
Land of decent

tolamide337 · Urban
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14 Chs

Chapter 10

I already had a goal the minute I stepped into this mansion, to make the most out of all the opportunities that would be given to me just to become a better person.

I played on my bed staring at the ceiling for several minutes and almost up to an hour and still couldn't fall asleep, I checked the clock and noticed it was too late for me to fall asleep. I stood up from my bed and walked downstairs to the garden, it was quiet yet refreshing and I was enjoying my moment even before my moment got ruined I was already feeling it in me that someone would ruin it and when I turned around to know who was behind the footsteps it was Kristen but today he was drunk and he looked breathtaking, this was the first time I was standing face to face with him without either being drunk or vice versa.

"Amaya," he called moving closer to me, I thought Kris had assured me that Kristen wouldn't get anywhere close to me but Kristen was always touching me and being the first guy to make love to me it felt awkward, I had so much hatred for him that I couldn't explain and the more he acted like a pervert the more I hated him. He continued to move close to me.