
Last Shine

*WARNING* *Reading in a better place will prevent you from getting scoliosis* First this is a mash up fan-fic, a fan-fic created from many component of different origins. There's some from anime, video game, Lovecraftian, SCP, manga, manhwa, manhua and some other stuff put together in one place and voila. I don't really know how to promote fan-fic or stuff like this but... Fu Hua is best girl. At first Mc still got no names, but he'll gain it based from the usual Core Memory stuff. He's also an average Fu Hua admirer who like to drink milk. Beside from the main Mc there're some other important character that help to become the foundation for this story. There's Cera the common 4th wall breaker. Yjor the ruler. And Hylia a lass who likes chocolate ice cream. Those four are OC and got their own personalities, so maybe it'll be hard to read when they appeared or got their scene. The premise of this story is about erasing the tragedy, obliterating the chosen one, confronting the fake happiness, to become someone worthy, regaining dream and hope, as well as to become the champion of their own life. At earlier chapter, I still can't decided what writing style to be used so there're many error to be found. Even now I'm still trying to find another new style to write. And yeah perhaps there's someone who think it'll be a waste of time reading such long synopsis like this but... anyway. *IMPORTANT* There're suicidal thought in this story, so please watch your own thought before reading this as I don't want to make you to commit suicide on your own. Ehe Then there's some different personalities thingy, monster of emotion thingy, and death of cute and kawaii characters thingy. I'm someone with cute aggression behavior you see... Ah yeah... in this fan-fic there's Arknight CoC Genshin Granblue Azur Lane Honkai Gakkou Gurashi Welp so far there're only those, but I do want to add more character and lore from different stuff like Lament from Memento Mori, some game that can't be played anymore (You guys know Sid Story or Eternal City?) and yeah... this is just a plan so there's gonna be a HUGE chance I wouldn't put those in this fan-fic. Why? Who knows, I made this fanfic as a way to find my favorite stories. So anyway, that's the end for today synopsis. ----------- *This is a fan-fic, a work of fiction using some reference and material from other source of work, so credit goes to the original creator.* *Even though some of them are not mine, there's some original or random thing that I've added in this story* *And that cover is Fenghuang Down, don't know whose pict though*

Strunom · Others
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149 Chs

Let the heaven fall pt.4

Divergence: Deutschland

Within his narrative, Deutschland was one of the ship girls who possessed a unique Feather bestowed upon her.

He bestowed these Feathers upon the ship girls under his care, delicately implanting them into the very core of their Wisdom Cubes.

This act served as a defense mechanism, a bulwark against the looming erosion threatening to unravel the delicate threads of their "sanity." Several other ship girls had undergone the same ritual as well, which turned the many Feathers symbolizing a pact between guardian and guarded.

Upon the fulfillment of specific conditions, the Feather would then infiltrate into the depths of the Ship Girl's subconscious, while also eftly copying and preserving the invaluable data stored within their Wisdom Cube.

Where victories in battle, the melancholy of being abandoned, when the bonds of sisterhood were woven, The Feather would meticulously copy these experiences, creating a panorama aligned with the individual imaginings of the ship girls.

In essence, it gave birth to a realm within their subconscious—an ethereal landscape, a realm born from the collective dreams and memories of these ship girls.

The ship girls living in their dream will be oblivious to this creation, and would only become aware of its existence when prompted by specific triggers.

Now then, perhaps these info have become stale and repetitive enough to those who know and didn't know it. Thereby why, these are part of her memories.


Divergence: Deutschland

The melodic chirping of birds echoed through the dense canopy of the lush forest. Even the towering trees and vast marshes failed to muffle or submerge the symphony of the flying flocks of birds.

Everything seemed so vibrant and noisy. Unfortunately, all this vibrant life stood in stark contrast to the presence of a girl lying motionless in the heart of the forest.

