
Last Shine

*WARNING* *Reading in a better place will prevent you from getting scoliosis* First this is a mash up fan-fic, a fan-fic created from many component of different origins. There's some from anime, video game, Lovecraftian, SCP, manga, manhwa, manhua and some other stuff put together in one place and voila. I don't really know how to promote fan-fic or stuff like this but... Fu Hua is best girl. At first Mc still got no names, but he'll gain it based from the usual Core Memory stuff. He's also an average Fu Hua admirer who like to drink milk. Beside from the main Mc there're some other important character that help to become the foundation for this story. There's Cera the common 4th wall breaker. Yjor the ruler. And Hylia a lass who likes chocolate ice cream. Those four are OC and got their own personalities, so maybe it'll be hard to read when they appeared or got their scene. The premise of this story is about erasing the tragedy, obliterating the chosen one, confronting the fake happiness, to become someone worthy, regaining dream and hope, as well as to become the champion of their own life. At earlier chapter, I still can't decided what writing style to be used so there're many error to be found. Even now I'm still trying to find another new style to write. And yeah perhaps there's someone who think it'll be a waste of time reading such long synopsis like this but... anyway. *IMPORTANT* There're suicidal thought in this story, so please watch your own thought before reading this as I don't want to make you to commit suicide on your own. Ehe Then there's some different personalities thingy, monster of emotion thingy, and death of cute and kawaii characters thingy. I'm someone with cute aggression behavior you see... Ah yeah... in this fan-fic there's Arknight CoC Genshin Granblue Azur Lane Honkai Gakkou Gurashi Welp so far there're only those, but I do want to add more character and lore from different stuff like Lament from Memento Mori, some game that can't be played anymore (You guys know Sid Story or Eternal City?) and yeah... this is just a plan so there's gonna be a HUGE chance I wouldn't put those in this fan-fic. Why? Who knows, I made this fanfic as a way to find my favorite stories. So anyway, that's the end for today synopsis. ----------- *This is a fan-fic, a work of fiction using some reference and material from other source of work, so credit goes to the original creator.* *Even though some of them are not mine, there's some original or random thing that I've added in this story* *And that cover is Fenghuang Down, don't know whose pict though*

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149 Chs

Let the heaven fall pt.5

Divergence: Hornet

Her story unfolded in a town unfamiliar to her—a town steeped in darkness, both physically and metaphorically.

It was as if a colossal dome had encapsulated the city, forbidding even the faintest glimmer of light to penetrate its depths. In this bleak urban landscape, Hornet found herself on the ground full of enigma.

As time passed, Hornet came to realize that her former powers as a ship girl were no longer within her grasp. Acknowledging this, she traversed the gloom of the city as nothing more than a solitary figure, persisting within the oppressive murk of that forsaken metropolis.

In that desolate place, not a soul stirred—a reality that slowly dawned upon the girl as she wandered. With each collision against the looming structures, Hornet began to comprehend the vastness of her surroundings too.

Despite stumbling along her path numerous times, each mishap brought a sense of amusement rather than frustration. Hornet found herself chuckling at the absurdity of it all, embracing the comical nature of her journey through the darkness.

Stumbled upon a park bench where she could rest her weary legs, kicking a lamppost absentmindedly, the metallic clang echoing through the silent streets, a brief interruption in the eerie stillness.

Many things done in order to satisfied her time.

And within the time frozen in darkness, regrettably, Hornet's eyesight remained unreliable. She had hoped that her eyes would adjust to the darkness, but alas, such adaptation proved elusive.

All is dark and desolate, still the same.

Unyielding while also unforgiving, enveloping everything.

Accompanied by an eerie silence so profound that she could hear her own heartbeat, Hornet found herself engulfed in an atmosphere of suffocating dread. The oppressive ambiance occasionally sent icy tendrils of fear creeping into both her mind and heart, unsettling her in the desolate darkness.

But despite it all, Hornet remained resolute and maintained a positive outlook, laughing in the face of her predicament. She held firm to her belief that she would overcome the challenges that lay before her.

Everything proceeded as usual in the life of a girl living alone in a city she couldn't see, thanks to the pervasive darkness. Interestingly, although Hornet felt that considerable time had passed, she found herself devoid of the need to eat or drink to replenish her energy.

