
Kelekona and The Dragon Vengeance

Rexie_Valkyrieson · Fantasi
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8 Chs

Episode 5

The journey rest of the way to the capital wasn't uneventful. A few monster bandits not that the magic wielder couldn't deal with. "Kelekona, everyone, we are here!" Said Azure.

Everyone poke their heads out of the wagon and look upon a Majestic city. The city was home to thousands of people. There are major parts to the city, in the outer, middle, and inner. The outer part is where most of the commoners or the poor people lived. The middle part is where most of the noble and highborn live with their servants, of course. The Inner City is where the Royal Family and most of the high-ranking officials live.

They stopped at the gates, and Azure handed the guard some papers. "What did you hand him?" Kelekona asked the guard and handed the papers back. "It Identification paper and the reason to come and go into the Capital."

Kelekona look confuse, "Right you never been outside of your port town." Azure said. She held up a small paper card, "This is an identification card or ID for short. It is my name, rank, town, or city I live in." Azure, explain the paperwork. "This letter explains why I left the city and why I came back."

As they travel, Kelekona had a hard time focusing on the massive city. The building was side by side, and people were on the street selling good and wears.

"If you're born or live in a city!" The Magic Knight riding along the wagon. "You can come or go as you please. If you don't, you'll need a reason to enter a city like the Capital, and going on vacation doesn't count."

"Why?" Asked Kelekona.

"Several years ago, the magician, Black Wolf Sage, Lucia Rowe, was barely able to use magic, was caught in the middle of an attack on a city." Azure began to tell a story.

"A Dark Cult, now known as The Forsaken, hires a Necromancer to summon the undead. Lucia and a few students thought it would be funny to go to the cemetery that night." The Magic Knight continues the story. "Lucia and her friends were able to stop them, but the Senate wanted to make sure that something like that won't happen again.

The Senate is a group of people that is voted by the people within major city or town to lead the country alongside the Royal Family.

"The IDs is to identify who comes into the city." Said Azure. "The system isn't perfect it has affected the economy some, but mostly, if effect thieves and others criminals."

"There is a long of detail in history that the Academy will teach you!" Azure said approaching the second wall to the middle area of the city. "In time, everything will make sense."

They left the cluster city and into an area that is more spread out. Large field with large house. The students were in awe about whole ordeal. As they rode along, they met up with other caravans they also had new students who were heading to the Academy.

"The Academy is about to be in view!" Said Azure. The students pull their heads outside of the cart and look upon a magnificent castle! The Academy was built with Blackstone, and I know it was Netherstone. One of the strong stones on the planet. It can be found in the Highland Mountain Regions of the North Mountains.

The castle looks almost like a villain castle that comes out of a novel or something. "There is a storm above the castle!" A student and other cart said. "Is it some kind of High tier protection magic?"

"Good eye!" Said the Magic Knight. "The Academy has some high power magician to help out to protect the Academy."

They stop at the entrance of the Academy. There were a few statues set up around the Academy. "Who are the statues for?" Kelekona asked.

"Those are monuments of Great Sage of the Past!" Said Azure. "Not all the Sage but the really important ones." Fire suddenly started to burst in the air around Kelekona. "Teisess, what is wrong?" Kelekona asked as everyone jumped back. "Kelekona, what are you doing?"

Kelekona long blonde hair turn a firey red called. Her ocean blond eyes turn into yellow dragon eyes. Her beautiful white skin started to scale. "This isn't me!" Kelekona, explain. "Something is wrong with Teisess. He is so angry!"

"Everyone, stay back!" Azure, order everyone. "Anga!" Azure appears in the mindspace with Kelekona, Teisess, and Anga. "Calm yourself!" Anga said. "At this rate, you'll take over Kelekona body."

"Do you not sense it?" Teisess roar. "Do you not smell it?"

Anga pauses for a min and lets her senses develop. "I smell dragons!" Anga said. Kelekona and Azure were shocked. "But there are no dragons in the Empire?" Azure said. "No, I smell dragon blood. Dry blood. Someone brought a part of a dragon with them." Anga said.

"Teisess, calm down." Said Azure.

"If someone from Ikarus noticed me!" Said Kelekona. "Your vengeance will never be come to be." The anger of Teisess eyes pierce Kelekona's soul, but she stood strong. "I made you a promise. I will get you your vengeance, but you need to calm down." Kelekona yelled. Her voice went straight into Teisess ears.

Teisess took a deep breath, "Very well!" Said Teisess. "I will leave it to you then." The flames around Kelekona began to vanish, her hair and eyes went back to normal, the scales started to fall off your her skin.

Azure gave Kelekona as she fell down. "Sir Jacobus!" Azure yelled at the Magic Knight. "Yes, ma'am!" Sir Jacobus said, running up. "Gave all the scales on the ground and secure them." Azure order hold past out Kelekona in her arms. "And find out if someone brought any kind of dragons part with them. Most likely, they came from Ikarus Kingdom." Jacobus saluted, "It will be done, ma'am!"

A few hours later, Kelekona woke up in the infirmary room. "Oh, my head!" said Kelekona, having the worst head of her life. "Yeah, sorry about that, Kelekona." Teisess said with a sadness in his voice. "I let my emotions get the better of me."

"Ah, she awake!" Said a elderly voice. Kelekona looked up and saw a white breaded robbed man standing over her bedside. "How are you feeling, my dear!" The older man holds out a hot cup of tea.

"A major headache and a little bodyache!" Said Kelekona taking the tea. "Well, that is to be expected when it comes overcasting!" The elder man explained. Kelekona looked at him puzzled, "Oh, you don't know what that is?" He asked, then explained. "Overcasting is when a familiar emotions outweigh the magician willpower and take over their body. I don't think your friend meant to do it."

"He right!" Said Teisess. "I'm sorry after smelling dry blood of a dragon I lost." Kelekona, drink the tea, "I see." Said Kelekona. "I am guessing that was going to be explained in my classes here at the academy?" Asked Kelekona, wondering why Azure didn't explain that to her.

"Yes, very much so!" Said the elder man. "Oh, I have not introduced myself, I am the Sage Balthazar, The White Eagle!"

"You're one of the six sages of the Shuzia Empire?" Asked Kelekona. Balthazar nodded, "I am also the headmaster of the Academy." Kelekona was shocked and terrified, "Headmaster, I'm sorry to burden you!" Kelekona lowers her head.

"That enough now!" Balthazar said, lifting Kelekona up. "I am glad someone taught you manners, but my first duty as Headmaster is to keep all three students safe and healthy. That includes a non-shuzia student."

Kelekona was even more shocked, "Oh, come on now." Said Balthazar. "Us, Shuzian are naturally tan. You obviously got your tan from the sun." Kelekona, look at her skin and back st Balthazar. She didn't notice before, but he is right, Kelekona skin is whiter than Balthazar.

"Your uniform is on the table." Said Balthazar. "Put it on and meet me outside. I will take you to your dorm and explain how things work here in the Academy."