"... Ughh..."「Deutschland」

The sound she emitted was barely audible, much smaller than her figure nestled among the jungle foliage. Though she tried to muster the strength to rise from the forest floor, her arms seemed to resist, trembling before she ultimately fell back.

This resulted in her clothes becoming even more soiled by the earth beneath her, accompanied by the lively cacophony of bird songs.

"Where... where is this? Wasn't I just..." she questioned weakly.

The scent of the earth she inhaled seemed to evoke some memories within her, distinct from the damp and sticky aroma of a cloudy liquid and the piercing scent of iron and blood where her last memories converged.

This was the fragrance of earthly ground, a scent she rarely encountered when floating on the salty sea. She also began to slowly realize that the current aroma she was inhaling was different from what she remembered before ending up in this place.

"That girl, Spee. Spee! Where's..." Deutschland's voice echoed through the forest.

Empowered by the resonance of that familiar name, she compelled her dormant limbs back into action. Despite the difficulty of standing, Deutschland leaned on a robust branch, determined to find the person she had just called.

The mocking melody of the birds accompanied her efforts.

Despite her determined search, Spee remained elusive. The forest stood silent, revealing only the solitary silhouette of Deutschland. Faced with the harsh reality of her solitude, she clenched both fists, a silent testament to her frustration and confusion.

"... What the hell is this place?! Did I get sent here while unconscious, without knowing what actually happened?! Don't play around!" Deutschland exclaimed as she thought someone had sent her there.

Her pride seemed tarnished as she struggled to grasp the fleeting memories that flashed through her mind in that weakly state. It became even more disconcerting when she realized that she couldn't manifest her Rigging or utilize armament, the very essence of a Ship Girl as she walked through the forest.

The chorus of bird songs intensified.

Her body felt fatigue, a reasonable sensation considering the circumstances. However, the panic and pressure set in when she discovered her inability to harness any of her Ship Girl abilities. "W-What... what's happening to me?" Deutschland muttered in a mixture of confusion and distress.




With each grain of sand flowing through the currents of time, the ship girl engaged in more activities. Whether it was simply traversing numerous trees or resting her tired body, the once formidable figure now resembled that of a delicate girl, vulnerable in the labyrinth of the unknown.

And still, the birds showed no signs of ceasing their melodic chatter.

"Haaaah?! You gotta be kidding me! There's nothing but trees and swamp in here!?"「Deutschland」

Amidst the seemingly endless cycle of activities, Deutschland struggled to come to terms with her surroundings, dominated by the vast expanse of trees and swamp. Adjusting to her current circumstances proved to be an ongoing challenge.

Nevertheless, she encountered numerous peculiarities during her exploration of the jungle.

The first anomaly was the sheer vastness and height of the trees in the forest. Regardless of how far she walked or attempted to climb, it seemed as if there was no end to the towering foliage.

Moreover, there was something peculiar about the living beings, be they plants or animals.

Strangely, she hadn't encountered any animals in the forest, which she expected to be teeming with life as any ordinary forest would. Even insects seemed conspicuously absent in this supposedly natural ecosystem.

The only evidence of animal existence was the ceaseless chirping of birds perched atop the towering trees overhead. The lack of other life forms added an eerie quality to the otherwise untouched wilderness.

"Khh! Why won't they shut up!"「Deutschland」

Adding to her frustrations was the issue of her own form. As a ship girl, despite their humanoid appearance, they were not truly human.

Deutschland was acutely aware of this fact, but the more she comprehended it, the more perplexed she became about why all of this was happening. The constant noise of the birds only served to intensify her inner turmoil.

"...Damn, I... have no strength," Deutschland muttered.

Hunger, exhaustion, superficial wounds, and the deeper emotional scars—all seemed to pile up within her. Like damage to the machinery and decks of a ship, an unseen flames began to slow her movements.

Her armor slowly chipped away in durability, and with depleted fuel, she could no longer start the engine, rendering her a useless weapon of war stranded on the land.