This didn't pose much of a problem either, as Hornet couldn't find food in her current condition anyway.

"Yaaawn Somehow... I'm getting bored. I've played to my heart's content, resting whenever I please, but it's all so dull here."「Hornet」


"Besides, I feel like I'm blind in this place. I've walked what seems like a great distance... but there's no one around. Just what is this place..."「Hornet」

With each passing moment of contemplation, her spirits continued to wane.

"Everyone... I wonder how they're doing. Are they having fun while I'm stuck in here? Sheesh! When I get out of here, I'll definitely give them a piece of my mind!" Hornet's frustration boiled within her.

The girl was undeniably strong, both in mind and body. However, enduring the continuous silence with no one by her side gradually wore away at her resilience.

"Guys... is anyone there? Well, obviously not, I guess~ Ahahaha! ... Haha...hah..."「Hornet」

Slowly but surely, the pervasive solitude began to erode Hornet's resolve and motivation. Eventually, she found herself blending into the silent atmosphere that enveloped her.

Without sound or movement, she ceased to feel anything at all.

Yet, right on the brink of her downfall she still managed to voice those thoughts of her.

"Enty, York, sis... guys? Anyone? Where are you... I can't see anything..." the girl's voice echoed plaintively into the void, a desperate plea for someone to answer her sorrow. All she longed for was the presence of another, regardless of who or what it might be.

And just as he often did, taking advantage of the cracks within her being, the Persona assigned to rescue them finally revealed its presence, taking a seat on the same bench beside her.

"Then... shall I help you in finding them?"「Persona bearing the Mark of Amour」

With those words, Hornet was plunged into a new chapter of her existence, spending her days alongside a figure she did not recognize in the darkness that enveloped her. Where she learned her own meaning of happiness.


「Skull Island」

As Hylia continued her journey of self-discovery and empathy towards those around her, she found herself engaged in numerous conversations with the ship girls on the island.

Approaching each interaction with sincerity, she sought to grasp the depths of their emotions and experiences, in alignment with Sakura Zeimachi's guidance.

This time, humming a tune without a care in the world, Hylia was in the midst of tending to the flowers she had recently planted in a small pot. The flowers were a recent addition to her care routine.

"♫" Hylia's melody drifted through the air, a tranquil accompaniment to her activities.

Lost in her own joyful reverie, Hylia remained unaware as a ship girl approached her from behind.


"Apppapaapa!? Huh? Sis Orn... stop scaring me from behind!" (Hylia)

"Hehehe, sorry. Watching how dedicated you are to tending to those flowers, it just makes me want to play a little prank on you~"「Hornet」

Indeed, it was none other than Hornet. The ship girl Hylia had encountered previously while in the hot springs. An elusive archer that not only could release barrage of arrow in rapid succession, but also soared through the wind by using her tool.

Wearing a cowboy hat perched atop her head and minimal clothing adorning her body, sometime Hylia couldn't help but feel puzzled whenever she laid eyes on the ship girl.

'Isn't she cold? Moreover, there are so many insects here... is she alright?' Hylia pondered silently as she glanced towards Hornet's abdomen.

"You little, where're you looking hmm?" Hornet teased, catching onto Hylia's gaze. With mischievous intent, she playfully pressed Hylia's face against the very spot she had been staring at.

"W-Whaahh... I can't breathe..." Hylia gasped.

They found themselves in close proximity, their playful banter creating a bond between them.

In Hylia's eyes, the ship girl appeared to be someone who exuded cheerfulness and vitality. Observing how Hornet always seemed to find joy in various situations, Hylia found herself drawn to her vibrant personality.

Despite Hornet's penchant for disappearing and reappearing at surprising moments, the feasty haired girl also appeared to obtain joy from being in her company.

This sometimes left Hylia wondering if there had ever been a moment when Hornet felt sorrow or sad sometimes.

Hylia ventured to ask this question in her own way.

"Eh, that's not true, you know? Like how you see, I'm definitely a girl right? Even I could get embarrassed, or even sad sometimes," Hornet replied, dispelling Hylia's doubts with her candid response.

Finally able to pull her face away from Hornet's soft and smooth belly, Hylia was taken aback by the answer she received. She hadn't expected her question to be answered so directly.

