
Kisses and Glares [BL]

Ezra Val was a successful young werewolf who excelled in everything he did, Except one thing. Dating. He could not hold his girlfriend even for ten days! And it was all thanks to an annoying person in his life named Rio Velveta. he had been a cancerous existence in his life that would steal his girlfriends at every chance he got. At one point Ezra lost his cool. He decided to seek revenge. Ezra carefully curated a well-sought-out plan to somehow hurt the man and break him down once and for all. But he faced a small problem. That maggot-like person named Rio, ended up being his mate. This threw him off course for a bit. Ezra was forced to accept that this person was his one true mate. but even now he held the past grudge in his heart. His revenge plan continued. albeit with a slight change. This time he decided to personally squish the man’s heart after making him a lovesick puppy. Rio Velveta was going down!

Lullabybao · LGBT+
Peringkat tidak cukup
18 Chs

Chapter 4 - Fists and fury

Their school was smack in the middle of the human town and the forest. Humans did not even know they existed. All they knew was that they were all some rich kids who live in fancy mansions in the middle of the forest. It all worked out well.

a few humans approached them now. the younglings of the pack were warned by the principal to never get close to humans or even date them. it was absolutely prohibited. and plus, there was also the fact that werewolves cannot procreate with humans at all.

the pack accepted this new rule without an issue

Ezra Val walked into the wide-open doors alongside Matio. The crowd standing by the door peering at him openly gossiping about his new failure.

His brows twitched slightly.

'Fuck I'm pissed… this is going beyond limit.' He tried his best to hold back his anger as he walked over to his locker.

But who knew…. The devil was beckoning him to just slay him.

The said man was adding there with an arm wrapped around Gina. The girl looked up at him lovingly.

"Oh shit, that guy is asking for it," he mumbled softly. "EZ,…. Man…"

before he could stop him. Ezra charged and grabbed Rio by his collar.

No one expected this move. Not even Rio did.

Ezra watched his stunning green eyes widen as his punch landed on his straight nose. a subtle crack was heard and blood was everywhere.

"Oh my god!" Gina's cries were just a whisper to his ears by now.

He was full-on beast mode. He slammed Rio to the ground and started to punch him as many times as he could.

"EZ! Stop it!" Matio pulled him up by his waist. "The principal's on his way! Hey!"

Ezra was still in his beast mode. His nostrils were flaring slightly, sniffing the bloody stench in the air. It only ignited the beast within. he wanted bloodshed. He wanted to tear Rio down and wear him as a coat.

Matio grabbed his stiff shoulders tightly. "Model student, you will lose your credit if they catch you. They will ban you from the team!"

Ezra's pounding heart calmed down a bit. 'I.. I can't ruin my life because of this bastard.. I have my national tryouts soon… I can't be suspended now….' He glanced at the man who was still on the ground groaning.

Somehow, he did not feel happy about the outcome.

'Revenge is not so fun as I thought…'

"Come on," Matio grabbed him and started to drag him away.

Ezra walked past the annoying pest sprawled on the ground. All of a sudden, he felt a hand grab his shin.


Rio toppled him to the ground and slammed his fist on his face.

All hell broke loose.

Ezra fought back, punching his face and his shoulders.

"oh fucking hell, both of you stop it! The old goat is here… shit…" Matio and Gina tried their best to pull them apart but they were rolling around on the ground growling loudly.

The sound of squeaky footsteps walked close to the crowd. "WHAT IS GOING ON HERE!"

Ezra froze and so did Rio who was on top of him.


He pushed that annoying pest off him and sat up. "He started it, sir." Of course, it did not matter who started it. it was a matter of school violence now.

The principal was beyond pissed.

Ezra wiped the blood off his face. it was not his own. It was Rio's. it had a subtle woody smell to it.

"Both of you get up! to my office right now!!!" the man screamed.

They both scrambled up and followed after him.

Rio pushed past him, smashing his shoulders.

'this fucking bastard…' Gritting his teeth, Ezra followed behind him. While doing so, he subtly kicked his shin.

the man glanced back with a glare.

"oh sorry, does it hurt?"

The principal glared back at them both. "You still haven't stopped your squabble!"

Ezra lowered his head.

The aging man took them to his office and made them sit in front of his desk. Principal chugged down a bottle full of water and burped. "You both, you are in so much trouble. Do you know about the clause with the packs and this school?"

Ezra paled.

You see their school hosted both humans and werewolves. The principal was well aware of that, and he had a contract with the two packs. The only rule he put forth was that the werewolves must not cause any physical or emotional damage to anyone or anything.

And they broke that rule.

'Shit I must not have fought in school premises. what if the old goat bans our pack from studying here..'

Humans were known for their fearful nature. They of course, feared things that were more powerful than them.

The principal was a human. The sane decision he could make at this point was to cancel the contract between the packs.

"s-sir… it…."

"shhh talk only when I ask you a question," the man tapped on the table loudly.

the rhythmic taps really gave him anxiety. Ezra bit into his nails.

"Ezra, you have your basketball tryouts in a month… and you Rio. You have your football tryouts as well… and yet you both had the audacity to fight in the school right in front of my office!"

Ezra glanced down. His eyes fell on Rio's feet. They were shuffling around nervously. 'so this guy could get nervous too…' he slowly glanced at his thigh. The vermin wiped his bloodstained hands on his white jean leaving a bloody handprint on it. 'did I hurt him too much…'

His eyes roamed to his face. his nose was slightly crooked. He had stuffed in a pair of cotton buds up his nose. they were already stained red. 'I really did a number on him for sure… he deserved it…'

Unknowingly his eyes fell on his thin lips. They were stained from his blood and had a subtle red tinge to it.

"Ezra!" a loud shout snapped him out of his observation.

"I've called both your parents. I will talk and decide what I'm going to do with you two,"

Ezra's heart cooled down a notch. He subconsciously glanced at the vermin sitting next to him.

Rio was looking at him with an unknown look in his eyes.

'We are both screwed…'