"Damned... where has my strength gone? This is so unlike me! Like hell I'll surrender here! I'm Deutschland, the spiritual leader—gghuh," Deutschland lamented, frustration evident in her voice.

Amidst the rising mockery of bird songs, as if nature itself was taunting her resilience.

In the end, Deutschland succumbed, her form meeting the earth once more, embracing the aroma of soil and grass. Struggling to keep her eyes open, the weight of fatigue prevailed, closing them shut.

Everything became a challenge for her to perceive—what she could feel, see, and smell all faded into a grey haze of her incapacity to rise again.

In that vulnerable span of time, which felt prolonged for her but transient for any onlooker, her suffering seemed to endure, stretching far beyond its supposed end.

The birds' chirping persisted, a constant melody in her moments of near surrender.

As Deutschland faded, the bird songs paradoxically grew clearer, resonating more vividly in her ears. What initially seemed like inconsequential notes and rhythms started to reveal something more beneath.

They were like whispered words, invoking memories she had buried within the ship girl—recollections she had chosen to forget, now surfacing through the subtle melodies of the avian chorus.

"Pffft, spiritual leader? The fuck is that haaah!!?? You shitty brat thought yourself great or something?! Right now you're nothing more than my dog! MY SLAVE you IDIOT!"

The bird songs resonated, intertwining with her thoughts. Images of someone insignificant and inconsequential flashed in her mind.

"Your honor means shit for me! You better choose, Lützow or Deutschland. So which name will you choose for your collar tag?"

The different bird songs continued their melodic chorus, triggering another memory in her mind—moments when she was forced to discard one of her identities.

"Now listen here, you're nothing more than a clown! You think yourself awesome, huh? Well, turns out you're pretty much an idiot, eh? You have no use, and perhaps you should realize it now."

The bird songs grew increasingly discordant, as if in competition with each other, reaching such high pitches that her ears felt like they were about to shatter.

"Don't you think I'm kind enough to you? When no one likes to treat trash like you, I picked you up and even care for you. Learn to be grateful, bastard."

The bird songs became too many, their tones varied in highs and lows. Despite her helplessness, Deutschland had to endure another memory flashing through her mind.

"Hey, do you want us to fuck your sister? Or you let us use your body, and we won't touch her as long she's watching how you get fucked. Which one?"

From there, her recurring nightmares replayed.

Second by second, movement by movement, everything she felt and everything she had seen were vividly remembered in her mind. Cold sweat trickled down her neck, and her fading face grew even paler.

"My head?! Khh damn it, stop messing around! Those people, those humans! I swear... I'll never let them!" Deutschland exclaimed, anguish and remains of hatred evident in her voice.

Accompanied by the bird songs now transformed into whispers of the malicious entities that had harmed her, Deutschland felt a burning sensation within her chest.

Hatred, revenge, anger, and all sorts of negative emotions overwhelmed her, causing her to feel a loss of control, pushing her to the edge and even disregarding her remaining shreds of ego as she struggled to cling to her last semblance of meaning.

"So that's how it is... now I see, after they had their way with my body, they also let Spee witness everything..." Deutschland muttered in disappointment.

The dark emotions began to engulf her, still consumed by the whispers of the actors within her memories during the "Three Nights of Hell."

"...Damn, damn it all! How shameful and degrading! And to think... that lowly animal, why did he betray and sell us all!?" Deutschland exclaimed, her voice filled with a mixture of despair and anger.

The last remnants of hope, the tethers that still held her as "Deutschland," slowly unraveled, leaving behind a void of meaning for the Ship Girl who had lost her sense of self.

"I don't even know if Spee is truly safe or not!" Deutschland's words echoed, carrying the weight of uncertainty and fear. Her thoughts momentarily shifted, and despite the fierce resolve in her clenched teeth, nothing changed.

