
Out of the crater

Out of the crater


Kyle has been having a hard time for 2 hours already. At first, he had lost sight of his friends and could do nothing but walk aimlessly around in this seemingly never-ending fog. The problem was that all this was not what bothered him too much. Good 10 minutes after he lost contact with them was when things became troublesome.

Some weird bone-like creatures attacked him suddenly. He could fight against these creatures without trouble, but the problem was, they were not dying or getting destroyed. They just bounced back when he hit them and came back to the company of more of their brethren.

Kyle tried everything he could think of, but in the end, he could do nothing to them.

He soon realized that his tactics did not work on them and changed his plan. He evaded their attacks and run away, trying to shake them off. This worked for quite some time.

However, after a few minutes of running around, they got faster and faster and could catch up to him. Therefore, he could not run away anymore.

There started the hard part. He kept evading every attack he could, but they got more and more used to his battle style. It only took them a few tens of minutes to act at the same speed as Kyle evaded.

Realizing that these bony creatures somehow learned to adapt to his fighting style. He grew more and more anxious about his situation. When could not evade their attacks anymore, he went on the offensive again, but that only delayed his inevitable defeat.

The worst of their abilities was, however, that they also grew with time. They were now almost as tall as he was and gave him a hard time surviving their attacks. He got hit several times and was bleeding all over his body. The only good thing was that he could avoid being hit in any of his vital areas.

Seeing that he could withstand this assault any longer, Kyle used his blood energy and fended off his enemies with it. He was now shrouded in blood-red light and when he hit these creatures now, he could actually do damage to them. He could see a way out of his peculiar situation and got much more aggressive with his attacks.

Kyle was now destroying their shells everywhere and thought that he had a chance, but reality threw a punch into his face.

His fight was becoming harder and harder as the minutes went on and the creatures started again to grow stronger. The dents in their shells repaired themselves, and Kyle could only frown at this and think. "What the hell? How are they be able to continuously grow stronger? If this goes on for a few more minutes, then I cannot hold my ground any longer."

Kyle cursed while he was evading a sweep attack by jumping over it and punching another creature with his right fist. His fist was glowing completely red, and he hit the creature with his strongest attack. The punched creature was blasted back into the fog and fell apart.

'Damn, this was my strongest attack and cost me dearly. I cannot kill every one of these monsters. The fog is not helping either. I can only sense their attacks a few moments before they hit me.

Also, it seems like they are somehow fusing together to grow stronger. I can only guess that, but I think there were more of them a few minutes ago and now this one beast has grown much taller and stronger. Fuuu, what do I do? My energy dwindles and if this goes on, then I will not be able to hang on for much longer.'

Kyle thought as he was evading the attacks left and right from the confusing creatures. He could destroy a few of them, which helped him get some breathing room.

Right now, they looked more like skeletons, with an additional pair of arms and two heads. They started off with almost no threat to him. These creatures were also only able to attack him with their bones in a frontal attack at the start, but after all this time went by, they had learned and adapted accordingly.

Feeling that he only had the energy to fend off their attacks for another couple of rounds, he staked it all in one card and let lose his complete blood energy.


His whole body was now glowing completely red and all his physical abilities got enhanced instantly. With a boom, he punched or kicked every enemy around himself and sent them flying. Directly after he had punched all of them in one direction, he kicked himself with all his power in the opposite direction.

Running away brought him into a safe distance for the moment. His power-up began to subside. He stumbled a few steps and then collapsed onto the ground.

Breathing hard and lying on the floor, he thought back to his fight and hoped that they could not find him for the time being. However, he knew that this was just dreaming on his part since they had found him again and again when he shook them off earlier.

Not having the strength to do anything other than lie on the floor, he regained some energy and nurse his wounds. Kyle knew he had not much time left and hoped for some miracle to happen.

That was when the newly evolved skeleton found him again. The creature was now one head taller than Kyle, and its eyes were glowing in a menacing blue light. It approached Kyle slowly, like a predator, and stopped right in front of him. It took one last look at him and then raised its 4 hands, where it was holding a nice-looking bone sword.

The skeleton was happy to be able to evolve to such a powerful state, and it wanted to thank Kyle with a quick death.

Right before the skeleton moved in front of Kyle, was the moment when Richard could make out Kyle's body. He was shocked at the state he was in and saw the perpetrator. The skeleton wanted to strike Kyle with its sword, and the moment the sword came down was when Richard moved.

Richard did not think of anything other than to rescue his friend and unconsciously stopped to repress his physical strength through his armor. The energy in his body also circulated through his whole being.

His speed skyrocket in an instant and before he knew what had happened, he was right in front of the skeleton and ran straight at it.