'So, even someone as cheerful as Sis Orn can feel sad... ehehe, just like Rabbel (Bell Cranel). But there's one more thing...' (Hylia)

Additionally, Hylia found herself puzzled by a particular habit of Hornet's. Initially, the feasty haired girl thought nothing of it, considering that Hornet always used arrows as her weapon.

However, Hornet often exhibited this habit even when she wasn't using her weapon. 

"Oh? Now you're curious about me? Hehe, what should I do~" Hornet teased, her words dripping with playful mockery. However, Hylia responded with a skeptical glance at the ship girl's demeanor, and she began to turn away.

It seemed that the feasty haired girl had grown accustomed to this characteristic of the ship girl, recognizing it as a recurring aspect of their interactions.

"Hey c'mon, I'm just joking. Let's see... you're wondering why I always closes my right eye, right?" Hornet said, her tone shifting to a more slightly serious one.

"Nn, is this a habit of an archer?" (Hylia)

"Not really." Hornet replied plainly.

"Then is your right eye injured? Or perhaps the eye you cover possesses extraordinary power!?" Hylia speculated.

"My right eye is perfectly fine, just like the other one," Hornet reassured her, revealing her lime-yellow eye for confirmation which had previously been concealed by her eyelid. But why did Hornet always cover her right eye if her vision was unaffected?

Hylia's curiosity deepened even further with another question launched at Hornet.

"Let's see, do you believe in dream that come true?"「Hornet」

"Hmm... maybe!" Hylia replied, her eyes clearly sparked by the question.

With a slight chuckle, Hornet continued, "Well, let's just say it was my habit in those dreams. A habit inside that darkness..." Memories of those vivid dreams flooded her mind, and Hornet gently touched the eye she always used to perceive her surroundings.

A gentle, serene smile graced her lips as she reminisced about him. In that fleeting moment, it felt as though she had transformed into the most beautiful woman in existence, while embracing the memories and the peculiarities of her dreams.

"Habit... in your dream?" (Hylia)

"(Whisper) This was his gift—his light he bestowed, to help me see my world once more," Her words carried a softness, her gaze reflecting the essence of the figure that inhabited her dreams.

In that moment, the ship girl exuded a genuine radiance, transitioning from being merely beautiful to being unequivocally content, the happiest girl in the world.

"Hmm? Hey sis Orn, did you saw something? Let me see it too!" Hylia asked, noticing Hornet's reverie.

"I saw... I saw, hmm, I see your face laughing mischievously like this! Wacacaca!" Hornet exclaimed, breaking the solemnity with her trademark playful banter as she tickled the feasty haired girl.





Returning to the story from their perspective, where a dire situation unfolds due to the actions of their commander. A recklessness of their commander's decisions that not only took them by surprise but also surpassed their worst expectations.

"Say it one more time," Akagi seethed with brimming anger evident on her face as she stood directly in front of Akashi, who cowered in fear.

"A-Akashi just found out about it too..."「Akashi」

"Tell me if you're lying about where the commander is right now. That's not true, is it?!" Akagi pressed on, closing the distance between their faces.

"...From the signals I intercepted, the commander is at a point close to that floating fortress. In other words... right now, there's chance commander is there, in the enemy stronghold. Meaning behind enemy lines— nyaaa, I'm sorry! I'm really sorry, nya!"「Akashi」

It all began with the absence of the man.

Considering his pivotal role in directing the fleet, after receiving the previously interrupted call from Sakura Zeimachi, several girls from the ship's command room endeavored to track his whereabouts.

Some of them grew concerned, questioning why their commander hadn't gathered at the promised location, namely the command room.

"W-What does that foolish servant want to achieve?! Saratoga, what does this mean?! This wasn't part of his plan, was it?"「Queen Elizabeth」

"... 'When the attack occurs, gather immediately in the same place.' That's what he mentioned, if I thought right?"「Nagato」

True to its name, the command room was where the commander should have been, issuing orders to his troops from the rear lines.

The command room had been established the day before, on the night when Sakura Zeimachi performed his role with the Astra Sphere, and after he bid his own greetings to several ship girls who wished to meet with him.