"I... at that moment... was I already dead? So, Spee, and even everyone from Iron Blood... I couldn't protect them?" her voice begun to waver with the heavy burden of guilt as well.

As she fist the unforgiving ground with her remaining strength, the relentless replay of the memory where she lost her life as a Ship Girl served as a cruel reminder that nothing could be altered.

And no matter how many tears she shed, the inexorable truth remained unchanged. At that pivotal moment, a profound transformation overcame her.

"... If that's the case, nothing matters anymore. There's nothing... I can do."「Deutschland META」

In tandem with her heart and mind, everything that had transpired was irreversibly etched into the fabric of time. All she possessed lay shattered and beyond reconstruction.

Even if her physical wounds could heal, she would still have to carry the scars. But was that something she could endure? Was there anything left for her to do as a semblance of purpose?

These questions she directed at herself, unfortunately, yielded no answers she desired.

"None really matters, if my existence holds no meaning in this world. Then I will destroy everything that doesn't appreciate it."「Deutschland META」

At the end of her statement, all the sounds that were previously present vanished.

The bird songs were silenced, swallowed by the harsh roar of machinery and the deafening noise of metal grinding, the source of which remained unknown.

"..."「Deutschland META」

As the hushed whispers faded away, an unseen force within her surged with newfound strength.

The ship girl now emanated an aura of limitless and inexhaustible energy from within her Wisdom Cube. A profound change swept through her, and when Deutschland attempted to call forth her Rigging, an act that was once unattainable, she had now found herself transformed.

Standing upright on both legs, she surveyed her entire being, noting the subtle alterations in her appearance and attire.

"Whatever, it'll leave nothing to remain in the end."「Deutschland META」

Her armaments underwent a subtle metamorphosis, a reflection of the profound changes occurring within her. As she turned her gaze, it wasn't just the physical alterations that captivated her attention.

The dense forest and towering trees persisted, seemingly untouched by the upheaval within her. Yet, as she surveyed the monotonous landscape, a growing sense of dissatisfaction kindled her wrath, stoking the flames of her desire for utter destruction.

A silent determination settled within her, a resolute intent to obliterate everything in her proximity and leave no trace behind.

The echoes of booming sounds and metallic friction, which had persisted in her ears, grew louder and nearer. Although Deutschland couldn't discern the origin of these noises, an inspiration struck her on how to directly confront the creator of such commotion.

In that pivotal moment, Deutschland unleashed the words that had lingered at the edge of her consciousness since the outset.

"Come, greet your lord."「Deutschland META」

The resonance of her declaration triggered a seismic upheaval in her surroundings. The earth itself seemed to respond with a symphony of rumbles and tremors, echoing the weight of her decisive choice.

From the fractured ground, cracks propagated, consuming the towering trees like celestial umbrellas folding in the face of an impending storm.

With deep hatred and disdain, the ship girl stood as the land bowed and crumbled before her renewed conviction. Simultaneously, an ominous presence answered her summons, an entity poised to fulfill her yearning for destruction, wielding a power capable of reducing even the sturdiest fortifications to dust.

"... Gustav, so that is your name. Show me the proof of your strength."「Deutschland META」

The colossal machine still emitted the same thunderous sounds as before, a symphony that resonated with Deutschland's newfound resolve. She relished this cacophony, as it drowned out the once-persistent bird songs that had now fallen silent.

While the machinery named Gustav size's couldn't rival the form of her warship model, the ship girl appeared minuscule atop it. With the gargantuan weapon in beneath her feet, she now traversed the terrain effortlessly, commanding panoramic views from atop her mobile platform.

Unfazed by the sturdiest of trees in her path, the Railway Gun continued its relentless advance on the ever-emerging tracks. Occasionally, Deutschland issued commands for the cannon to unleash rounds in arbitrary directions, demonstrating the destructive might of Gustav.

