
Leave my trails with fragments

Xiara_Lin_5375 · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
17 Chs

Chapter 7

"Astri!" Sygne, shakes her up.

"Astri! Wake up!" 

I wake up from my deep slumber, and noticed myself in a new ddres. 

 "Did you change my clothes?" she was contemplating on what to tell her..

"Yes i did you were dirty when you came back last night.." she paused.

"Its time to go, We have to go, now." She changed the subject. 

"We?" I asked if im hearing right. 

"Yes we! Im going with you!" She happily repeated

Sygne is not an Heir to her tribe, she's the youngest but a stronger fighter, than her brothers. She is not given the rights to inherit as they stick to their traditions. She may only succeed if she marrries a high warrior from their tribe.

"I also love adventuring, they said that if i come with you I'll be able to go further than any sages could!" 

I dont know where she heared that, but that's an exaggeration. 

"What's more! The sages Gerald and swans are historical figures all over the empire! I'm pretty sure the reason they want you to adventure is make history yourself!" 

That sounds tiring, I'll pass from that..

"You said i went out ?" 

Sygne Was still thinking of a way to answer her, but they they were both interrupted by Lycus.

"IT'S TIME YOU GET OUT OF HERE!" he barged in not respectibg their privacy. 

He dragged Astri by the collar and threw her off, outside their tibres entrance. Sygne followed behind, and patted the dust off, of Astri. 

Lycus noticed her daughters outfit and baggage, He couldn't care less about his stubborn daughter and let her dig her own grave. 

Astri mumbled cursed words, before leaving the area with sygne.


Lycus is a 6'7 Tall man, with Silver long hair. That doesn't fit his barbaric features. Is greatly praised for its handsomeness from his tribe to other tribe. 

Both his sons inherited his looks, that he is so proud of. but his only daughter inherited her wife.

Her bronze and emerald eye's. Which he was greatly disappointed.

The fox tribe arrived fays ago to seek a partner from their tribe, and the eldest daughter of the fox clan had an eye for Lycus. 

" Scarlette fox.." 

He reached out to the beautiful seductress, They held hands and spent their time together. 

"I heared your wolf is the most handsome of all.. may i see?" She says as she turned into a fox.

"So you like to experiment?" He bit his lower lip, thinking of all the excitement they'd do. 

"Alright then.." 

He turned into a wolf, and acted majestic while transforming, Scarlette fell more deeply inlove with him (How majestic!) 

As he approached scarlette and positions on top of her, a strong wind blew and all his fur was taken away. 

He turned into a bald wolf in just seconds, and scarlette became disgusted. 

She pushed him off, and left the horrendous sight. 


scarlette had two intentions marrying Lycus, Pleasure and to skin him, to get his beautiful furs. 



Sygne has been following Astri for an hour now, they now are far from their tribe and on a clear path that they followed. 

She hid her wolf scent and drank a potion, that would stop her from exposing her form.

She has been observing Astri and she's been soo quiet, Sygne hadn't get the chance to spend time with her. She has no clear expression with Astri.

"What did you mumble back there?" Sygne thinks back to when she helped Astri.

"Hair fall" she gave a short answer.

"Is that so.. must've been nice to see that"

I stride faster and held her hand as we walk, it caught her off guard but she held my hand too.

She needed comfort and someone beside her, I be making sure you don't feel lonely again Astri. 


We continued our walk and, the paths seems longer.

I feel sweaty and smelled..

I took my pouch, I thought of what i want and its new clothes.

The pouch gave me a marble, and it instructed to break it. 

I broke the marble, and it gave me a cleansing magic and changing my clothse. The dress is simple and light, its purple and blue..

(Reminds me of Erines horrible taste in colors)

I gave one to Sygne and hers is a colorful flower dress, it looks horrifying but with her good looks she makes it so elegant.

(That's not fair!) I whined

I again pulled out something from the pouch, and what i thought of, is a vehicle. 

It was us a Leaf from the Floating Palace, It's doable. 

We activated it and, it was way faster than we thought. 

Sygne, enjoyed the fast ride and so did I.


