
Konoha: Comprehension Maximal

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20 Chs

19. Mission 2

In the Hokage's office, Sarutobi Hiruzen informs Kamisato Tsukika about the sixth team's mission.

In fact, when an ordinary ANBU team goes on a mission, Hokage will not personally tell them the content of the mission, but will be arranged by the head captain or squad leader.

But Team 6, where Kamisato Tsukika was, was different, and this was Kamisato Tsukika's first time leaving the village on a mission, so Sarutobi Hiruzen couldn't help but give him some advice directly.

"Then let's go on a mission."

Following Sarutobi Hiruzen's orders, Kamisato and the others used the Shunshin technique to leave and immediately headed outside the village.

They don't need to prepare anything, unless it is necessary for special missions. For other preparations required for normal missions, ANBU members are always ready at ANBU.

"I didn't expect Kakashi-senpai and the others to meet the rebel ninja Zabuza Momochi from Kirigakure Village. But with Kakashi-senpai's strength, he shouldn't need support, right?"

On the way to the Land of Waves after leaving the village, Yamai couldn't help but speak in confusion.

The mission that Kamisato Tsukika and the others were going to undertake was the first mission in the original work where Team 7 faced a life and death crisis, the mission to the Land of Waves.

In this mission, the two sides clashed twice. For the first time, Kakashi was trapped by Zabuza's Water Prison Technique. Sasuke, Naruto and Sakura come face to face with the Zabuza Clone in a critical situation.

Despite relying on Naruto and Sasuke's cooperation to eliminate Zabuza's clones, as well as helping Kakashi Hatake escape the trap and defeat Zabuza, Zabuza was still trapped by Haku, a descendant of the Yuki Clan, saving him.

After that, the two sides faced each other again. If it weren't for Haku's mercy, Sasuke might not have been able to escape death, and he might have lost his life in the Land of Waves.

As for Naruto, Kyuubi would not let him die.

"It's fine if it's just Kakashi-senpai, but don't forget, Kakashi-senpai also has three genin."

"And his opponent is Zabuza Momochi. The power of the Seven Ninja Warriors cannot be underestimated."

"It's not an easy task for Kakashi-senpai to fight Zabuza while protecting three genin."

Yugao Uzuki answered.

"That's true. But I still believe in Kakashi-senpai, he is our former ANBU captain!"

Yamai's tone was confident, and it was not difficult to hear the admiration in it, and he obviously believed in Kakashi Hatake's strength.

But this time he believed wrongly. If Haku was not merciful, Hatake Kakashi would cause big problems in this mission.

After all, if Sasuke Uchiha died on a mission to the land of waves, the relationship between Konoha and Itachi Uchiha would definitely change.

Even if Itachi is still loyal to the Konoha village and has no other intentions, Konoha's highest leadership will not think so.

In their minds, the fundamental reason why Itachi was still in contact with Konoha was because Sasuke was still in Konoha's hands.

Once Sasuke dies, Itachi will lose control completely.

And Itachi, a person who knows many secrets of Konoha, if he loses control, Konoha Village will definitely not be able to accept this kind of thing.

When the time comes, Danzo Shimura might make another mistake.

Of course, maybe nothing will happen, but who knows.

"Whatever happens, let's hurry there first."

After saying that, the four of them continued their journey towards the Land of Waves.

At the same time, in the country of Waves, Tazuna's house.

Kakashi Hatake wakes up from his coma.

He quietly and quickly scanned his surroundings, and his inner vigilance slowly decreased.

It seemed safe, the man was unaware of his situation.

Thinking in his heart, Kakashi Hatake felt afraid.

Even though he won the final duel with Zabuza, it could only be said to be a tragic victory, his chakra was almost completely lost, causing him to immediately faint.

If when he was unconscious, the man pretending to be the ANBU of Kirigakure Village took action against Naruto, Sasuke and the others...

Thinking of this, Kakashi felt very happy in his heart.

He already realized that Haku was not a member of the Kirigakure Village ANBU, but was Zabuza's accomplice.

This is why Kakashi Hatake watched helplessly as Haku took Zabuza away, and held on until he fell asleep.

If they didn't survive and were seen by the fake Kirigakure ANBU, then they would be in danger.

He seemed to have relaxed a bit since leaving ANBU.

Thinking in his heart, Kakashi frowned slightly.

This thrilling encounter frightened him.

Others don't know the situation of his team, but he doesn't know it himself?

Whatever happens to Sasuke or Naruto will have a big impact on Konoha Village and have serious consequences.

Moreover, whether it is Sasuke, Naruto or Sakura, they are all students he knows. If something happens to the three of them because of him, he will never forgive himself in this life.

He hoped the village would send someone there.

But don't get your hopes up, he still has to rely on himself.

Additionally, it was time for Naruto, Sasuke, and the others to put their training into practice.

Thinking of the information sent back to Konoha Village after his last encounter with Zabuza, Hatake Kakashi felt a pang in his heart.

"Huh? Kakashi-sensei, are you awake?"

Sakura entered the room and spoke in surprise.

In the evening, seeing the brightly lit houses in front of them, the four of them stopped.

"Captain Hana(code Yugao), Captain Kakashi and the others are in the front room. Do we need to greet them?"

Yamai asked, through his perception in Kakashi Hatake's chakra, Team 6 could easily find the location of Kakashi and the others.

"No, our mission is to protect their lives, but we must not interfere with their mission unless necessary."

Yugao spoke, not intending to appear on her own initiative.

"But with Kakashi-senpai's strength, he will definitely find us, so we can take the initiative to contact Kakashi-senpai."

"As for those three genin, it's best not to let them know where we are."


Kamisato, Yamai, and Ida spoke at the same time.

"No, you go."

Uzuki Yugan spoke again, motioning for Kamisato to contact Kakashi.