"With this, I no longer need to ponder on how to destroy those humans. Advance until we escape this loathsome place. Crush everything that obstructs our path."「Deutschland META」

The might of that colossal beast reduced everything to ashes.

Unexpectedly, the power displayed by the Railway Gun, old beast of machinery known as Gustav seemed to surpass any historical comparisons. Not only could it fire life rounds with incredible speed and range, but the resulting destruction even exceeded the firepower of a battleship.

Coupled with its mobility equivalent to the fastest tank and the ability to rotate its barrel 360 degrees, the monstrous machinery grew even more potent under the influence of Deutschland's rigging.

"So that is what you chose."「Persona bearing the mark of Amour」

This made the overseer, who had just manifested his presence in the ship girl's dream, stunned and inevitably forced to contemplate how to deal with all of this.

"... Personally, I feel pity for you, but on the other hand, I also expect something different from your presence here."「Persona bearing the mark of Amour」

In fact, he had already been on the ship girl's side long before Deutschland opened her eyes, albeit not in the form of a human.

The persona disguised itself as one of the trees in the forest, and with every step Deutschland took, the persona would transform into another tree nearby. Even before, he could hear the lament of despair from the girl up close, yet for some reason... he simply observed.

"I'm really sorry, I'll apologize as many times as needed, but for now... I can't let you use too much of that power."「Persona bearing the mark of Amour」

He could only watch.

"If only I'm Als, then I could use this Feather more versatilely and stop this from happening... sigh, alright, now let's stop this. No one but you could reach her so get a grip!"「Persona bearing the mark of Amour」

However, now it was different. Right when the METAfication occurred within the ship girl's Wisdom Cube, the subconscious of Deutschland also changed.

Simultaneously, the concept of existence and consciousness of the ship girl was being overridden to transform into another persona. Taking advantage of this opportunity, he could present himself using the form of Sakura Zeimachi.

"Unworthy as I may be, let me lend you a hand in guiding the reins of your destiny. He'll be furious if I fail to save each one of you, that other half of mine."「Persona bearing the mark of Amour」

His voice carried a tone of someone accustomed to mocking unfolding situations.

A chuckle escaped him, not directed at the fate of others but at the complexity of the circumstances. This duality might be a significant factor in shaping his current identity.


「The Hanging Garden of Babylon」

Previously, Sakura Zeimachi had bravely advanced alone to the front lines in order to confront the "King" head-on, who had begun his movements along with his System Users friends.

Watching those users advance towards the port while using their own specialties, he slightly worried about those ship girls in the port.

However despite all those above and even with the arrival of the Elite Siren, known as Observer, which would slightly disrupt his one-on-one battle, The Fool would continue to pursue what he intended to do.

After using one of his abilities tied to his past with the System Users, Sakura Zeimachi had now entered the colossal flying fortress along with Observer. Despite Observer being chatty and clingy, the current Sakura Zeimachi was a man of focus and sheer will.

Thereby he didn't want to leak much data that Elite Siren could salvage.

Their journey sneaking into the place felt like walking into a floating city devoid of inhabitants.

Neither Sakura Zeimachi nor Observer encountered any resistance.

The eerie silence within the colossal flying fortress heightened the tension as they ventured deeper into its mysterious depths. The lack of any signs of life only added to the enigma surrounding the Hanging Garden of Babylon.

"Ughh... that simp, even though I said it's not the right time yet for this part."

"Oh my? Is there anything on that floor?"「Observer」 

In the midst of their leisurely journey, Sakura Zeimachi suddenly experienced a headache. This had been happening frequently lately, a consequence of him pushing himself too hard to use the Astra Sphere in recent days.

It wasn't just that which made him increasingly weaker. His deliberate actions of releasing the personas for the sake of boosting the success rate of this operation also took a toll on him.

Even though Als was still with him, the negative effects were becoming evident.

"Not much, there're only a pair of shoes and my feet down here."

"Hmm, that's fine. I'll take both. I'm sure there's one or two data I can retrieve from there," Observer replied.

