
Keeper of the Green Gem

Keeper of the Green Gem is all about a boy named Travis Earlthan who came from not ordinary family. His family is not ordinary like other people. They have ancestors, unique ancestors who owned gems. That gems is the future for their world. They can also talk to mytical creatures, like fairies. Travis have a fairy named Calista, that fairy is Travis' guidance since he was born. When they got into this world, Travis- father wants Calista to make sure that Travis is safe. Travis had a hard time to cope up in this world because of his eyes. His eyes is green that's why some bullies called him "Green-Weirdo". He's kind of ignoring it since all he wants to do is to graduate college and to find a stable job and live normal. In the middle of his journey, he met a girl, a girl named Valentina. He fell for her and he promised himself that he'll do anything for that girl. His family kindly approved but they had a huge conflict. They didn't want Travis to live normally since he has the green gem. He can't basically get rid of it since some of the other side of their world wants to get his green gem. Which can lead to their world's danger and to his danger.

Shanghaiiiz · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
7 Chs

Chapter 4

Months went smoothly with Val and Calista. We're having a good time together, with Calista.

Val's eating with us during lunch time, since she don't have any friend in this university, so am I.

"Are you with your parents?" I asked her.

"Uhm, no. I am here by myself." She sai.

"You? Are you with your parents?" She asked back.

"Yes, with my two older brothers." I said to her.

"Wow? You have brothers?" She asked amazingly.

"Yes, they're both working." I said.

"How about Calista? Why do you have a fairy?" She asked curiously.

"Uh.. I don't know how to explain this but, Calista's existing that's it." I laugh nervously, she nodded and I sighed in relief.

"What's your plan when you graduated Grade 12? You're going to Manila right away?" She asked while we're walking.

"Maybe, if my parents will approved." I said to her.

"You didn't asked for your parent's approval yet?" She asked curiously.

"Yeah, you and Calista knows everything." I smiled at her.

"Something spreading that you're a weirdo? But don't worry I don't belive them, I find it cool to have those green eyes." She said out of nowhere.

"Uh yeah, I'm just letting them be to think that way." I scratched my hair a little bit.

"So, what time tomorrow?" she asked. I was planning to have a lunch with her. A friendly lunch, okay? It doesn'e have any meaning.

"Before lunch, at the park. Then let's go together at the restaurant." I said before I bid my goodbye.

"Wow, I felt like I don't exist whenever you two are talking." Calista raised her eyebrows. We went home after that talk.

"It's not my fault that you're not joining us." I said to her.

"I don't want to be a hinder anyways! I have a respect, and I don't know what you two are talking about I'm not studying like you two." She said. That's it, she don't know what we're talking about.

"Are you sure that you two are going on a lunch date tomorrow?" She asked with a meaning.

"It's just a simple lunch, Calista. It's not a date, okay?" I enlightened her.

"Okay, you said so—but what will I say to your parentw if they asked where you are? 'Travis have a friendly-date'. Like that?" she raised her left eyebrow and crossed her arm between her chest.

"They won't know, right?" I said before I layed down.

"You're going to sneak out?!" She shouted.

"Of course not! Remember, they'll be gone tomorrow! It's Saturday tomorrow Calista, Saturday." I said.

"Oh right, they're not here every Saturday, hehe peace." She said before going out of my room.

It's just eight o'clock in the morning but I'm already preparing what will I wear. I can't be late, I am the one who invited her yet I'll be the one who'll be late? No way.

"Are you sure that you don't need me to accompany you?" Calista followed me while I walk towards the refrigerator to get a water.

"No need, I'll come home early before Mom and Dad." I said before I ate a small portion of bread.

"What if she's a spy? What if she's a spy that your family's enemy? What if—"

"What if you shut up and let me be." I stopped her before I went inside my room. It's not right to doubt other people like that. I know that we're not normal like Val, but it's not good also to talk to her like that.

I rested a little bit before I went inside the bathroom and took a bath.

I just wore brown turtle neck with a white slacks, partnered with my leather shoes.

"Isn't it too much?" I asked myself as I stand in front of a mirror.

This is just a friendly date, that's why I don't need to worry about what will be her reaction.

I called the driver for me to send at the park. If I know how to drive, I can just go alone in there.

It should be my driving lesson this day but this is a special day for me, with Val.

Argh! What am I thinking? We're just friends right? Yeah, right—just a close friend.

But why am I thinking too much about it? Do I... Do I like her? Oh, no. Can't be, no, no, no.

I fixed my hair before getting out of the car and went to the closest bench and sat in here.

It's okay for her to get late, but it's not okay if I'm gonna get late.

"Travis!" Val waved at me while walking towards. She was wearing a floral pink dress, with her cute pink headband, her hair is not tied up.

"Let's go?" I stood up and stand in front of her. She's a bit small so she's looking up.

"Wait, I'm not used to eat at the restaurants I'm a little bit of anxious, maybe picnic?" She asked. I nodded and smiled at her. Whatever makes her happy.

"Okay, let's buy some foods and maybe find a perfect and peaceful spot."

"I know somewhere." She said and walked after me.

I don't know what am I but good thing it looks healthy.

"Here we are, this is it." She said. Full of trees and not so tall grasses. We have a beautiful scenery, it's full mountains.

"I didn't know that there is such place like this." I said to her while fixing the foods.

"And now you know." She chuckled while helping me to prepare.

"Let's eat first since we haven't eaten anything since earlier." I said to her and sat on the grass.

It was a bright sunny afternoon, good thing there's a huge tree that we can stay in.

"This one's yummy." She said.

"Why? Is there a dust on my face?" She asked when she caught me staring at her.

"No, none." I smiled nervously. She's so pretty, I can't help but to stare at her.

I didn't talk and continued eating.

"Do you want to go there?" Val pointed at somewhere dim.

"Are we even allowed?" I asked her.

"We are, I went several times in here, alone." She said. I just nodded and followed her.

The area is so vast, it's like a forest with so many trees. Isn't this a forest? Maybe there are people watching outside.

"It's better at night here, there are lots of fireflies." She said smiling as she spun around.

I watched her spin, the hem of her dress went with the spin.

Do I have a crush on her? Maybe or maybe not.

"Travis! I called you three times." She said while tapping her fingers on my forehead.

"Ah? What is it?" I went back to reality.

"I said, let's go." She said. I nodded.

"Wait.. Did you... Did you hear that?" I stopped and listened to the surroundings.

"Hear, what?" She whispered.

As if someone was watching us, I looked around.

Maybe I was just imagining it, so I motioned for her to continue walking.

I saw a man wearing a black mask.

Oh, hell no.