
Kelekona and The Dragon Vengeance

Rexie_Valkyrieson · Fantasi
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8 Chs

Episode 1

There is a world full of wonder and adventures. A place where you can explore, battle against beasts, creatures, humans, and other species, but with wonder comes terror, horror, and fear.

Both can't exist without the other. With great risk comes great rewards. The beings of this world know this fact. Some choose to go out and seek those great rewards. Others find great rewards with a simple, peaceful life. I wonder which path you would follow.

"There is only one way to find out." A voice spoke out.

In the deep void of nothing and everything. A being of imaginable power with a book in their hands. "Come to me!" Said the being.

A small ball of light floats towards the being, and a spirit forms from the ball. "Looks like the world you come from isn't the best nor the worst place to live." The powerful being said. "And your life isn't that eventful. Why would I give you a second chance at life in a new world?"

"Honestly!" Said the spirit. "I can't answer that." That answer caught the powerful being's attention. "Like you said, my last was uneventful, and I have nothing to show for it. I think that mainly because the world I come from didn't really have anything I really enjoy."

"Besides this story, you called it manga or light novels?" Asked the Powerful being to look through their book. "Adventure and danger, love and horror." The spirit explains. "When I was alive, there was no need to go exploring. The world was already explored, and space travel wasn't the greatest."

"Very well!" Said the Powerful being waived their hand. "I will grant you your wish." The spirit turns back to a ball of light. "I will be watching you closely, so don't disappoint me." The ball of light vanishes. Then the book pages lit on fire. "Oh, what is this?" The Powerful being said, closing the book. "It looks like that being won't be alone this time around."

"It's a girl!" A voice spoke, "Congratulations!" A little baby girl opened her eyes and saw a figure stand before her. The figure was dressed like a doctor. The doctor held the baby girl and handed it to the mother. "Oh, darling, look at her."

"We don't have my time!" A noble looking man walked up, "We must get you and her out of her."

"The Mother just gave birth!" Said the doctor. "She can't move."

"They can't stay here!" The Noble man said. "Look at her!" The Noble man pointed to the baby girl. "They will know I am the father, and they will kill her."

"I don't care about the money!" Said the mother.

"I know, but the people in power will still use that." Said the Noble man. There was noise, and it sounded like multiple people rushing over. "It's too late!"

An older gentleman came walking in, "What have you done?" The guards came rushing in and gave the baby. "Dispose of the child!" The noble man argued with the old man as the mother cried for her child.

The guards rush outside with the child, "What are we going to do?" Asked one of the guards. "I don't feel comfortable with killing a child."

"Do your job!" Said the Commander gripping his sword. "Or I will end you both." The guard took out his blade and aimed it for the baby. As the commander smiles, the guard turns and takes the commander. "You bastard!" Said the Commander as he was holding his face.

Blood started to power down the commander's face. "Guards kill this traitor!" All the other guards pulled out their swords and charged. The guard with the baby slam smokes bombs to the ground and disappears into the woods.

"I promise, little Kelekona!" The guard said, rushing through the woods. I will not let anything happen to you.

Summers later… In this world, they tell years by the season, so when someone asks how old they are, normal answers would be like 15 summer or fall. It has been about 12 Summers since the birth of Kelekona.

Kelekona was raised by the guard in the Empire of Shuzia. She grew up in a small port village. Although the village may be small, it is actually a pretty popular fishing spot. That's what the guard did for a living, fish.

"Papa!" said Kelekona as the guard walked into the house they were staying at. The guard's name was Garen. He married a Shuzian named Lexine. They live happy lives with two more beautiful children, a boy named Iskender, who was 8 winter old and a girl, Vedetta, who was 7 spring old.

The 5 family members made up the Wilkins name. "How is my Kona doing?" Asked Garen to pick up Kelekona. "It was okay. The magician came to the school today." Said Garen. "Is my little Kona a magic wielder?"

"We are going to find out tomorrow." Said Kelekona. Garen put Kelekona down at the table. "But since you or momma doesn't have any magical power." Said Kelekona. "The teachers believe I won't have any."

Garen looks over to Lexine with a disappointing look. "Don't tell me?" Lexine said. Lexine knew of Garen and Kelekona's past. "I think it is about time. She knew the truth." Said Garen.

Garen and Lexine both sit down and tell Kelekona the truth. Kelekona's father was a noble man of the Kingdom of Ikarus. The noble family had strong ties of fire magic and that her mother was a maid to the noble family.

When she heard that her family, grandfather, wanted to kill Kelekona. Kelekona cried and ran out of the house. "Kona!" Garen tried to go after her, but Lexine stopped him. Kelekona didn't stop running or crying even as it started to slow down. She eventually tripped and landed on her face.

She was hurt badly, cut open her leg, and could barely move. The smell of blood drove direwolves to Kelekona. "Oh no!" said Kelekona as she began to be surrounded by unhungry wild animals.

"Are you just going to let them eat you!" Said deep and sinister voice.

"You said that!" Kelekona trying to look around for the voice. The pain in her leg keeps her from constraining. "Did you not hear me, child?" Said the voice again. A direwolf jumped in to kill Kelekona, but she wasn't ready to die yet, at least, not without a fight.

Kelekona closed her fist and swung it towards the Direwolf. Her fist burst with flames right before she punched the direwolf. "Good!" Said the voice. "It looks like I choose wisely!"

The direwolf all jumped in to kill Kelekona, and then arrows began to fly past Kelekona and strike at the wolves. The ones that survived fled back into the forest. "Are you okay?" Asked a soft voice. Kelekona turned around and saw a beastman behind her. A Deerling to be exact.

This world has many different species in it, one of them known as Beastmen. Beastmen are made of different species, and Deerling are one of them. "Maddie!" Kelekona got excited to see a friendly face.

Maddie helped Kelekona get cleaned up as Kelekona told Maddie what happened. "I see!" Maddie said, finishing dressing up the leg. "Sounds like your father risked a lot by saving you." said Maddie, getting off the ground. "I know, it's just that." Kelekona tried to explain.

"What will you do now?" Asked Maddie, holding out her hand to Kelekona. "What do you mean?" Maddie asked to give Maddie a hand. Maddie helps Kelekona back to the village. "Well, are you going to try your family, your mother, seek vengeance?" Asked Maddie as they cleared the forest.

The rain stops as the Dark clear sky opens up. "I honestly don't really know what to do." said Kelekona as she heard Garen and Lexine voice calling out to her. "As of right now." Said Kelekona. "All that I want is for me to stay here with my family."