Hearing his words, Sakura Zeimachi didn't say anything and gave the Elite Siren a scornful look. Funnily, as Observer seemed genuinely interested in the offer she made, Sakura Zeimachi immediately used both of his feet to run away and thus leaving Observer alone.

"Wait~ Wait~ It's fine if only one of them."「Observer」 

The Elite Siren attempted to follow him, mentioning that she was only 50% serious about her statement. Not to mention, she was slightly pleased to see her Evoker looking more enthusiastic than before.

Call it an interest or a peculiar sense of the Siren, she becomes more than intrigued whenever he tries to do something, anything. Just like how he stopped in his tracks after running away from her, even at this moment, Observer can't help but guess that something is bound to happen.

"Let me ask one more time, are you going to help me or not?"

Looking in the same direction, the Siren easily perceived something tall and big standing in the distance, akin to a statue. As she continued to gaze, a shadow of a small humanoid figure beside it became visible.

Now, the Elite Siren understood why he had spoken those words.

She didn't know what kind of thing awaited right there, but from here on, she thought their small, safe, and sound adventure would cease and finish.

Nevertheless, those things didn't stop her from sticking behind the man, as she said, "No, you don't want my help, right?" while making herself comfortable in the position she previously occupied

"I'll keep my own deal."「Observer」 

As they drew nearer, the figure standing at the end of the dark corridor became increasingly clear. Ready to make his approach, he prepared his Astra Sphere.

Regrettably, before he could retrieve something from the object that could summon stuff from the worlds he had visited, an unseen force halted the movement of his hand.

"I'll handle this, my friend."「Als」

"Hmm? Could it be, you're calling me with that term? This might be the first time a human has referred to a Siren as a friend. Or maybe the second?"「Observer」 

The persona laughed, "I never thought even a Siren would want a friend," while giving a pat on the head of the Elite Siren. However instead of joy, Observer found his actions peculiar.

As they both walked leisurely and were close enough, only then did the man and Observer realize what kind of creatures they truly are.

"Finally, we meet again. So, are you no longer a salaryman now? How does it feel?" ☆ Yulijer☆

They were among the figures and creatures mentioned in numerous reports from the ship girls who encountered them at HQ—a young man with handsome white hair and a tall, sizable humanoid figure.

Although the tall humanoid figure next to the young man was slightly different from what was reported, both of them were included in the reports the commander had heard.

Since he learned about these things directly from the ship girls after all. Treating wounds one by one, back then when had chose to protect them.

"I have some things to discuss with you before killing you. Follow me inside. Don't worry, I haven't told this Nomu to do anything yet, so there's no need to panic. Even so, ahahaha! I didn't expect that you'll work with the Siren." ☆ Yulijer☆

"Oh my? Is there something wrong with working together with us?"「Observer」 

"There are clearly many issues. Moreover, you are the main enemies in this world, but the 'commander' seems to be very close with the enemies he should be fighting against. It's ridiculous." ☆ Yulijer☆

The young man in finely tailored clothes sneered at the sight before him, and his disdainful tone was clearly audible. However, in contrast to him, the man who had been carrying the Siren all this time remained silent.

He had kept silent with a smile, listening to the conversation around him until it concluded.

"Panicked and confused, aren't you? You can't even say a word. Well, let's go inside first. Later, I'll make you so shocked that you'll wish for death." ☆ Yulijer☆

"Sounds interesting. I'd like to hear it too."「Observer」 

"Who invited you anyway? You're not invited, just wait outside. Deal with him." ☆ Yulijer☆

"..." - NOMU

Giving a signal to the creature standing beside him, the terrifying being at his side began to react, raising its head. The ground beneath him instantly cracked, unable to restrain the imperceptible movements he made, invisible to the naked eye.

It was a speed even the Elite Siren was too slow to perceive.

