
Learning the Ways of a Villainess

When Ellen, a hardworking university student had died due to an accident, she was reincarnated to an romance novel! She is now Elaine Castelle the villainess of the story. If she wanted to live, she must prevent the heroine from getting the Prince. Can she do it? Snippet : It was a normal day. A day like any other I suppose. Except I was dying, lying on the ground, bleeding out from the head. As I laid there on the ground bleeding out, I had a thought. People said that your life flashes before your eyes when you're about to die. So I thought of all the things that had happened in mine. Left on the orphanage door at about 6 months old. Grew up in a poor orphanage where we had to fight for scraps. Then I studied hard enough to get a scholarship in a local university that gave me a stipend for cheap housing. Just as my life was improving, I had to get mugged and left alone to die with no one who cared about me by my side. Today is my last day as Ellen Rose.

Miss_Catastrophe · Fantasi
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49 Chs

Learning How to be Awesome

I snuck up behind the man with a bald head and put my hands around his neck, then strangled him from behind. He tried to fight back and swung me around trying to remove my hands from his neck.

Anastasia screamed at the sudden movement while the other man with a scar over his eye let her go to help the man I was chocking from behind.

'Anastasia RUN!' I yelled out, why isn't she running immediately. Can't she understand the situation we're in? After I yelled at her she seemed to finally get what is happening and left.

I can't believe I'm saving the damsel in distress. I guess better me than Alex so that they won't fall more madly in love with each other after a life and death situation.

As she ran away the other man tried to pry me off of his friend, but before he could I managed to make the guy I was chocking pass out from lack of oxygen.

Not gonna lie, I was proud of my strength. Who says girls can't beat boys?

Once he started to go limp I let go of his body and turned to the other man who was ready for a fight. He held out his knife and was in a fighting stance.

He swung his knife in front of my face, but I managed to dodge it by leaning to the right. He then swung it again, but this time I was ready and grabbed his wrist that was holding the knife that was inches away from my face.

I then twist his arm in one motion which made a CRACK sound. He then let go of his knife and I caught it as it was falling to the ground.

Not wanting to lose momentum I punched the guy on his face which managed to knock him out. Like a cartoon character he fell to the ground with a loud BUMP sound.

Putting the knife in my pocket, I then left the scene and ran to follow Anastasia. Running through the dark and quiet alley I silently hoped that my efforts in saving her did not go to waste.

Perhaps one day she will remember that I saved her life and she won't execute me with a guillotine.

As I reached the intersection where me, Alex and Cedric split up to search for Anastasia, I see them together talking to one another.

Slowing down my stride I walked up to them and saw that Anastasia was crying and Alex was hugging her more closely than appropriate between an engaged man and a woman. Yeah, that's right I learned that from my etiquette classes.

I was slightly annoyed at seeing them together like that. I'm not sure why though, I certainly did not have any feelings for him, but maybe I was angry at him for not respecting me as his fiancé.

Plus they wasted time on her crying than to immediately come help me fight the bad guys, I mean come on people.

Cedric was trying to comfort her too, but seeing him be a third wheel like that made me almost laugh. He was the first one to see me approaching them and smiled waving at me.

'Lady Elaine! You're alright thank goodness,' he walked up to me letting out a sigh.

Meanwhile, Alex realized that I had returned and looked at me conflicted. As soon as his eyes left Anastasia, she cried even louder bringing back his attention to her. Wow did she do that on purpose? No way.

I turned my attention away from them to Cedric who was looking at me funny.

'Are you jealous?', he asked.

'What?! Don't be ridiculous,' I scoffed at his accusation. He then gave me a knowing smile which immediately turn to a face filled with concern.

'Are you okay? What happened?'

I then proceeded to tell him how bad*ss I was in fighting the kidnappers and how I save Anastasia. As I told the story I held my head up high and had a smile on my face proud of my achievements.

Cedric was so astonished that his eyes widened as big as a gold coin. He then let out a big laugh until he had to hold his arms to his stomach.

'You're amazing. I knew I liked you,' he put his right hand on my shoulder giving me a small smile.

'I'm glad you're alright.'

'Thank you.'

It feels nice to know that someone cared that I was alright.

We then walked towards Alex and Anastasia who was still crying softly in his arms. I then coughed loudly and let me tell you it wasn't because my throat was itchy.

Whatever trance they were in was broken and Alex pulled his arms away from Anastasia. Wiping the tears that was flowing from her big blue eyes, she took a deep breath and let it out.

'Thank you for rescuing me Elaine,' she said as there were still tears in her eyes.

'She did as she should've done,' Alex said. I really am starting to hate him. Can't he just say thank you for once. Not to make a big deal of things but I did fight two grown men by myself while in a dress and heels mind you.

My lips thinned as I held back those words to Alex not having the energy left to argue with him. I simply glared at him as my reply and he glared back at me.

'Your welcome Anastasia, glad you're okay.' I ignored Alex and took off the cape I found in the trash. This has been a long day and I hoped it would end soon.

Though I do wonder why she was kidnapped by those men. Alex and Cedric said they would both investigate the matter and prosecute those responsible. Not long after the city guards came to arrest the two men after we reported the crime.

The time was almost midnight, but I was not in the mood to celebrate. When we went back to the street market everyone was enjoying the festival and there were no signs a kidnapping had just occurred.

We put back our masks on to join the festival because apparently Anastasia still wanted to partake in the closing ceremony.

The street here was full of color with ladies in all kinds of dresses and masks while the men also dressed in their best suits. They even hanged colorful lanterns from street lamp to street lamp. Sweet jazz music was in the air.

Even I was forced to join in the celebratory spirit for once.

'Ladies and gentlemen! The festival is coming to an end and we will have our last dance of the night. If you have that special someone, grab them now for a dance and you might just be together for all eternity!'

The music changed to a slow dance. Someone tapped me from behind and it was Alex wearing his white mask that suited perfectly with his shiny blonde hair.

I couldn't see the expression on his face as the mask covered it, but he was quieter than usual. He then offered me his hand and said, 'May I have this dance?'

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