
Knights Blood

In the heart of Backwood Forest, Elias discovers an abandoned newborn during a storm. Feeling a supernatural connection, he takes the child to his cottage and vows to protect him. Elias's life as a father begins as he starts to take care of *his* child.. He gives him a name, Asher Backwood. Asher's life beginning in a storm was only a start to his ardous journey of following his destiny or to break free from it. I am a new Author, and I have just started my first story on this app with this novel. With the upcoming chapters I will continue to improve on my writing skills. Lastly, Thank you for giving your precious time to this New Author and his story. Hope to see you staying for the development:D

FrenziedAlite · Fantasi
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6 Chs

PART 1: Introduction

Chapter 3: Stay or Leave?

Returning to his cottage with Asher cradled in his arms, Elias felt a surge of relief wash over him as they reached the safety of their humble abode. The flickering light of the hearth greeted them, casting dancing shadows across the worn wooden floor. The warmth enveloped them like a comforting embrace, but Elias knew it was only temporary.

As he laid Asher down in his makeshift crib, Elias's mind raced with thoughts of what to do next. The events of the night had left him shaken, and he couldn't shake the feeling of impending danger lurking just beyond the cottage walls.

Sitting by the hearth, Elias gazed into the crackling flames, lost in thought. He knew they couldn't stay here, not with the threat of the Myriad Brotherhood looming over them. They needed to disappear, to vanish from sight until he could devise a plan to keep Asher safe.

With resolve hardening in his heart, Elias rose from his seat and set about gathering what few provisions they had. He filled a small satchel with dried food, a waterskin, and a handful of essential supplies. Glancing at the wall, his eyes fell upon the rusted sword hanging there, the only weapon he possessed. Without hesitation, he unhooked it and strapped it securely to his side.

Turning to Asher's crib, Elias tucked the sleeping child in tightly, brushing a gentle hand over his tousled hair. "We'll find safety, little one," he whispered softly, his voice tinged with determination.

With Asher's safety weighing heavily on his mind, Elias stepped out into the cool morning air. The sun had just begun to peek over the horizon, casting a golden glow over the surrounding forest. Taking a deep breath, Elias set off into the wilderness once more, Asher nestled securely in his arms.

As they ventured deeper into the forest, Elias kept to the shadows, his senses on high alert for any signs of danger. The weight of the sword at his side served as a constant reminder of the peril they faced, but he refused to let fear consume him.

Hours passed as they trekked through the dense underbrush, the rustling leaves and chirping birds the only sounds to break the silence. The forest seemed to stretch on endlessly, its towering trees blocking out the sky above. But Elias pressed on, his determination unwavering.

Finally, as the sun began its descent towards the horizon, they stumbled upon a small clearing bathed in golden light. And there, nestled among the trees, lay a quaint village, its thatched-roof cottages dotting the landscape like pieces of a puzzle.

Relief flooded through Elias as he beheld the sight, a glimmer of hope amidst the wilderness. With Asher cradled in his arms, he made his way towards the village, his heart pounding with anticipation.

As they drew closer, Elias could hear the distant sounds of laughter and chatter drifting on the breeze. Smoke rose lazily from chimneys, and the smell of freshly baked bread wafted through the air. It was a scene of simple tranquility, a stark contrast to the dangers they had faced in the forest.

Entering the village, Elias felt a sense of trepidation mingled with hope. The villagers bustled about their daily routines, casting curious glances in their direction. But Elias paid them no mind, his focus solely on finding a safe haven for himself and Asher.

Spotting a kindly-looking woman tending to her garden, Elias approached her, his voice gentle yet urgent. "Excuse me, ma'am," he began, his words measured. "My son and I are travelers in need of shelter. Is there an inn or a kind soul who might take us in for the night?"

The woman's eyes softened at the sight of Elias and Asher, her expression one of sympathy. "Of course, dear," she replied, her voice warm. "You're welcome to stay with us. We have a spare room that's just perfect for you and the little one."

Gratitude welled up within Elias as he thanked the woman profusely. With a sense of relief washing over him, he followed her through the winding streets of the village, Asher cradled in his arms.

As they reached the woman's cottage, Elias couldn't help but feel a sense of peace settle over him. Here, amidst the simple comforts of village life, he knew they would be safe, at least for a time. And as he laid Asher down in the cozy spare room, watching the child drift off to sleep, Elias felt a glimmer of hope for the future, knowing that they had found sanctuary in the most unexpected of places.

In the days to come, Elias would work to build a new life for himself and Asher in the village, far from the reach of the Myriad Brotherhood. But for now, as he settled into bed beside his sleeping son, Elias allowed himself to rest, knowing that they were finally out of harm's way.

I have shortened this chapter by 500 words because that part.. it wasn't interesting for me to add it but do tell me in the comments if I should readd it or if I should turn it into a fight scene

Thank you for your time:)

Next part will be released on 200 views


New Part: A New Life

chapter 4: Living in peace

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