
Lance Du Lac.

The Hogwarts express took off with a great chug, steam billowing into the air, as it escorted excited children to the legendary school of Witchcraft and Wizardry Hogwarts.

Inside one of the luxurious compartments found upon the Hogwarts express, a handsome young man sat gracefully, one leg folded above the other with a book in hand, engrossed in the contents of said book. A small smile gracing his handsome face.

Suddenly the compartment door opened with a bang, startling the young man. He looked towards the compartment door with a small frown, annoyed at the sudden intrusion.

Leaning against the doorframe of the compartment was a gorgeous girl.

Her long, curly black hair tumbled down her back in wild cascading waves, trailing all the way down to her lower back.

Her face was a vision of beauty, with high cheekbones, portraying a noble status.  Her nose was slighty pointed and slender, while her plump red lips curled into an arrogant, yet flirtatious smirk.

"Hello Love." The words dripped off her tongue like honey, sweet and alluring. "I haven't seen you before." She continued.

The boy smoothed his frown into a mask of stoicism, hiding any and all emotion. "That's because I recently transferred from Beauxbatons." He replied, his voice as smooth as silk, yet it carried an unfriendly chill.

The girl unperturbed by his somewhag hostile tone walked further into the compartment taking a seat right next to the young man, so close that she was practically sitting in his lap.

She threw her arm around the back of his seat. "Ohh you're French!" She exclaimed excitedly. "I've never had a French boy before." She purred inches away from his ear, her gray eyes twinkling with excitement and a hint of lust as she inspected the young man's features. She could not and would not deny her attraction towards him. He was by far the most handsome boy she'd ever seen, enough to leave her breathless and her heart to start beating uncontrollably when she first spotted him through the compartment door window.

She was struck with the immediate urge to tame this boy, the urge coursed through her body like wildfire, consuming her thoughts.

Her eyes greedily swept over his features, starting at his luscious locks.

His hair was a beautiful gold, parted and swepted back, cascading down in delicate waves that framed his face with an almost etheral glow. A testament to his noble lineage.

His eyes were a refreshing light green, that reminded her of the Quidditch pitch glistening under the sun after it rained.

There was a coldness in his eyes directed towards her, but it lacked any real substance as though he was not used to doing it.

His face was undoubtedly his most striking feature, a masterpiece that commanded attention with his sharp jawline, angular eyebrows, and pointed nose. His features exuded a handsome gentleness, yet regal air reminiscent of a fairy tale prince. Which is why she thought the sneer he currently wore looked so out of place on his handsome gentle features.

"Well you certaintly won't have this Frenchmen" He spoke calmly, and yet the girl could pick up a hint of anger in his voice.

The girl threw back her head and laughed, her wild curly hair bouncing all over the place. She found his actions rather amusing, and pittied his naivety for he was already hers, he just didn't know it yet.

His sneer slipped from his face as the boy could not help the glare he aimed at the girl. "I fail to see what is so funny?" He practically growled at the girl before turning away and huffing in frustration as she continued to laugh at him.

The girl stopped laughing suddenly finding his actions utterly adorable. She adopted the same arrogant smirk she had when they first met and reached forward with her right hand grabbing his chin and turning his head towards her, so that he was facing her once more. "I always get what I want." She boasted arrogantly, as her left hand stroked his chin gently like one would do when trying to coax a jilted lover.

The boy continued to glare and was just about to deny her words when he was interrupted by an all too familiar voice which casued the boy to smile and the girl to frown. "What is going on here! Get away from Lance. Black, you slag! How dare you?!!!"

The girl known as Black, turned towards the door glaring at the raven haired girl with amethyst colored eyed standing in the doorway. "Worried I'll steal your boyfriend Du Lac?" Black sneered, taunting the girl.

The raven haired girl Du Lac threw a nasty sneer back at Black. "That is my brother, not my lover. You best leave before I hex your face off." She threated, her hand trailing into her robe, planning to make her threat a reality.

Before Black could retort another female voice interrupted her, one Black was very familiar with. "You best leave Sirielle, no one wants a filthy bloodtraitor like you around." The voice taunted arrogantly, holding within in it a distinct hint of joy.

Another girl appeared in the door way who very much resembled the girl Sirielle. In fact if not for Sirielle having gray eyes the two could've been twins.

"Bella" Sirielle spat through gritted teeth, a venemous glare directed at her twin.

