

Authors note : wanna read something like 'shadow slave'. Here you go. Dan an ordinary boy Living in a sealed zone wants to explore the world. He don't have any ambitions like becoming the strongest or defying the heaven. He just wants to become strong enough to escape this man made prison and travel to different places. And do the most important thing. Taste the most delicious food the world has to offer. A simple enough dream right. But some times, it is harder to achieve something simple.. than something complex. Thanks to a legacy from another world he may be able to achieve that. Dan : oi dumb legacy you want me to find that stone which is somewhere in this world right. Fine by me. Legacy : you are right weak human. And to achieve that I will help you to become unstoppable. Now those two will start their journey filled with comedy, action, mischief and most importantly food.

SomehowHUMAN · Fantasi
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20 Chs

CHAPTER-08. Peacekeepers

Dan stood in a corner quietly. Other patients are doing the same and avoiding eye contact. Nobody wants to mess with these hyenas.

Legacy: So they are the so-called peacekeepers. Legacy spoke telepathically.

Dan: Meh, that's just honorifics. In reality, they are just a bunch of henchmen implanted by othersiders to keep us in check. Usually, they abuse their power to loot from the weak. Scums.

Legacy: All of them completed the 4th transformation. That means they are on the same level as Hesta. That's impressive for a bunch of lowlifes. When Hesta squeezed your shoulder, I got a sense of the power difference between you and him. Want to hear it?

Dan: Is that so? Let's hear it.

Legacy: Hesta's raw power alone is 12 times that of yours. His stamina and agility are probably around that level. Meaning..

Dan: Meaning these guys are also as strong as him. (Dan said cutting off Legacy mid-sentence.)

Legacy: That's right. If you do something stupid, your chances of dying is 1000%.

While these two were conversing, a girl about the same age as Dan entered the apothecary. She is clad in bright red armor, unlike others. Her red hair was unkempt, and her violet eyes were fierce like a beast.

Legacy: Who is she? Can you guess her identity?

Dan: Nope. But I don't think they are from the 7th settlement. Peacekeepers from our settlement have mostly completed the 3rd transformation. A force like this one is likely from the 1st or 2nd settlement.

The red-haired girl spoke: I got information that one of you found a tors lotus. Whoever it is, come forward.

Even after a brief moment, nobody came forward. Those henchmen started threatening everyone present in an intimidating tone. Still, nobody came forward.

The red-haired girl smirked and muttered, "So we are doing it the hard way." So be it.


The whole apothecary vibrated. The area around the girl blurred a little. Everyone, including Dan, fell on their knees.

Dan: She can exert pressure on others. She..she..

Legacy: She has completed her 5th transformation. She is at least on the Mind Enhancement level. (Legacy completed Dan's sentence.)

Dan: Just who is she? And she is only my age.

While everyone was kneeling, a person raised his hand. As soon as that person did that, the pressure vanished. Dan started breathing heavily. A weakling like him would have died under this kind of pressure.

A buff man who was standing all this time quietly moved and dragged the person who raised his hands in front of the red-haired girl.

"Madame Elena, what should we do with him?" Asked the man to the girl.

Elena sat on one of the chairs and asked the man, "Where is the tors, Lotus?"

The man answered, hesitating a little, "It was only a bud when I found it, so I relocated the bud somewhere else."

"And where is this place?" asked Elena.

The man gritted his teeth and asked, "How much will you give me for that flower?"

"We will generously give you a hundred Udra coins for your effort," answered Elena with a devilishly charming smile.

"How could you, I found it and you can't do that to me, at least give me half the money."

Hearing the man's words, Elena didn't say anything; she just kept smiling beautifully.

But the man didn't like that beautiful smile. He lowered his head and started weeping. Out of nowhere, that man charged at Elena with a knife in his hand, but the knife wasn't able to even get close to her. The buff man caught him and threw the poor guy to one side without caring about those present there.

Dan, who was watching all this quality, saw the man flying towards him. His hands moved on their own, and he caught the poor guy, spun him, and put him on a chair. Everything happened in a fluid, flawless move.

That poor guy was still bewildered as to what the hell had happened to him.

Of course, this didn't go unnoticed by the red-haired girl. She approached Dan.

Elena: That was an interesting move. Where did you learn that? (asked Elena with the same beautiful but terrifying smile.)

Dan: I don't know how I did that; it just happened on its own.

Elena: Is that so? What is your name?

Dan: I am Dan. Only Dan.

Elena: No surnames, huh? I will remember you.

Dan: Why? Don't do that. I am just a nobody. I'd be really grateful if you don't remember me. (Dan thought in his mind.)

After giving Dan a wink, she left with the poor guy, who had fallen unconscious at some point.

Dan asked Legacy telepathically.

Dan: What the hell was that thing I just did?

Legacy: It is called martial arts. If not for me, you would have seriously gotten hurt. That throw was no joke.

Dan: But I've never heard of martial arts like that.

Legacy: If you don't know it, that doesn't mean it doesn't exist. But don't worry; my database has thousands of martial arts techniques. You can slowly learn it all.

Dan: If you can perform them for me, why do I even need to learn them?

Legacy: idiot, I only helped you mimic that movement. But your body clearly is not familiar with these movements. Look, one of your hands is hanging loosely after performing that movement. (Legacy said nonchalantly)

Dan: waah! What the hell are you doing with my body? You dislocated my other arm. (Dan screamed after coming to his senses.)

Legacy: calm down. I will adjust it after full synchronisation. More importantly, you should practise some martial arts. Your body is just too weak.

Dan: you don't have to remind me that. After what I went through today I atleast understand that being weak is a crime in this place. So, to atleast keep myself safe I will become strong.

Dan sighed What an unlucky day. With two dislocated arms, he started walking towards Basar Inn.

The peace keepers are gonna have important role in this Arc. So keep reading to find out.

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