
Prologue 1 :

Welcome to The world of Novia a fantastical place filled with magic and madness .

It is not like our world at all .

Beasts such as massive bears and huge dragons are common in this world .

Magic is also normal in Novia but not everyone can use it .

Only about 10,000 people out of Novia's 120,000,000 population practice this art today .

Magic isn't actually some god given thing , oh wait maybe it is ...

But even so to use magic one must have immense will power and spirit .

People take jobs as bounty hunters , they track down and kill the wrong doers in Novia and in return get a pretty penny .

I forgot to mention this but Novia isn't. actually the nicest place to live , sure it picturesc and theres magic and all but more than 8000 of the 10,000 magic users use their magic for evil .

All over Novia there is slavery , racism and thuggery just like our world .