Sirielle turned away from the two girls, and focused her attention on Luke, her face softened into a cocky smirk. "Seems we'll have to catch up later. It was a pleasure meeting you." She leaned over swiftly, planting a soft kiss on Lance's cheek before quickly retreating from the compartment under the rather furious glares of the two other two girls.

Lance sat there stunned, at the sudden "attack", and though unwelcomed Lance could not keep his cheeks from turning a red hue.

"Lance!" His sister called out, breaking him from his stupor.

She marched over and dropped into the seat next to Lance. She grabbed him by his arm and wrapped her own around it pressing his arm into her ample bosom. "You keep away from that bloodtraitor you understand!" His sister demanded, looking at him with a stern glare.

"She approached me sister." Lance complained. "I was simply minding my own business before she chose to invade my personal space." He defended himself, not wanting to get on his sister's bad side.

His older sister Morgan was terrifying when angry, and although she had never turned that anger towards him because he was the perfect little brother always adhering to any demand she made of him, her anger was terrifying to behold.

Lance admired her despite his fear of her. She was incredibly powerful and rather strong willed, which is the reason he admired her so. Which is why he had done his best to follow her instructions, he wanted to be the perfect little brother for his perfect sister.

"I will do my best to avoid her henceforth sister." Lance added, hoping this was enough to appease his older sister.

It seemed to have worked, his sister accepted his words with a nod and a pleased smile as she rests her head on his shoulder. "Excellent... Though when you're sorted into Slytherin she'll leave you alone, and I will no longer have to worry about any undesirables trying to get close to you." She uttered, her eyes closed looking quite content.

"Why would they leave me alone for being in, this Slytherin?" Lance enquired, baffled.

The girl Bella answered in his sister's stead. "Because we'll make them." She said nonchalantly, yet her words held an air of confidence within them that told Lance that she is telling the absolute truth. She continued suddenly. "A lad as handsome as yourself, deserves only the purest of pureblooded witches." She spoke with a twisted smirk on her beautiful face, and a greedy look in her deep, dark brown heavy-lidded eyes.

Lance barely held back a shiver at the look in her eyes. He felt like a baby dear being eyed by a ferocious lion.

"Bellatix, you're making my baby brother uncomfortable." His sister uttered softly, yet there was something in her tone that was enough to cause Bellatrix to pale slightly, and swiftly remove her piercing gaze from Lance.

"However she is correct Lance, I'll find you a splendid match in no time."

Lance smiled wryly uncomfortable with the idea of an arranged coupling. If he were being honest he was hoping to fall in love naturally, sadly with his father's death that would never come to fruition. His mother did not care for such things. He only hoped he could love whomever was thrust upon him.

Lance forced a smile upon his face and spoke with an air of false courage. "I have no doubt whomever you find dear sister, will be the perfect match."

In another part of the Hogwarts Express, Sirielle lay on one of the seats, her head resting on the thighs of a beautiful red head. The red head had eyes the color of emeralds that seemed to have a glint to them, as though they were true emeralds. She was the type of girl you'd die just so you could bring her home to your mother. She was extremely pretty, yet also gave off an air of unbridled kindness. Her name was Lily Evans.

There were three other girls in the compartment. A pretty petite mousy faced girl with short brown hair. Her name was Alice Fortescue.

Sitting next to her was a rather buxom girl with long brown curls and a slender, adorable face. She gave off a sort of airhead vibe, yet her brown eyes were filled with warmth and playfulness, betraying her true nature as a playful yet kind girl. Her name was Mary Mcdonald.

The last of the girls was nothing like the first three, in fact she shared most similarities with Sirielle.

Both had long wavy hair, yet where Sirielle's was black this girl's was a strawberry blonde. Both were beautiful, yet they did not possess a kind beauty like their three companions, instead they held a seductive beauty akin to succubus.

Both possessed curvaceous bodies with bountiful assessts that majority of the boys and even some girls at Hogwarts drooled over in their dreams and for the lucky few drooled over in person. The last girl's name was Marlene McKinnon, a regular on the list of Hogwarts 5 most beautiful girls, along with Sirielle and Lily.

"Haaaa..." Sirielle sighed for the 5th time since she walked into their compartment.

"Alright, what is your problem Siri?" Marlene asked annoyed as their conversation kept on getting interrupted by Sirielle's obnoxiously loud sighs.

"I just met the most handsome boy to walk the Earth." Sirielle exclaimed softly followed by another obnoxious sigh.