When Observer realized the Nomu's disappearance, it was too late for her to comprehend. Her head was suddenly gripped by a firm and sturdy hold, akin to iron. This grip then carried her out of The Hanging Garden of Babylon, together with the Nomu who didn't release his grip on the Siren.

"Your guard has disappeared, and now you have nothing left that can help you. How does it feel to lose one of your trump cards? Well, never mind that. Hurry up and come inside; we'll miss the exciting show." ☆ Yulijer☆

Not long after his words, the decorative torches attached to the walls they passed began to ignite one by one. Illuminated by the light, the two of them headed towards the corridor inside the floating palace that appeared endless, without exchanging a single word.

"We're here, my throne room. You can sit on the floor right there, or anywhere, I don't care." ☆ Yulijer☆

"Ahaha, then I'll just stand here."「Als」

"Do what you want while you still can because soon you'll be begging for mercy while licking the floor." ☆ Yulijer☆

The handsome and charming young man resumed his seat on his throne. Along with the screens displaying various events outside, he looked like a deity overseeing all happenings on Earth.

And on one of those screens, there's a scene where events in the real world were unfolding, including the moment when Observer was in a confrontation with the NOMU that had carried him.

"By the way, didn't you want to kill me? Then why are we watching now?"「Als」

"Hey, killing you directly would be too easy for me now because I already know your abilities and how to counter them, be it madness enchantment or your weird feathers. This is just my own way of seeking revenge." ☆ Yulijer☆

The commander stared at Yulijer with an unfazed expression, his eyes showing no trace of hatred or anger. The man continued to gaze at him while emitting an aura of goodness.

Unfortunately, Yulijer himself didn't appreciate the happy-go-lucky demeanor of the commander.

Accompanied by ripples and golden waves appearing in the air, he used one of his abilities, the Gate of Babylon. Sharp weapons powerful as they glided like arrows hurled through the air, pierced and cut the atmosphere before embedding in the commander's shoulder.

"I don't like those eyes of yours. You're standing in front of a king here, daring to act as if everything will be just fine. Do you really think your ship girls will win, huh? Do you genuinely believe that?" ☆ Yulijer☆

"Ahaha, pardon me..."「Als」

"You can still laugh, huh? I wonder, can you still laugh after seeing what my friends will do to your beloved ship girls? If I'm not mistaken, you call it... Three days of Hell, right?" ☆ Yulijer☆

With a sneer returning to his face, the handsome young man looked down again at the commander, now stained with blood from the swords embedded in his body.

Even when the commander tried to pull out the pile of metal, Yulijer seemed to mock him because of how futile his efforts were.

"The sword has poison, you know? Poison even more potent than Hydra's. Don't worry, I'll keep you alive until all of this is over. But before that, I have an offer for you." ☆ Yulijer☆

The Gate of Babylon opened again, and the golden ripples seemed to produce a bottle-shaped item with liquid inside. Without any hesitation, he threw it towards the commander, and when the commander saw it...

"Medieval painkiller, I'll give it to you at intervals. But it's not an antidote, so the poison will keep working inside your body. This is where my offer comes in." ☆ Yulijer☆

"And that is?"「Als」

The handsome young man's face instantly twisted when the commander took the bait he had just thrown. Feeling on top of the world and confident with all the advantages he had, Yulijer then revealed his offer.

"I'm giving you two choices. One, you rape the ship girl who I'm going to kidnap here right in front of me, equal then I'll give you the antidote. Second, you watch me fuck and slain the ship girl I'm bringin here, then I'll give you another painkiller. Which will you choose, commander? Ahahaha!" ☆ Yulijer☆


Report: Regarding my previous note, I think I just like Shirakami in that moment, more like being smitten by her.

Though I do think she's cute and smart.

I'm not really sure when to write Side Story again.

Then, I'm sorry for many delay and maybe these chapter will be "slow" in progression as well.


See ya.

Strunomcreators' thoughts