
Laying Waste as Albedo

*currently on hold*

GrandSplix777 · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
13 Chs

Its show time

It's been four years since Albedo arrived and he was nine now. He'd spent a long time watching, waiting and practising for this moment. Right now he was watching from the shadows as a young Eren Yeager made his way through the woods.

Before Eren could knock or open the door Albedo proceeded to knock him out and drag him away from the building, stealing his scarf wasn't necessary since he bought one a while back. He wasn't sure if he needed it but better safe than sorry.

Just before he opened the door that led to the room Mikasa was in, he took a deep breath and put on a worried face. He felt a great deal of anger lowering himself like this but it was for his future so he kept it held in.

"Is anyone home?" He asked sheepishly as he opened the door slightly.

Almost immediately a man with a rather unfortunate moustache blocked his view. "Hey, brat! How the hell did you find this place?!"

"Um, I...I was lost, lost in the woods. A..and saw your cabin so..." His voice grew quiet as he trailed off.

The man looked back at his boss while Albedo was talking; his boss motioning to capture him as well. Looking back at him the man started talking. "You should know better than that! Ah, i mean kids shouldn't be walking around the woods all alone." He put his hand on Albedo's head causing his right eye to twitch."There are scary wolves in the woods. Come on in and we'll take-"

Before the man could finish talking Albedo used the knife he got off Eren and stabbed it into the man's throat then ripped it open before quickly stabbing the man in the chest.

As the man's body dropped to the floor Albedo backed off into the passage as the now dying man's boss realised what had just happened.

"H-hey!" He grabbed a nearby axe as he ran to the door. "Get back here you little shit!" He yelled as he opened the door only to be greeted by Eren's makeshift spear piercing his chest.

Following the man in as he fell on his back, Albedo dislodged the spear before repeatedly stapping the man with it until he was sure the man was dead.

Getting off the man's body he went up to Mikasa to cut her ropes. "You alright? It's okay you can relax now. I'm Albedo, I was foraging in the woods when I saw you being taken away. What's your name?"

"Mikasa...Mikasa Ackerman." She said quietly.

"Ackerman huh? Well nice to meet you." Albedo said feigning ignorance of who she was.

"What about the third one? There were three." She said rather simply. And as if on cue they heard a creak come from behind them. Turning around they saw the last of the kidnappers approach them.

Going to grab the knife near him, he was quickly stopped as the man kicked him in the gut flinging him into a corner. No matter how much he trained he was still a child and thusly it hurt like hell.

"Did you do it?" The man bent down to pick him up. "I don't actually believe it." Swiftly picking up Albedo he quickly started to choke him. "Was it you who did this to my partners?! You...How dare you! A measly kid did all this?!

Even while he was being choked, Albedo can't believe what he was about to say. "Fight back dammit! If you don't fight back we're both gonna die, just like them!" Even though he could easily kill the man in front of him, he wanted to know if he could trigger Mikasa the same way Eren did. He was happy that the man was having a slightly harder time trying to choke him out since he reinforced his neck, leaving him more time to speak.

"If you don't fight back we can't win! We'll lose and you'll be left at his mercy! Your saviour will die!" And to this is when Mikasa finally took an action by grabbing the knife. Yet, her fear held her back. She couldn't move herself to stab the man.

And it was at that point that she remembered something. Not something that she was taught but learned while watching the world around her. That life and the world were cruel. And that the same thing that happened to a moth that was being eaten by a mantis, was now happening to Albedo.

It was then that her body stopped trembling and she realised something. She was able to control herself, more specifically her body, perfectly. With that small realisation, the fear of dying, his words ringing in her head, she lept forwards. unintentionally breaking a floorboard and stabbing the man right through the heart.

Albedo breathed a sigh of relief as the man's hands loosened up. He would be lying if he said he wasn't scared of actually dying. Rubbing his slightly bruised neck he looked towards Mikasa to see her still as emotionally dead as before.

Thinking quickly he wrapped her up with his scarf. "Huh?" Mikasa looked up at him in confusion.

"You're cold right? You can wear it since it'll keep you warm. I'll be back in a second so sit tight." He said before leaving the hut. Just barely being able to hear Mikasa mutter "It's warm."

Not too long later she saw him carry a unconscious Eren back inside. "His father, Dr. Yeager, will be coming by soon. You can live with him for the time being okay?" As Albedo turned away to leave through the door, his clothes were pulled on by Mikasa.

"I won't be gone for long and i'll visit you soon okay? Oh yeah make sure to wake him up. I've did a little something to make him believe he did all this, just play along for the time being and don't mention me okay?" Albedo looked on as Mikasa thought through what he said before reluctantly nodding.

Albedo looked on from behind the trees as Mikasa followed Grisha and Eren back home. He honestly happy that he'd got the Nemunia transformation a year back. Situations like this is where they work best.

Seeing as everything worked out Albedo decided to treat himself with a spin of the wheel. Watching as an incalculable amount of names spun, slowly getting more and more coherant until it finally landed on something. Something that he wasn't expecting at all.

Florauna DNA, Wildvine's species.