Hours Later Sygne, and Astri arrived at the Village of Pearl, a seaside village. (the place and view of the ocean is beautiful!) 

But both of them were dehydrated.

"Wa..ter" Astri trembled, Sygne still has stamina and bought two drinks. 

"You look like a dried fish desperate for water" Sygne teased.

"Were both the same!" Astri sips her smoothie. 

"I said water not smoothie, I'll get brai-- eek!" Astri took a big sip and got brain freez. 

"Well you jinxed yourself" They both enjoyed their drink and strolled the area, they have momey with them so they too bought some souvenirs.

"Auction here!!" They both heared it and piqued their interest, they looked at each other. 

"How do get in? Only adults are allowed.." Sygne questions. And Astri's smiled..


Night time- 

"My! Who are those elegant ladies!?" 

"Dear dont look! How dare you look at other women!"

"Do you think i could pull her?"

The crowd begane to grew bigger as two beautiful ladies, dressed in luxurious clothes steped in the auction house. 

"Do you think they can detect magic?" Sygne covered her face with a wine red, laced fan.

She is dressed in a mermaid sleeve less dressed, decorated with white pearl and jems.

"No, as far as i Remember grandfather and I erased all maguc tool in this emire" Astri closed her fan harshly, giving the males who tries to approach a clear rejection. 

Astri is dressed in a sea blue ellyfish dress with white lace and pearls, while her dark blue hair is decorated with pearls and seashells. 

The auction was about to start, when but a guard blocked their way. "Do you have an invitation?" 

"Is this not a public auction?" Sygnus asked the guard irritated. 

"You announced at the town square, and now there's an invitation?" She add up to her question.

"That is for the locals, not for the foreigners" He sternly state with a cold tone.

They were both ready to argue, and people were crowding around them. Interested with the situation or curious about the two.

"I know them!" A young man that looked like his on his 25th, intervened. 

"Young master Quintin.. so they're with you?"

The guard gave him a suspicious look. 

"Yes, and dont bother us!" He pulled the two girls inside the auction. "You both owe me!" 

He led Sygne, and Astri to a VIP seat. 

"Do we know you?" Sygnus asked

"ObviOUslY " Astri shot.

"Let's just say it's fate!" Astri was about to ask more, but the auction had already started.

They focused on the auction, and the first product triggered Astri.


"It is called the forgotten since, saint Lila Sahari erased the Empire of his lover. She was betrayed by the emperor, it was even rumoured that he sold his soul to the devil to kill the sage.." Quintin shared the story to sygne and Astri.

But Astri was schoked, she now knew the reason of her silver jewellery back then. 

"She was the purist saint, the kindness and forgivable saint. She loved all beings and gave them chances in life no matter what. But she was naive to fall inlove with such a mortal!" He ramble on about the story, He sigh'ed and brighten up again. 

"Ah! I remember! Do you know that Saint Lila and the other swans grew up to be siblings with that mortal emperor!? " He dropped a heavier bomb..

"He was adopted by the sage, and was taken care with the swan sisters, they were basically raised as siblings.."

he thought more to himself, trying to remember what he had forgotten.

"And if i remember, someone actually spreaded a rumour of the sages new daughter. Everyone is trying to find her, since no treasure was found in the tower." He shrugged. 

"There was even an incide-"

Sygne slapped his mouth for blabbering, too much information. 

"Shut it! My lady is not fond of those!" 

Quintin apologies as he always had, a hard time controlling his mouth.

I have no idea as to what he was to dropped then again, We just focused on the present event and waited for the last to bid.

It all went from thousands to hundreds of thousands, to millions. 

"230 Million!" 

"400 million!" 

Astri raised her card for a billion, She had a lot of allowance and couldn't care less for a mere gold. 

What she cared most was Lila's sword.

No one bid higher and Astri won.

"If you're interested with the relics of swan saints and sage then i suggest you sage your money as there's 8 more in line" Quintin suggested.

"We are not, on a budget young man" Sygne tried to act elegant and unmoved.

This amused Quinton and thought to himself 

(This ladies must be from a far Grand clans! I can use this connection for my successors Examination!)