
Land of decent

tolamide337 · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
13 Chs

Chapter 11

I didn't want to come back home but whenever I remember there is a woman named Amaya waiting for me I immediately rush back home". He whispered, cupping my cheeks in his hands.

"How could my brother dare to fall in love with you, There were thousands of women but he picked an innocent girl like you". He continued, I couldn't say anything because I was still puzzled by all the things he was saying.

"And now Kris is protecting you, something that has never been heard of, Kris Phantom protecting a woman and training her to be just like him, you are very lucky, the most powerful family in the country are protecting you and the most dangerous of them all is training you". What does he mean by most dangerous, is he trying to say Kris is the most dangerous of them all?

After what Kristen said to me I constantly noticed Kris, he was the fierce one who wasn't scared of anyone. He ruled the Mansion, I became confused about who the superior was among the triplets. Maybe he is the first of the triplets, this is so bothersom

e and I still feel frightened to ask him.

It was time for breakfast again, I rushed downstairs to meet Kris but Amanda was also at the table, I had forgotten she was now a new member of the mansion.

"I was about to call for you". Kris said without staring at me as I gently stepped down the stairs and joined the breakfast.