A boom was heard, and the skeleton was sent flying alongside Richard, but only for a few meters before turning into dust. When he hit the skeleton, a few barriers appeared in succession and shattered instantly.

Richard was seen flying deep into the fog and landed at some remote place.

Kyle and Sniffy both saw this and could only stare dumbfounded when they saw both of them flying away. Richard suppressed his strength again and channeled his remaining magic into his armor. He needed a few seconds to remember what had just happened and checked his body for injuries.

He thanked his luck when he found out that he had only sustained minor injuries when he hit the monster and when he hit the ground. He also inspected his defensive measures and found that all his amulets had shattered.

'Good, that I bought these defensive trinkets. I would not want to know in what I state I would be if I did not have them.'

Richard removed 2 bone spikes that stuck in his left shoulder and left hand. On his back could be found seen some scratches from the impact and got out a healing potion from his pouch and drank it while thinking.

'Gulp, damn, this potion tastes as bad as I remember, but what the hell. Did I just pulverize this monster just with my body? And how far was I flung away? I do hope not too far."

He positioned himself in a meditative position and looked at the state of his body.

'My physical injuries are not much of a problem and should be healed after a good rest. The bigger problem is that my body is now almost out of magic and all my golden energy seems to be gone.'

Having looked into his body, he got up and back to the place where he came from. It was easy to find his friends again because the map in his mind showed him the way.

It took him tens of minutes to get back to them since he could only walk slowly.

Seeing his friends in front of him with a concerned expression, he could only start laughing at them.

"Hahahaha, hello there."

Sniffy and Kyle were startled at this laugh but relaxed when they heard Richard's voice follow the laugh. On Sniffys face appeared a smile, and she jumped into Richard's arms and hugged him.

Kyle could only show a genuine smile on his face when he saw his two friends like this and said in a weak voice.

"Hello again. I thought you were a goner for a second ago. Nice to have you back and what the hell was that."

Feeling Sniffy hugging him, Richard could only let out some sound of pain.

"Ow, ow, ow... Sniffy, I would appreciate it. We could do that later. I am somewhat injured." Sniffy heard this and let go of Richard with an embarrassed face. She could only mumble a "Sorry, I didn´t mean to hurt you."

Richard said that it was nothing and told both of them what happened to him after went flying away. He also heard what Kyle went through. Sniffy had already handed him a potion and his body was healing itself.

Not wanting to stay in this fog any longer, they got up.

Kyle could also move in due time, and the three got out of this fog. Mysteriously, no other creature attacked them along the way and they made it out of the fog in half an hour.

Outside the fog, they walked for a few hundred meters and slumped onto the floor.

/(^ - ^)\

"Hahahaha nothing beats the excitement when one watches kids deal with situations like that. That was something else. These kids can grow strong someday if they don't die before that. Richard's face was priceless when he could not control himself and flew away. This young vampire also shows great potential. The only one who I cannot read is the little elf. Strange really strange.

Ah…..., forget it, let's get back to weaken this array." Inorim laughed and said this in a loud and excited voice. He was thrilled right now. He had found some way out of his demise and could watch kids struggle with their life. Really an interesting day.

/(^ - ^)\

Sitting on the floor, all three were happy to be out of this damn fog, and Richard told them the details of what happened to him with the skeleton. The two were happy that he could do something like that, but also did not want to know what would have happened if he did not have his defensive amulets. Richard said that he had only tested this once into the training room, but the real deal scared him greatly.

After telling them all of this, he remembered another thing and took out a silver case of his pouch and handed it to Kyle.

Kyle did not know what this was and grabbed the case. He opened it with curiosity written all over his face. Sniffy also looked at the silvery case while wondering what would be inside of it. Both of them had already forgotten their aim after this eventful time in the mysterious fog.

"That could not be….." Kyle said and opened it and got shocked still at the sight of the plant.

"I also have some delightful story to tell you guys and this is what I got out of it. But you should drink the drop of liquid right now. It's getting weaker with each second. It is exposed to the air."

Richard answered, and that information spiked the curiosity of Kyle and Sniffy, who looked at the plant in awe.

Its blue stem was glowing, and the leaves of it were gently waving in a nonexistent wind. At the end of the flower, could be seen a drop that flickered and changed its shape. Kyle instantly knew that this was what his family had been looking for all this time.

Tears appeared in his eyes when he saw it and he faced Richard and thanked him.

"Thank you so much. That will end all the pain it took up on my family for generations. I owe you a big one."

Richard heard this and could only chuckle and say back. "No need for any of that. I am your friend and I was just a tad luckier to encounter it. Don't make it into a bigger thing than it is and use it already."