Lily rolled her eyes having heard those words quite a few times, only for Sirielle to find someone more handsome a week or two later. "Who is it this time, or perhaps it's a repeat offender such as Amos Diggory or Caradoc Dearborn?" Lily asked with a raised eyebrow.

Sirielle shook her head and exclaimed with a dramatic flair. "It's different this time, alas he is a forbidden fruit, guarded by the nastiest, foulest troll to have ever walked the halls of Hogwarts."

This time all four girls rolled their eyes at their dramatic friend.

"And pray tell who is this troll you speak of?" Mary asked intrigued, deciding to play along with her friend.

"Morgan Du Lac." Sirielle spat.

All four girls sucked in a deep breath at that name. Morgan Du Lac was the second nastiest witch at Hogwarts, trailing only Bellatrix, Sirielle's cousin who seemed to derive pleasure from torturing others. Where as Morgan mostly used it as a means to get what she wanted or intimidating someone into silence. However, it did not mean she too did not torture others for anything other then the fact that she deprived some sort of twisted pleasure from it. Lily and Mary knew from firsthand experience that she seemed to enjoy making others feel despair almost as much as Bella, though she often did not get her own hands dirty to do so.

Lily smiled down at her friend sympathetically. "Perhaps you should give up on this boy. No one is worth suffering Morgan."

Sirielle frowned because she believed Lance was worth all the trouble. She had to have him, even if it was only once.

Sirielle shook her head. "You don't understand Lily." She told her friend, her tone frustrated.

"When I first saw him sitting serenely in his compartment reading a book, he looked so absolutely delicious that my body acted on its own and forced me to disturb him." Sirielle admitted with a longing sigh.

Mary's face lit up with a playful smile, deciding to tease her friend as usual she jokingly said. "Sounds like Sirielle is in looooovvvvvveeeeee!"

Sirielle let out a snort of denial. "Please, I only think he'll be one hell of a shag, and even if he is not, he'll still be the most handsome man on my list. Those bitches at Hogwarts will weep tears of blood knowing I had him first. Especially if I did it right under the nose of those two trolls." Sirielle grinned maniacally at the thought of beating Bellatrix at her own game. Just the thought of beating her sent shivers down her spine.

"Hmmmm!" Marlene hummed. "Now you've got me interested as well, perhaps I'll get him first, and you'll be one of those bitches shedding tears of blood."

Sirielle could tell Marlene was only teasing her, however the thought of Marlene so much as touching him made Sirielle feel uneasy. Her stomach clenched and at the moment she felt the urge to punch Marlene in her face.

Instead of doing that however, Sirielle retorted teasingly. "I doubt he'd be interested in an arse as flat as yours."

Sirielle turned towards Marlene and smirked arrogantly.

In truth Marlene's arse was anything but flat but Sirielle knew that was the only thing Marlene felt slighty insecure about.

That was how they were, they were always joking about each other's insecurities, she knew Marlene would not take any offense to her words.

"Better then having a saggy arse Siri." Marlene teased her back, returning her arrogant smirk.

Sirielle let out an amused snort before retorting. "I'll have you know your ex Ashton Brown thought it was anything but saggy."

Marlene let out her own snort of amusement. "That's not what he told me last month. It's 4-3 now Siri." Marlene bragged proudly.

Sirielle's face scrunched up in annoyance. 'Can't believe this bitch one upped me." Sirielle thought to herself.

Ever since 4th year the two would attempt to steal the other's fling from one another in some sort of twisted competition to prove too the other that they were the better girl and It seems Marlene had stolen Aston back from her after she had stolen him from Marlene two months ago.

"Whatever Marlene, he wasn't even that good of a snogger anyway." Siriele replied nonchalantly.

The other three girls scrunched up their noses in disgust. "You two are disgusting." Lily commented her feelings of disgust out loud, while the other two nodded in agreement.

"Well as long as the boys of Hogwarts don't find me disgusting, I can't say I care too much." Sirielle shrugged her shoulders unperturbed by her friends feelings.

Marlene too seemed undaunted by her friends disapproval. "For once I agree with saggy arse over there." Marlene giggled.

"Hey!" Sirielle scolded.

The girls spent the rest of the trip happily speaking with each other, talking about their holidays, gossiping about boys and talking about schoolwork.

Before they knew it they had reached their home for the next few months, the great school of Hogwarts.