


[According to the game news that went viral on social media three hours ago, Last Shelter Online is suspected to be related to the famous gamer's death.]

[Yuujin Yamaguchi (Male, Japanese, 28), in-game-name WynterRain]

[Starting today, an emergency investigation of the company Ninecent will be done, especially the section of Last Shelter Online.]

[Players may encounter special guests, detectives, and special agents.]

[We hope players can cooperate well during the investigation. A special compensation will be distributed after the investigation ends.]

[We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience.]

The semi-transparent red panel then disappeared from all the players in the world of LSO.

Most of the players that got their hands on the game's VR gear at its first sale were people who were always updated when it came to the gaming world. It was a given that they knew who WynterRain was.


"WynterRain is involved in this game?"