Kyle heard this and vowed to himself that he would be friends with Richard for his whole life. Friendship was something new for him and he was grateful for meeting the two.

He let out a long and drawn-out breath and took the plant in his hand. He moved it to his mouth and squeezed it a bit. The drop slid down the leaves and fell into Kyle's mouth.

Richard and Sniffy looked in marvel at the plant and were surprised when it disintegrated at the exact moment the drop fell of its leaves. It just disintegrated into tiny bits of energy and vanished into the surroundings.

Kyle gulped one time and fell abruptly unconscious. His body glowed in bright light for a few moments but faded away after that.

Sniffy asked Richard in a concerned voice. "Will this plant really be able to get rid of his bloodline curse?"

"I don't know, but I hope it does. Maybe he will get also a nice little extra," Richard told her and looked around to see his surroundings.

They were a few meters away from the crater and he could see the forest out of where they came from. They just exited at the place where nothing seemed to go on. He also could not feel any kind of energy around himself.

"Huh, he will gain a little extra. How so? Sniffy got curious when she heard this and how Richard knew that and therefore asked him.

"I will explain that later when he wakes up. Let's just regain our strength for the time being, but let's not absorb any magic in here. I don´t think that it would be a good idea." Richard answered and got up and settled into a meditative pose to regain his lost energy.

He did not tell her he was too lazy to tell this story two times, and he was also curious about what Kyle would get.

Sniffy saw that Richard did not want to tell her right now and then also got into a position to regain her lost strength.

Time went on and after regaining their strength and seeing that Kyle was not walking up, they strengthened themselves for a bit and waited for Kyle to wake up.

Soon 12 h went by and Kyle was walking up. Feeling movements from Kyle, Sniffy and Richard woke up at the same time as Kyle.

The injuries that Richard and Kyle had sustained vanished after this time and the help of the potion could be clearly seen. Not even a scar remained where he was hit by the bone spikes.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhh, that was I pleasant sleep. I did not sleep like this since forever. I feel like I am a new person." Kyle said when he woke up and stretched himself.

Sniffy and Richard covered their noses after they moved closer to Kyle.

After a few hours, Kyle got covered up in some nasty smelling black stuff and they both knew that these were impurities that were expelled from his body.

Sniffy was the first one to say something while she distanced herself from him again. "Kyle take a bath. You smell like shit."

Richard got an idea and let his magic flow to his nose and form a barrier over it. 'That's amazing. I did not think that this would work out. That opens up a few new possibilities. Having not too much trouble at the smell of Dung bombs anymore is really an interesting concept. Hehehe.'

Richard got swept into his thoughts when he found out that he could use his magic in this way.

"Sniff, sniff…cough…cough" Kyle heard Sniffy and took a nose full of air and almost vomited at this smell. Coughing at the bad smell he used his fully restored blood energy and destroyed every black residue on his body. He glowed in a red shimmer for a second and looked normal again.

He was not looking any different from before he ate the plant, but he felt something different. Not knowing what it was, he left it to review for a later date and spoke.

"Woah, I feel so much better now. The difference between before I gulped down the drop is enormous. It feels like I was injured the whole time before that. I could never feel this relaxed. Back then, I was constantly feeling this pain that I did not know I felt. It was there forever, and I thought it was normal to feel like this. But right now, I know it was supposed to be like that."

Excited about the state of his body and not feeling this unknown pain anymore, he jumped around in elation.

Richard and Sniffy saw this and were laughing hard while they saw Kyle jump around like an ape.


Kyle pouted when he heard them laughing and asked Richard in curiosity.

"Where did you even get this plant? It's not like they just grow everywhere here." Curious about the story from Richard, Sniffy and Kyle looked at him expediently.

Richard heard this and then saw the looks on their faces and told them what had happened to him in the crater.

He told them everything, and it took him some time to finish the whole story.

"Woah, someone like this is being kept here. That's really something else. I did not even know that such strong beings exist. I mean, yeah, we vampires are quasi-immortal, but to get this strong is surely no easy feat. I do know of no vampire who could reach this height.

I wonder what the bonus is that I will get, according to this person, from curing my ailment."

Kyle said after he heard the story from Richard. Meanwhile, Sniffy looked into the air while daydreaming a bit about what such a being could do and how such beings would live.

She somehow saw a sight of herself flying on a unicorn in the clouds, like a princess.

Not knowing of Sniffys daydreaming and just seeing her spacing out for a bit, Richard said.

"Now that we reached our goal in here, we should find your dad and company and get out of here."

They had regained their strength apart from Richard's remaining magic, which took much longer to get back to him, and he did not want to try and absorb it any faster. He had a bad feeling that this surrounding energy will do something to him if he tries to regain his magic.