
Prologue 2 :

Lyro is a gifted boy who was born with many abilities he could fight , draw , run fast , use swords in battle and most of all he was incredibly smart .

That wasn't to say he was like a nerd , he was laid back and could take a joke .

At the age of 8 He found himself venturing deep into a forest a few miles from his house .

Like any 8 year old Lyro was curious , he wanted to know everything about everything and he was doing a pretty good job so far .

But have you ever heard the phrase ' Curiousity killed the cat ' Well this is a key occassion were that would apply .

Lyro went deeper and deeper until he was almost at the cliffs at the coast .

He was about to turn back but he saw something move in the fallen brown leaves .

He slowly edged closer and he could see a small snake scuttling around in the under - growth he decided to follow the snake which eventually led him to the entrance of what looked like an ancient cave .

Amazed bu this sight Lyro gazed down into it's depths .

The snake began slithering into the cave so of course Lyro followed .

Now you might be wandering ' If he was smart why would he go into the cave , he could easily die ? ' Which is true and he even knew this but earlier when I mentioned his superior fighting ability I wasn't exaggerating .

By 7 years old he could fight 5 men simultaneosly and they were actually trying to heat him . ( Why would men want to beat a 5 year old ? That's beyond me ) .

He could fight off a tiger with just his bare hands and could challenge experienced samurais if he had his katana .

So this is why he chose to venture further , he knew it was dangerous but he was confident enough in his fighting ability to fight off what ever was waiting for him in that cave .