
King Bladen : Ruler of Death

The world was at war with an enemy that no one could defeat , cursed and hexed not one realm had the strength to go against the enemy they faced . Had they ever imagined in the darkest of their nightmares that they would turn for help to someone who lived only to KILL. “ And Bring The DEVIL Himself To Fight The DEMON” ……… Will he save them all ? Or Will he be the reason for their doom? ……… A question that chilled their bones but the Dark Being grew with power and their was no stopping him . The gamble of the world begins!!!!! ……… “RISE FROM THE ASHES MY LORD “ ………. Read my book to know the story unfold in the most curious ways , filled with adventure , brutality , romance and everything you desire . Support me Thankyou

Temptress99 · Fantasi
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26 Chs

I know she cheated Death!

Several years had passed after Tatiana was exiled and I was in my prime strength. But this power came with a cost that no one could afford to pay. I too became void of feelings just like her. I and Cony had been away for most of the years building our powers, hunting, conquering territories in different worlds but all in vain because the one that I wanted to punish was nowhere to be found.

Tatiana on the other hand had gone back to the sanctuary of witches and rejoined her sisters there. She once again was hailed amongst them for her newfound powers and asked to become a True Witch. Unlike the last time when she eloped with me, she accepted the proposal this time. And hence the secret ritual to become the most powerful witch had granted her with its powers. She was now as powerful as her ancesters.

But she was not like her ancestors at all. She was vicious, hungry for power and a manipulative bitch.

She went in search on a special sprite that was prophecised by her ancestors to be kept in check by her or he will bring havoc to this world.

She listened to them and started her search for this sprite but after learning about his powers she wanted the boy only for herself.

She had her plans to rule the world and rid it of all powers and get them all for herself and this boy would be her aid.

For ages no one had heard or seen her, not even in the sanctuary. But unknown to all the witches she was not even on their side and had done some unspeakable thing.

While in her hiding she was not only with the boy traning him but also draining all the ancestors of their powers. At the end, all the five ancestors were dead and their immortals life energy was now stored in a crystal that she wore around her neck.

I did not knew of the details of what that crystal did unless I cam face to face with her. She was still as young as she was back then when I first saw her only her soul reeked of viciousness in her. She smiled at me but at that moment I was consumed by rage and with my sword I chopped off her head in one swing and her head rolled on the ground. The smile was still plastered on her decapitated head and her eyes blinked once but I did not stay there and left without turning back. A few days later Drupal came to me with a letter that was sent to me by her. Which only meant that she survived but how?

She was enraged at what I did to her and so being the manipulative witch she was, she plotted a perfect plan to put me down. As you all know that I was casted into a Slumber by Gods is somewhat true but there is more to what actually happened. When I was trincked into the slumber by Gods it was pretty much meant to only strain me off my powers but do nothing else of it, which meant that all the attributes I had would remain as it is just weakened. I had my ties with one of the messengers and he was able to inform me of everything beforehand but it was after all my choice to go down. I had asked him for a last favor to send Scrouche my left-hand man and Drupal into hiding and let Cony take care of my land.

Just before I was about to go into my slumber and the hooded men had left with the Blood Crystal, I was woken up again but this time there was no hooded person there instead it was Tatiana. She had lured the Gods into the trap to believe that I was evil because she knew if I will walk the lands of Earth she will not be able to do what she wished. She had to somehow get rid of me and putting me into slumber would not ensure my riddance so she took matters into her own hands and when everyone was gone she came into my chamber and casted a curse to send me to Hell, an unescapable prison. And this way even if one would have used the crystal, I would not have come back to life.

But I had a hunch thats he might do something like that and therefore I had casted a protection circle around me that would counter all curses. But a curse of that caliber, I had not expected and thus it only countered a part of it. Hence me coming back to life by that crystal was countered but my powers and my time in Hell was something that I could not remove from the curse and thus all that happened remains to this day.

By now I know she cheated death that day but I have no clue of where she is now or who that boy was and his powers. I want to find her and finish her off for good this time.


"So you were in literal 'HELL', But how did you escape?" Fiona voiced her concern.

Everyone present there had the smae question of how did it happen but it was clear that this was too personal of a thing to tell and they could not anger their Lord.

Suddenly a loud knocking sound echoed in the castle and Drupal ran off to see who was the cause of the sudden knock.


My apologies for this late update as I took a little off for my Birthday. I hope this chapter would act as a nice surprise for Christmas. Worry not this is the first of the bulk release chapters there will be a couple more coming this weekend . I hope you all will enjoy.

Thankyou All

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