"My reason for being here is to ensure several matters, one of which is the whereabouts of that man. However, if the commander fails to appear, then staying idle here would be a waste of time."「Bismarck」

"... This action of his could be deemed reckless and certainly unbecoming of a commander leading a combined fleet in this era. Nevertheless, we from the Northern Parliament are indebted to him, and this debt is not trivial. The matter of punishment can be addressed later, we will not remain silent if our comrade commander comes to harm."「Sovetsky Soyuz」

Their words hung heavily in the air, echoing the growing tension and uncertainty surrounding the situation. Bismarck's resolve clashed with Soyuz's conflicted loyalty, creating a palpable atmosphere of urgency and apprehension.

On the previous day, he had held meetings with the some representative of each factions.

Exchanging information and cooperating against a common enemy, the commander gained additional allies and comrades who ready to fight for the same cause: to protect their homes. 

Such as speaking with Bismarck about the members of the Iron Blood faction while the ship girl received treatment from him, or approaching Sovetsky Soyuz, who later provided information about the youths she had encountered at HQ.

That night was indeed where he resolved himself he'll protect them.

Not forgetting Saratoga and Akashi, who were always by his side and seemed to act as his secretary ships, the man also advanced his agenda during the meeting, which had been adjusted to the circumstances.

"This time you can't evade it. What really happened that compelled the commander to dive straight into battle?" Akagi directed her words towards one of the ship girls.

Essentially, they exchanged information to gather everything they knew about their enemy, sharing stories about the days that had passed before the current grim situation.

Tales of how he first arrived at the academy, when he intervened in matters there, how he aided their friends, comrades, and sisters from the clutches of power, and even when he acted as an idiot clown just to uplift the spirits of the girls.

However, as Akashi had just mentioned, the commander was not there.

He's currently in the enemy leader's zone, and they had no idea what was happening to him.

"The decision maker who could move this fleet is currently absent. Although he has already laid out the sequence and details of this operation, I want to know his reasons for acting this way."「Chen Hai」

"Pardon me, if I may interject this conversation. As time is pressing, let's return to the issue at hand... why did the commander not follow the plan he himself devised? And are there any other secrets you're still keeping, Akashi and Saratoga?"「Vittorio Veneto」

"M-Me too nya?!"「Akashi」

"Your answers will determine whether we stay here or leave, much like what the Black Dragon did. Personally, I already have my own choice."「Clemenceau」

Each of the ship girls expressed their opinions and voices. Whether it was due to debt, admiration, or pure affection, whatever the reason, they were under the same roof because of the feelings they harbored alongside their duties.

And now, as all voices merged into silence, all eyes turned to one person.

"(Whisper) W-what should we do nyaa?! If it continues like this, we'll definitely be found out..."「Akashi」

"Akashi, if you don't want to speak together with us, then I suggest you remain silent. It's for your own good."「Nagato」

Towards Saratoga, who had been wearing a facade of indifference despite being bombarded with questions. Certainly, the ship girl had her own story and reasons for behaving so nonchalantly.

But that wasn't particularly important right now.


"And with New Jersey absent, Miss Saratoga is technically the Union's representative in this room. So, what will you say?" Vittorio Veneto prompted, emphasizing the weight of the situation. 


From the perspective of the other ship girls, the relationship between Saratoga, Akashi, and the commander seemed too suspicious. Although the man always kept his distance from most of the ship girls, oddly enough, he allowed the two of them to remain by his side.

Perhaps there was something secretive between the three of them.

Maybe they always seemed close because of their open personalities.

Or perhaps, the commander was always with Akashi and Saratoga due to some unfortunate fate that bound the three of them together.

Unfortunately, no matter what the reason was, Akagi and several other "Extreme" temperamental ship girls were not so easily accepting of the situation. They refused to accept their commander being monopolized by Akashi and Saratoga.

"What's wrong? Got too much freedom on your tongue?"「Akagi」

"All's fair in love and war," or so the saying goes, a sentiment that could aptly describe Akagi's feelings at the moment. She, too, wished to be treated like Akashi or Saratoga by their commander.

"Jealousy has its limits, you know. Besides, what do I even know? That newbie isn't exactly competent as a commander, and this is just another example. Maybe he's deliberately trying to look cool and take the lead... or deliberately keeping that scoundrel from setting foot here," Saratoga, the seemingly indifferent ship girl, remarked as she shrugged her shoulders.

In an instant, her words ignited a palpable tension in the room, thickening the air with uncertainty and suspicion.

