to achieve that I will help you to become unstoppable. Now those two will start their journey filled with comedy, action, mischief and most importantly food.

SomehowHUMAN · Fantasi
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20 Chs

CHAPTER-09. Their own Conclusions

Dan returned home with dislocated arms. He gave the dirima bodies to his boss and said, "I am taking leave for the rest of the day."

His boss saw his arms and said, "What the hell happened to you?"

Dan: Nothing. just an unlucky day. I am going to sleep. (Dan said, and he went to his room.)

Dan changed his clothes; he was starving, so the boss brought him some food. "There is no need to be so hard on yourself; I will take care of the inn while you take some rest."

After Dan had his fill, Basar left with the empty plates.

Legacy: He is a good man. You respect him so much. (Said Legacy at Basa's Departing figure)

Dan: He was the father figure who raised me after my father died. If not for him, I would have died in some alley like a street rat.

Legacy: What do you think happened to your father?

Dan: I don't know.

His earliest memories of his parents were when he was 8 years old. He can't remember his mother, as she died a few months after giving birth to him. But his father never let him feel the emptiness of not having a mother. His father was a great hunter. He is also the one who told him about Dirima's hiding place and hunting pattern. Thanks to that knowledge, he never starved.

One day, a group of othersiders came and chose men from different settlements for an expedition. His father, Hesta, and a few others were chosen as scouts. After the expedition, they came back with a giant, alive dread spawn. But no one other than Hesta from their settlement came back. The same thing happened with other settlements. From all those people, only a few came back. It should have caused a storm in settlement, but not a single rumour appeared as if the whole thing never happened.

Legacy: definitely suspicious. Have you ever thought about investigating that incident?

Dan: I was a kid with a hungry stomach. Staying alive was my first priority back then. I started pickpocketing, and while stealing from a man, he caught me. I defended my face; every time I failed to pickpocket, I got beaten up by the other party. But this time it was different; the man didn't beat me or scold me; he forgave me. He patted my head and said, "Want to work for me?" That's when my life changed.

Legacy: I don't understand this world of yours, but at least I understand that people like Basar are rare. not only in this world but in our world as well. those who can do something for others without expecting anything in return.

Dan: yeah. Maybe that's the reason why Lord Morita respects him as well.

When he first met Lord Morita, he felt the lord was a man of dignity. Wisdom is oozing out of his violet eyes. Wait..

Dan: Legacy, Is there any resemblance between the girl we met today and Lord Morita in my memories?

Legacy: a few seconds. Yes, their faces match by 42%. She also inherited his violet eyes. She is likely to be her daughter or a close relative.

Dan: I should ask my boss about that later. More importantly, when is the synchronisation going to be complete?

Legacy: It is even faster than I expected. Thanks to Blood Metamorphosis, this process sped up. It will be completed in another four hours.

Dan: Four hours, huh? I am going to sleep. Today was exhausting.

But Dan wasn't the only one who figured out that girl's identity; Elena was doing the same thing as well.

Elena entered the headquarters of the peacekeepers of the 7th settlement. She sat on a chair while a servant brought her a glass of alcohol. She ordered the buff man,

Elena: Kora, I want a detailed report about the location by tomorrow.

Hearing her orders, the buff man entered a room with the poor guy and closed the door; agonizing screams could be heard afterwards.

Elena: Jack, investigate the guy we met today. and also put a spy on him.

After every one left, taking their orders, silence lingered for a moment in the room. A man with a large scar on his face appeared behind Elena out of nowhere. The man asked, "Is there something on your mind, young lady?"

Elena: You remember that guy we met today? What do you think of his moves, Sir Alex? (Elena spoke with a beautiful smirk)

Alex: I don't think that move is recorded in any kind of martial arts book. not only in this place but even in the main house.(said sir Alex after thinking a little)

Elena: If the main house doesn't have a technique like that, how did that bumpkin learn it? Not to mention he is a 1st transformation weakling.(asked Elena with a little uncertainty)

Alex: I believe it was his pure talent. Sometimes, humans erupt with abnormal strength if pushed into a corner. May be, we saw something like that today.

Elena: Why do you believe he has talent? He could be hiding his martial art.

Alex: That's because when he performed that move, his expression was calm, but I saw bewilderment in his eyes. Not only that, but one of his arms got dislocated after that move. I am sure of it; either that guy has great talent or.. he is one heck of an actor.

Elena: It is hard to believe that someone like him is here in this sealed zone.

Alex: It is rare, but not impossible. Your father was such a talent. He is one of the fastest to become an evoker.

Hearing about her father, she didn't say anything and just stayed silent.

After some time,

Dan woke up and gazed at the sky. It was not yet evening. He got out of his room and saw Basar working. He washed his face and started helping Basar.

Basar: You are up. And your arms have already healed.

Dan: What arms, what? Dan was shocked seeing his good as new hands.

It must be Legacy. Although he expected it, healing at this level is still terrifying.

Legacy: The synchronisation is complete; want to see the interface? (Legacy spoke to him telepathically.)

Dan: I will check later.( Dan replied in his mind.)

"Yeah, I bought a decent drug for 5 coins. No wonder it worked so well," replied Dan to Basar.

While they are talking Hesta entered the inn. But there was no one with him.

Interface and abilities are coming next chapter. Let's go baby.

Writing is hard and takes time. And time is money so cheer me up. I appreciate any kind of support.

Leave some good comments, some good ideas, or you can support me financially. Thanks.

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