
Konoha: Comprehension Maximal

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20 Chs

18. Mission

"Hahaha, I'm old and useless anymore."

Sarutobi Hiruzen smiled and laughed at himself, but there was no loneliness or discomfort in his heart, only happiness and hope.

Birth, old age, illness and death are normal things in life, and no one can escape the fate of aging.

Even towering trees will grow old, oceans and rocks will rot, let alone humans.

However, being able to cultivate new towering trees for Konoha Village when he felt unable to do so, Sarutobi Hiruzen felt satisfied.

"Ninjutsu, genjutsu, taijutsu, even fighting skills and fighting experience, I have taught you everything I can, and you have learned it all."

"The next step is a real fight, the kind of fight where you die or I die."

"Starting tomorrow, I will organize a sixth team to complete some tasks outside the village. These tasks have certain dangers and will be accompanied by combat."

Sarutobi Hiruzen hid his smile and his expression became serious.

Kamisato Tsukika's growth was too fast, exceeding his expectations.

It no longer made sense to keep Kamisato Tsukika by his side.

Therefore, the next step in cultivating Kamisato Tsukika is to let Kamisato Tsukika experience light and darkness, and face blood and death.

The next step in cultivating Kamisato Tsukika is to build a sense of responsibility towards Kamisato Tsukika, and strengthen and strengthen Kamisato Tsukika's fire will.

If Kamisato Tsuki's growth is still no problem, then after the Chunin Exams, Sarutobi Hiruzen plans to start developing Kamisato Tsukika's political and administrative skills.

If it is said that when he learned that Kamisato Tsukika had all the chakra attributes, what Sarutobi Hiruzen wanted in his heart was to develop a strong fighting force for the village.

So after this month of contact, Kamisato Tsukika has become the mainstay of Konoha's future and the future Hokage in Sarutobi Hiruzen's heart.

However, he was not a candidate for the Fifth Hokage, but a candidate for the Sixth Hokage.

Candidates for the 5th Hokage, Sarutobi Hiruzen's priorities are Hatake Kakashi, Sarutobi Asuma, Jiraiya and Tsunade.

As for Shimura Danzo? Without him, Hiruzen Sarutobi, Danzo Shimura would not have become Konoha's Hokage!

This is not a personal grudge, but Shimura Danzo's methods and ideas are not suitable for becoming Hokage. If he becomes Hokage, the village will inevitably reach a certain extreme.

"Oh, I see."

Kamisato Tsukika also looked serious, he knew his holiday was over.

"Then that's enough for today. It's already very late. Go back and rest early, and be eager for a new start tomorrow."


The night passed.

The next morning, Kamisato Tsukika came to ANBU headquarters as usual and entered Team 6's room.

"Good morning Captain, good morning to Ida-nii and Yamai-nii."

As soon as he entered the room, Kamisato Tsukika saw the three talking and laughing.

They looked different today compared to before, and seemed a little excited.

"Everyone seemed happy. Did something good happen?"

Kamisato Tsukiiq asked curiously. Along the way, he didn't seem to hear or see anything pleasant happening in the village.

"Nothing, just happy and in a good mood."

Yugao Uzuki looked at Kamisato Tsukika then smiled and spoke.

"Hahaha, that's because we can finally go out to do assignments. Apart from being beaten by you this month, I have been reading here, and my bones are almost loose."

Yamai started to complain, and Ishizaka Ida, who looked calm, couldn't help but nod his head in agreement.

This made Kamisato smile awkwardly.

It was true, during this month, because of Kamisato, the entire sixth team had no other mission except protecting the Hokage.

Sitting here every day is really boring.

But this is not the most important thing.

Although the task of protecting Hokage is boring, it is safe and relaxing, and the rewards are not small. This kind of task is a good job for ANBU members.

However, it is very painful to live a life full of doubts being hit by monster talents every day.

In this month, Yugao and the others were repeatedly hit by doubts about themselves.

Especially when Yugao saw that the art she practiced had been completely mastered and surpassed by Kamisato in just one day, the feeling was simply torture, and Yugao's heart hurt too much.

And now, finally!

The days of being forced to wear a pain mask every day are over!

Even if they had to live the life of licking blood on the edge of a knife again, the three of them, Yugao, couldn't help but look forward to it, and they felt joy in their hearts.

"Well, speaking of which, I am also looking forward to the next mission, but after all, I have never done a mission outside the village, and Sandaime-sama also said that it will be accompanied by danger, so I have to ask the three seniors to look after me in the future." front."

Kamisato spoke seriously, but what he said made Yugao roll her eyes.

If other people heard Kamisato Tsukika say such words, they would definitely take him seriously, after all, Kamisato was still too young.

But after Yugao and the others witnessed Kamisato's unparalleled growth, they couldn't help but complain about Kamisato's words.

"With your strength, do you still need us to look after you? From now on, you can still look after us!"

After finishing speaking, Yamai's face became happy again.

"But with Kamisato-kun here, it will definitely be easier and more comfortable for us to carry out missions in the future, hahaha."

As soon as these words came out, Yugao and Ishizaka Ida couldn't help but smile.

Having strong teammates in the team is indeed a very happy thing.

After all, as an Anbu, the work you do is dangerous, and you will die if you are not careful.

And who wants to die if he can live?

With Kamisato's presence, their sixth troop's casualty rate would definitely drop significantly.

This made Yugao sigh in her heart, and her beautiful eyes couldn't help but look at Kamisato, with a gentle light in her eyes.

Speaking of which, at first he was worried that Kamisato's entry into Team 6 would drag Team 6 down, but he didn't expect that they would actually drag Kamisato down.


A sudden knock on the door made the four people in Team 6 silent for a moment.

"Team 6, summoned by Hokage-sama."

The ANBU outside the door didn't come in, and left after saying this.

"Okay, enough talking, let's go, time to get to work."

Yugao opened her mouth and put on her mask.

The next moment, the four of them headed towards the Hokage's office.