"You want to be torn apart?" Akagi's voice dripped with menace.

"Go on and try it, you'll lose your huge reason for being gathered in this place," Saratoga retorted calmly.

Just before Akagi could produce something from within her clothing, Saratoga's words succeeded in halting the malicious intent of the fox-like girl. However, with a gaze still filled with threat, Akagi continued to stare at Saratoga, urging her to reveal her secret.

Seeing that she now had control of the situation, Saratoga proceeded.

"First is the name of our current operation, because previously we only discussed crucial matters. The commander was late and just gave it to me this morning, along with the next set of instructions," Saratoga explained, retrieving a memory disk from her pocket.

She gestured to Akashi to carry out her task.

With cautious steps and keeping her distance from Akagi, the green cat girl inserted the memory disk into one of the electronic devices in the room, causing its contents to be projected onto a table that had been present from the start.

Whether from the front, back, right, or left, the ship girls present could see the information from any angle.


 [TOP SECRET: Operation Heavenly Blue]


 -> [Objective of operation]

1. Neutralize invading enemies, and secure as many allies as possible.

2. Repel any aggression aimed toward Azur Lane Academy and City of Rite

3. If objective 1 or 2 can't be fulfilled, prioritize safety and evacuate to safe point A or B

 -> [Piece used for this Operation]

1. Reality Anchor, used to prevent reality bending/warping around allied ground.

2. Photon barrier, used against incoming ranged attacks.

3. BFG-9999, used to mitigates destruction caused by giant objects.

4. Fuwa, reserved for emergency use.

 -> [Participating Members]

1. Commander (Frontline)

2. Any supporting ship girls ready to fight (Mid/Backline)

 -> [About Enemies]

1. Yulijer, a young man with white hair and red eyes. (Danger level 5) Capabilities: Launching destructive projectiles, proficiency in unknown magic and sorcery including barrier and destructive types, and potentially more.


"Hold up! What do you mean by these?! Commander in front?! That's the detail I wanted to know from the beginning!" Queen Elizabeth interjected.

"Shh, I already know, but let it finish."「Saratoga」

"Heavenly Blue... moreover, those pieces, are you sure they're effective to be used right now?"「Clemenceau」

"Well, Akashi is not slothful nya! Commander had told me if it's in motion, we should use it as well nya,"「Akashi」


2. Katchia, a young girl with white hair and blue eyes. (Danger level 5)

Capabilities: (According to battle record) Possesses inhuman strength, superhuman abilities, superpowers, can summon troops with inhuman strength, capable of flight using her summoned troops, and potentially more.

3. Mourgant, a middle-aged man with blonde hair. (Danger level 5)

Capabilities: (According to battle records) Unknown magic and sorcery including barrier and destructive types, inhuman strength, able to fly without using any medium.

!There is not much information about this target; approach with caution!

4. Freidhard, a man with pale skin, spiral-looking eyes, and light blue hair. (Danger level 5) Capabilities: No records

!There is not much information about this target; approach with caution!

5. Suzuko, a young woman with black hair and dangerous eyes. (Danger level 4)

Capabilities: (According to battle records) Ability to manipulate someone's consciousness, capable of emitting dangerous black fire, summoning a transparent avatar that acts as her limb, and likely has other abilities.

6. Julian, a young man with red hair. (Danger level 4)

Capabilities: (According to battle records) Master of swordplay that could even cut armor and steel, unknown magic and sorcery, able to fly using insect-like wings.


As they observed, there were details and even images and faces of the System Users that the commander had compiled information on.

And of course, they didn't forget about the name of this operation that appeared at the beginning.

Although it seemed simple, this information was quite useful for the ship girls who now had to prepare for a direct confrontation with them.

Unfortunately, the information didn't really catch their attention because most of it had already been discussed in previous meetings.

"The name and details of the operation, along with information about each target and their abilities... Hmm, it seems like there are some details intentionally not shown here to facilitate the acceptance of the information," Sovestky Soyuz remarked.

"Most of the ship girls already know the key points in general. I also heard it from Nagato-sama yesterday. Let's speed up and get into the reasons why the commander advanced to the front lines."「Akagi」

"A-Alright nya, ah, and for the details, you can see them on your own coms. Akashi has encrypted them so you can access them from there," complying with the request, Akashi moved her fingers over the panel display, causing the Top Secret information to momentarily vanish from the projection screen.

Suddenly, the presentation display on the table transformed. It morphed into a shape resembling an open cube, revealing its contents within.

Clear images of The Hanging Garden of Babylon emerged, along with the ongoing battle conditions at the front lines.

"... Is this happening live?" Bismarck inquired, where she saw Tirpitz in one of those screen.

Alongside the screen displaying the ongoing battle conditions, there were also images and identifications of the equipment spectrum they used to view multiple battle zones from the air simultaneously.

"I see, so this is the R&D Section's Project, the so-called drone, yes?" Vittorio Veneto observed, where she saw how The Hanging Garden of Babylon appeared from different angle. She also can't help but to sigh, when she caught sight of a Sardegna's girl within one of the display showed.

"And it's not just any drone nya! They can even disappear or have stealth mode! Hehehe, the funds poured into this project are not insignificant hehehe nya~ ugh?!" Akashi, starting to act like a mischievous cat, quickly sealed her lips when all eyes turned to her.

"Why isn't this technology being used then? If it can't be seen, wouldn't this be our trump card?"「Chen Hai」

Upon hearing this, Akashi shook her head. "They are primarily designed for close-range espionage controlled by the Manjuus, and their numbers are not too many. For aerial combat, aircraft are still superior. Moreover, for some reason, the commander did not approve the use of these drones outside the academy area."

"Huuh... another puzzle, I see."「Chen Hai」

"Then? What's next?"「Bismarck」

"Next is... This."「Saratoga」

The display shown by the drone changed, replaced once again with the data contained within the memory disk. Now, there was a clear inscription "[Battle Plan]" that they could all see.

Although, once again, the information had already been discussed in previous meetings.

"Isn't all of this already sufficient? We're just repeating what happened yesterday, with a few differences that don't bring much impact. I'm reaching the limits of my patience," Queen Elizabeth voiced her frustration.

As she noticed the impatient expressions on the faces of the ship girls, Saratoga reluctantly delved into the reason they had all been eagerly waiting for. That is, the reason why their commander wasn't at the rear lines with them at this moment.

Slowly, from within her uniform, Saratoga retrieved a piece of paper that became the focus of attention for the ship girls present. Except for Akashi, who tried not to look at the inked words on the piece of paper, the representatives of the factions did the opposite.

"... I need your signatures on this paper."「Saratoga」

It's indeed nothing more than some regular paper issued from HQ. Those who were accustomed to receiving orders from there were already familiar with the header and stamp on the letter.

However, what was unusual were the details written on the sheet of paper.

[Execution Order for Threatening Figures]

[Under charges of identity forgery, money laundering, embezzlement of government funds, interference in the death of HQ officials, destruction of government infrastructure, unauthorized use of government infrastructure, defamation, and other major crimes listed below, the individual named "Sakura Zeimachi" is deemed a figure capable of disrupting world order and its harmony...]

The ink on the paper continued to write long after these words.

"I-This..." Akagi stuttered.

As the weight of the situation sank in, the atmosphere in the room grew heavy with tension. The ship girls, usually poised and confident, now appeared visibly shaken by the contents of the letter. Their expressions darkened, mirroring the gravity of the accusations listed within.


Silence hung in the air, broken only by the sound of her rigging that had been dormant suddenly crackled to life, wrapping tightly around their bodies.

With her swift hands, she turned her attention and cannon to Saratoga. Meanwhile the other gazes demanding for reassurance in the face of uncertainty. For within the approval column lay his fates, already sealed by names that loomed ominously above.

 [Execution Approval Column]

1. [Eagle Union: Represented by Lexington-class aircraft carrier - Hull Number CV-3, Saratoga.]

I DO want to immediately write about their fight and battle, but if I did, then it just feels something is missing. Although I'm not a fan of politics, at least I should put "a bridge" before their actual fight with this.

With this, I think "Heaven Fall" should be enough. I'll move to the next "part" after Earth and Heaven.

Hmm? Don't worry! The story will be worse during that part!!!

... And hopefully, there's nothing crazy enough happening out there that could influence the creation of my Side Story.

Oh, and I pick "Heavenly Blue" from that anime, you know Aldnoah.Zero?


See ya

Strunomcreators' thoughts